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  1. 2 points
    Hello, I am Rong from Seattle, Washington, USA. I am a software engineer. I just finished my bootcamp training and started using BBT. I trade opening momentum breakouts/breakdowns. I developed trading bots to execute orders for me to achieve fast order submission and following my rules. You can read about my trading bot here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WN9hR-SVI6q3vMwEA69xNbXWvPmpl2Zt14jnxqHydPQ/edit#heading=h.ajxsjfzc2f52
  2. 2 points
    We can now process orders anytime, just like if we did it manually. All the details here.
  3. 2 points
    Hey everyone! Excited to have found the BBT community. I'm 44 and recently moved to the Cincinnati area. I have driven past a billboard about learning day trading for over a year now, and for some reason it resonated with me this week. Mainly I think what prompted this was listing to Tom Bilyeu taking about breaking the time for money equation. I've had in interest in stocks and stock investing for a long time now, but I've always hesitated about day trading for all of the negative stigma around it. But as I started to look into this one company's training program, I started looking around the marketplace and Reddit and have come to believe the overwhelming feedback out there that you don't necessarily need to pay for expensive trainings and individualized coaching, but you DO need an appetite and willingness to learn and the support of a strong community. Enter BBT. I found Andrew's book and the BBT podcast and am grateful for both! I'm not all the way through the book yet, but I'm excited to crush it pretty quickly, join the next onboarding training, then getting after it! I'm really looking forward to getting to meet everyone, learning the trade smartly, then graduating to real investments in the near future. Cheers!
  4. 2 points
    Certainly, let's explain the terms with a little help from Google and ChatGPT! 1. **IDAS** IDAS is the DAS Trader Pro platform designed for mobile devices. 2. **TotalView** TotalView is Nasdaq's premier data feed, which displays every single quote and order at every price level for Nasdaq-, NYSE-, MKT-, and regional-listed securities on Nasdaq. It provides visibility into all displayed quotes and orders attributed to specific market participants, including access to total displayed anonymous interest. 3. **IEX Deep** DEEP is used to receive real-time depth of book quotations directly from the IEX Exchange. The depth of book quotations received via DEEP provides an aggregated size of resting displayed orders at a specific price and side, without indicating the size or number of individual orders at any price level. 4. **Forex (Foreign Exchange)** Day traders in the foreign exchange (Forex) market engage in buying and selling currency pairs within the same trading day, with the aim of profiting from short-term price movements. Forex is highly liquid, and day traders use leverage to magnify potential gains or losses. 5. **FLOAT Data** In the context of day trading, "FLOAT" typically refers to the public float of a stock. The public float represents the number of shares available for trading by the general public, excluding closely-held shares. Day traders often consider the float when assessing the liquidity and potential price movements of a stock. 6. **Replay Level 1** Traders can use the ability to replay Level 1 market data to analyze their past trades or to practice and refine their strategies. It allows traders to review the last traded price, bid and ask prices available during historical trading sessions. 7. **ARCA OPRA** For day traders, "ARCA OPRA" might refer to options trading data on the NYSE Arca exchange that is reported to the Options Price Reporting Authority (OPRA). This data is crucial for options traders to make informed decisions regarding options contracts listed on the NYSE Arca. 8. **Level 1** Level 1 data, in day trading, provides essential real-time information, including the last trade price, bid price, and ask price. Day traders often use this information to monitor current market conditions and make quick trading decisions. 9.** Level 2** Day traders rely on Level 2 data to gain a deeper understanding of market depth. It includes a list of current buy and sell orders, the number of shares or contracts available at each price level, and quotes from market makers and ECNs. This detailed information helps day traders assess market liquidity and identify potential entry and exit points for their trades. voilà! AND the realtime data feed is included in those DAS subscribtion!
  5. 2 points
    Just to confirm, the proper order is: 1. double click the StopLoss price 2. hit the entry button (order fills) 3. hit the exit button (without clicking on anything) 4. go for a swim in the pool 5. come back later and count your money I'm glad to give back to the community. (and programming hotkeys is fun!) Good luck! Russell
  6. 2 points
    Okay, I've got some HotKey Scripts for you to TRY OUT IN SIM. (never test things live) Each trade has two HotKeys. The first one is the entry order where you double-click your Stop-Loss point. (I basically just removed the TriggerOrder from your HotKey Script and moved it to my Exit Script) The second one is the exit order which you would place immediately after your entry order is completely filled. Don't double-click anything between the "fill" and when you activate the Exit HotKey because it gets it's calculations from your Entry HotKey. Here is what the Exit HotKey does: 1. places a one-share RangeMarket order with a 1R/1R range. 2. Triggers a remaining-shares RangeMarket order with a 3R/BE range. There is no other way to do what you want (as far as I know) without the tiny one-share order to trigger the Stop-Loss move to B/E. With these HotKeys, this is what "should" happen (and it worked for me in SIM today). If your 1R Stop-Loss is hit, the Trigger order exits your WHOLE position "near" your target Stop-Loss. If the 1R profit point is reached, you will exit one share, then the Trigger order will be sent so that you will either profit 3R or B/E on the remaining position. (You could change the exit orders to exit more of your position at 1R if you want to use these HotKeys to "partial" at 1R... something like Share=POS*.5 or Share=POS*.33 with your Trigger order remaining Share=POS) Be aware, the first exit order of one share will cost you about $1 in fees more per trade if you are with IB. (I mistakenly said $2 earlier) (Fees are no longer a danger when your orders are more than 200 shares) Here are the Scripts, you should be able to copy-paste them directly into your HotKeys. LONG ENTRY CXL ALLSYMB; StopPrice=Price; DefShare=BP*0.975; Price=Ask-Price+0.00; SShare=25/Price; Share=DefShare-SShare; DefShare=DefShare+SShare; SShare=Share; Sshare=DefShare-SShare; Share=0.5*SShare; TogSShare; ROUTE=LIMIT; Price=Ask+0.1; TIF=DAY+; BUY=Send; DefShare=200; Price=Ask-StopPrice*3+Ask; LONG EXIT CXL ALLSYMB; Route=STOP; StopType=RangeMKT; LowPrice=StopPrice; HighPrice=AvgCost-StopPrice+AvgCost; Share=1; TIF=DAY+; Sell=Send; TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:RANGEMKT LowPrice:AvgCost HighPrice:Price ACT:SELL QTY:POS TIF:DAY+; SHORT ENTRY CXL ALLSYMB; StopPrice=Price; DefShare=BP*0.975; Price=Price-Bid+0.00; SShare=25/Price; Share=DefShare-SShare; DefShare=DefShare+SShare; SShare=Share; Sshare=DefShare-SShare; Share=0.5*SShare; TogSShare; ROUTE=LIMIT; Price=Bid-0.1; TIF=DAY+; SELL=Send; DefShare=200; Price=StopPrice-Bid*3; Price=Bid-Price; SHORT EXIT CXL ALLSYMB; Route=STOP; StopType=RangeMKT; HighPrice=StopPrice; LowPrice=AvgCost+AvgCost-StopPrice; Share=1; TIF=DAY+; Buy=Send; TriggerOrder=RT:STOP StopType:RangeMKT LowPrice:Price HighPrice:AvgCost ACT:BUY QTY:POS TIF:DAY+; Hope this helps, Best, Russell Landwehr
  7. 2 points
    In this video AdventureDogLA shows us how to set up Risk Controls in DAS Trader Pro. Risk Controls enforce limitations such as maximum daily loss, maximum shares traded per day, etc. Risk Control Page is a safety net to keep in control our loses, either to have an external control over our behavior as traders or due to a contingency such as failures in the internet connection, electric power outages, broker failures, etc. You can find "Open Risk Control Page" in DAS Trader Pro Account window, just right-click in any row of that window and Risk Control Page will open as a popup browser window to let you update your risk control settings. Some considerations: 1. This configuration works with real accounts and simulator 2. You can deactivate settings "Risk Control Page" anytime by leaving all in blanks and clicking SUBMIT 3. When you are using DAS linked to IB, or simulator, the Risk Control settings are handled by DAS. DAS staff updates your settings manually (the form is emailed to them) anywhere from 2 to 30 minutes during business hours. 4. In LOSS fields, enter a positive number. 5. “No new order” avoids orders for the current day 6. “Pos Loss” = Position loss. 7. “Enable Auto Stop” will automatically close your positions when you hit the Max Loss / Total Loss. 8. “Max Share - Max auto stop execution share per day” = How many shares can be sold / bought by the Auto Stop mechanism. 9. “Max Auto Stop Order Size” = Maximum size per order made by the Auto Stop mechanism. 10.“Delay for next order if exceed max order size (sec)” = Time between orders if the Auto Stop needs to place multiple orders to close your positions. 11. “Stop Gain Account Net Realized PL Thresh“, “Drawdown Percent of Max Net PL“ , “Pos Stop Gain Thresh “ and “Drawdown” - Like Auto Stop but for gains. The threshold is the profit the Stop Gain is looking to hit, the Drawdown is how much it can drop from that target before your positions are closed. Example, you set a threshold of 2000 and drawdown of 20(%). When you make 2000 in P/L, the Stop Gain will trigger, and will close your positions if you drop 20% ($400) from that value, closing you out at $1600 Net P/L.
  8. 2 points
    To complete the rider agreement DAS Trader - Interactive Brokers IBKR: the first two slots is today's date the third slot is DASTRADER and the forth slot is you U account numbers you will only sign the customer side and upload, don't worry about IB side signature, it will be sent after upload to IB to fully connect the account
  9. 1 point
    I admired the other traders that post their trades on the BBT site. I have been trying to get the courage to start. If I am embarrassed to post the trade, I shouldn’t have taken it. So I want that consequence on my shoulder. So I promised myself when I switched from Etrade-pro back to DAS, which is much easier to journal, I would post my trades. I have been live for 3 months now. First week live on DAS. 1st week of February Risk: $25/trade Max allowable trades per day: only 1. I am having an over trading issue that I am trying to resolve. So I have a self-imposed limit of one trade per day. Friday 2/1/19 Well being score of 5.5/10. My one allowable trade was with FB. I do apologize for the chart. This was my last trade with Etrade-Pro which doesn't automatically show entrance/exits. The tech level I drew at 167.51 was too weak to act on (that is why I drew it in yellow - stronger ones are orange) so I let it go by. After the 2min candle the price sat for awhile, until it started to move and I went long. I took a partial at 1R. Price just missed the second partial at 2R by a few pennies. The 5th 1min candle spooked me and I exited. Monday 2/4/19: I gave myself a “well being” score of 4/10, which is below allowable limit to trade live. So I traded on SIM. Made 3 good trades, but since they were on the sim I won’t journal them here. Tuesday 2/5/19 Well being score of 5/10. My one allowable trade was with AAPL. A very bullish 2min candle was created and I went long as it passed the recent premarket high. I didn’t have a strong technical level for the entry or exit so I cut my shares in half (so only a ~$12 risk). Got lucky on the last exit. Wednesday 2/6/19 Well being score of 5/10. My one allowable trade was with MU. Stock made a nice ABCD inside the 5min. I was going to wait for the 5min candle to finish, but when it made a new high on increased volume I went long at 9:33am. It fizzled quickly and I got all out when it looked like it was reversing. Thursday 2/7/19 Well being score of 5.5/10. My one allowable trade was with TWTR. I made a mistake on this one. But, it didn’t cost me much to learn a good lesson. I have learned to be sloppy when zooming in on a chart not to look carefully at the tech levels because Etrade always lists the next level you drew on the edge of their chart. So you always know the next level with a quick glance. So I was careless when zooming in on TWTR and caught the 2nd tech level and not the first. The price dropped below the tech level I was going to short on, but I thought the risk/reward was so large I let the price make a new low of the day. Once that happen I shorted. Once the price dropped a little the real tech level appeared on my chart and I realized I trade now has a 1 to 1 risk/reward ratio. If I was aware of this level I would have shorted at the 31.1 level I drew where the risk/reward was OK or just not trade it. Usually, when I realize the risk/reward is wrong I get out of the trade. This usually occurs when you get a bad fill. But, since the price was moving in the right direction I waited for the 1st tech level to close the trade. It missed by a penny and retraced. Since this is not a real trade anymore, just one I am trying to get out, I stopped out at break even. Friday 2/8/19 Well being score of 6/10. My one allowable trade was with MU. The tech level I drew and the 1min VWAP coincided making it a strong tech level and I really like it when the 1min VWAP and 5min VWAP get a large separation. I took the trade at the 1min VWAP and made the 5min VWAP the first target. This trade had a very tight stop out level (just below 1min VWAP). I took the first partial at the 5min VWAP with the plan to take the next partial at the 2nd target (200MA). But, I got cold feet and made the 2nd partial in the middle of nowhere. Then all out a few cents below 200MA. It's interesting what a different perspective I get on my own trades when I post them like this. After what I thought was a good week trading and was reasonably happy after reading my journal entries, I now look at the these trades posted and I am not really proud of any of them. They look quite haphazard and not well thought out. The Friday trade with MU would be the closest, but not quite. Something for me to think about. Thanks for reading, Rob
  10. 1 point
    Hi @Kevin D, I highly recommend checking out @peterB blog. You'll find plenty of useful information about hotkeys in DAS. DASTrader Hotkeys | Peter’s Substack | Peter Benci | Substack best!
  11. 1 point
    just go here and do not forget to read this as well as there are some requirements to be set in the settings too
  12. 1 point
    Hello, I'm Eleanor, from Ontario, Canada. I've been a BBT member for a couple months now and recently started sim trading with the funded account. I work a corporate job that I enjoy, but have been in the same role for a long time and wanted to learn something new, and I have been intrigued by day trading for a long time and decided now was the time to learn. I love the community focus of BBT and hope to see many of you in the chatroom!
  13. 1 point
    meanwhile look here for hotkeys
  14. 1 point
    Hello everybody, I am Olus, from Belgium. I work as a Consultant in Financial Services after +16 years working in Brokerage where I held commercial & operational positions. I trade for more than 12 years now,... Although I am good with investments management, I suck at trading where all of my 12 years have been in the red. The reason is simple: I tend to TILT after a couple of losing trades and begin revenge trading with overleverage, with a well known result: blowing my accounts & losing it all. When I look to my past performance, I see that 10 to 15 trading days are causing my accounts to blow. I can have 10, 15, 20 positive days but when it have a 3-4 losing trades streak, things get wild and I lose control. This is thus the area I work on and the reason I have joined this community. Ensure to follow my trading rules & stick to my plan. I know that it is the losing days limits which allow us to have positive results at the end of the year. I have read tons of books on Trading psychology, which is a passion of mine. It is now time for me to respect the process. And I count on the presence of the members to support & motivate me on this path.
  15. 1 point
    +$489 AMD Failed ORB but Reversal Catch after Chop City! NVDA VWAP Breakout! Trade Date: 7/10/24 AMD was setting up for an ORB to R5/PM High but we rejected and after a few partials stopped out on slippage. Tried a reversal as we looked to hold YYH but stopped out at R3 multiple times. My concern was AMD's extension on the daily and if we broke LOD, we would tumble hard/fast. Should have waited to see if we would hold R3 before entering. Then at 9:40 the price action slowed and the bids dried up, bottom was in, saw this as the last chance to long for a reversal from R3 and partialed at Yesterday High. NVDA bounced off R1 nicely and held R2, I went for a classic VWAP breakout to R3/Yesterday High/ and high of Pre-market. This was a clean trade I am proud of after getting chopped up in AMD. #AMD #NVDA #NVIDIA #VWAPBreakout #ORBFail #Reversal
  16. 1 point
    +$1022 TSLA Breakdown from Previous Day High, AMD/NVDA VWAP Breakouts Trade Date: 7/5/24 TSLA, gapped up and extended on the daily, saw a rejection of R1/R2 and was testing previous day high. I shorted at the break of PDH to S1/PDC and all out at S2 before the bounce. AMD, gapped up on the daily and ran from the gates. Sold off hard to R5/R6/Pre-Market High but bounced back to the trend lines on the 1 min. I went for a hold of trend and VWAP breakout, initial small size, then added as we held trend and were making higher lows. There were no cam levels to partial at and used HOD and pure momentum to exit. This was a hard trade to gauge however QQQ was breaking out. NVDA, rejected R2/PDC early but was holding VWAP. Went long for a scalp to R1/PDC. The 5-min chart was ugly and I did not feel confident holding this beyond momentum thrusts to liquidity pools. Thought we would test PDC again but we were rejecting and exited at B/E before the selloff! #TSLA #TESLA #AMD #NVDA #NVIDIA #VWAPBreakout #LODBreak
  17. 1 point
    Hey all, My name is Cindy. I'm a single mom in tech of an 8 year old girl living in the South Bay Area, CA. I'm a UX Program Manager by trade for over 19 years, and started trading options and stocks during the pandemic. After I got hit by layoffs in Dec, I found myself with a lot of time to enjoy life, travel and rediscover my passions. In a Tony Robbins workshop, I came across Teri Ijeoma who was able to quit her job and travel the world from day trading, which really inspired me to explore how to day trade for a living, read Andrew's book and watch his YT videos. I'm almost done with his book, and started joining the pre-market prep. After chatting more with Mike, I decided to become a member and join this amazing community of traders. I'm super excited to learn the ropes with yall. If anyone would like to connect virtually or in person if you're near the South Bay Area, feel free to reach out. It would be great to find other like minded folks to share and learn from one another. Cheers, Cindy
  18. 1 point
    Thanks for the pointers @peterB. I found the advanced course "Your First Three Months as a Trader" that I'm going through now, which is super helpful! I especially liked the recommendation to start with learning for at least the first month - I take it as a bit of a grace period to absorb information to serve as a baseline for what strategies to test. @Brendon - poor grammar on my part. Mean to say I lost nearly $500. Looking back at my paper trading account, I lost $271.25 to be exact...so not nearly as much as I thought. Thought I'd double down yesterday and take a position on CHWY...stupid! And THERE went another $304, so if you count that one, my total losses were $575.25. I've actually been really disciplined about following my stops so far--even if I see it coming, I'll let the trade stop out vs. adjusting my stop loss. I don't want to get into the habit of irrationally relaxing my stop, and I'd rather get stopped out right now and analyze what I did wrong than exit the trade early. It is sim after all. I'm now starting to develop supplemental spreadsheets to help me more easily identify my entry, R1/R2 positions, and my stop loss, and so far that's been really helpful.
  19. 1 point
    +$602 NVDA VWAP Breakout to Camarilla Pivots! AMD PDC Break towards liquidity Trade Date: 7/2/24 NVDA started off wicky but once a large engulfing candle formed I went long above the 1-Min 9/20 trend and VWAP. We spiked up to S3 and sold off but held trend. Added more with the close above VWAP, partialed at S3 heavily, hit some chop and got spooked out at VWAP. We had nice bounces from VWAP and re-entered at the break of S3 towards S2, S1, and large liquidity at 123. Later, I saw a bounce from 121.89 (20EMA daily) and tried for another VWAP breakout towards S2 again but only got some partials and stopped out at B/E. AMD ran up and sold off today. Once we hit PDC and had a hard rejection of R1 and crack of LOD, I shorted towards liquidity of 157 and exited fully at 1-Min 200 SMA. You have to be patient and wait for the crack of PDC to trigger stops before you enter to have the greatest chance of success. Brian Pezim taught me this. #NVDA #NVIDIA #VWAPBreakout #PreviousDayCloseBreak #CamarillaPivot
  20. 1 point
    Hi everyone! My name is Daniel, and I'm from the San Francisco Bay Area. I currently work at a computational biology startup, but I've been interested in trading for awhile now. I finally mustered up the willpower to learn more about it, and I recently finished Andrew's How to Day Trade for a Living book. I'll be honest, I didn't have a set goal in mind when I started this journey, but I've been hooked ever since I started reading the book. It's been a long time since I've enjoyed doing something so much, and I want to learn as much as I can as quickly as possible. I've been attending the morning pre-market and trading sessions, but I'm very much a novice, and I'm still figuring out how to set everything up. If anyone is also new and wants a buddy to learn and trade with, feel free to message me and we can connect! Looking forward to meeting other traders, and I hope I'll meet you all soon Best, Daniel
  21. 1 point
    @peterB is way better then me with those question. best!
  22. 1 point
    Hi, I’m planning to start day trading from the UK. I have set up an IB UK account to be linked to Dastrader. Please let me know if there are downsides with this set up trading US markets from the UK? Thank you
  23. 1 point
    $PRICE+($TARGETR*2); this is not possible in DASTrader as it dooes not know the mathematical logics and brackets you need to do $PRICE+$TARGETR+$TARGETR instead see the log for the errors you get. there will be an error about route not being "LIMIT" etc. overall you should switch to the new syntax and forget the old one as the calculations done in the old syntax are now useless and it will be easier for you to understand what is going on rather than studying why the switches between SShare and Share are there
  24. 1 point
    You cannot have it on montage yet (being a chart indicator). Maybe I can ask to be able to name a button with a variable then you would see it on montage as a new button. this was possible for years as a chart window now you can have it like this or like this - the yellow lines or like this on a hotkey/hot button all explained here https://open.substack.com/pub/traderpeter/p/das-trader-advanced-hotkeys-part-c83?r=1wujo4&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web and here https://traderpeter.substack.com/p/das-advanced-hotkeys-part-4?r=1wujo4
  25. 1 point
    https://traderpeter.substack.com/p/das-trader-advanced-hotkeys-part?r=1wujo4 @Brandi
  26. 1 point
    https://open.substack.com/pub/traderpeter/p/das-trader-advanced-hotkeys-part?r=1wujo4&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web if your account is 50000 just set the static risk to $50.
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
    For those who may be interested: I have successfully transitioned from day-trading stocks to day-trading options @avi style. I ONLY buy calls or puts for day-trading. There are videos from @Megan and @Avi in the bbt education center about this approach and the advantages of day-trading options vs stocks such as lesser capital requirements etc. Thank you @megan and @avi. https://bearbulltraders.com/course/webinars-mentorship/lesson/strategy-2/topic/setup-execution-results-avi/ https://bearbulltraders.com/course/options-webinars-2/lesson/the-power-of-options-for-day-trading-megan-5/ Also, I have made the transition from DAS-TDA to thinkorswim(tos). The main misconception out there is that the FILLS in tos are worse than that of DAS. However after couple of years of DAS-TDA and comparing my experience to tos, I can assertively say that the tos fills are not that bad especially for day-trading options. The main things that are missing from tos is a good Level 2 and scripting like DAS has. If you get Bookmap, the Level2 void can be overcome. Since I am day-trading options, the Active Trader on tos works well and I am not missing the use of scripts.
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point
    I am confused with the difference between the DAS Trader Pro account and the simulator account. I understand that the simulator is not connected to a brokerage and costs approx $100/month. The DAS Trader Pro is connected to the brokerage and costs $150/month. I currently have a 3 month simulator plan. I also have an IB account. If I set up a DAS Pro trader account does that mean I will be paying $250/month to DAS for both the Trader pro acct and the sim? Or does the Trader Pro account include the simulator? Do both accounts have to be configured separately, or do the screen formats sync automatically? Can I simply switch from one account to the other, or do I have to log out and re-log into the other. Sorry for the confusion. I was briefly using the IB trading platform and it was easy upon login to choose either paper or live trading. It seems expensive to pay for the DAS pro trader and the simulator separately. Thank you for any help or if this question has already been answered. I did search the forum. Kelly
  31. 1 point
    Andrew mentioned a morning hike, but we´ll finalize details soon and will post them here.
  32. 1 point
    If you have a problem with DAS not keeping the montage window in focus, resulting in hotkeys not working until you get the window back in focus, create the following hotkey to get focus to the montage window. Use this hotkey before hitting an execution hotkey.
  33. 1 point
    I have been working today on 2 hotkeys for myself. The script(s) uses the defined R/R script from previous Kyles hotkeys. It performs the following: Cancels any previous orders for the symbol Enters the trade, ensuring total shares bought is equally divisible by 4 (rounded down); this prevents having extra shares hanging around after the range trades complete or stop out. Creates a range order at your stop level for 1/4 of your initial shares bought with a profit level of 2R Creates a range order at your stop level for 1/4 of your initial shares bought with a profit level of 3R Creates a range order at your stop level for 1/4 of your initial shares bought with a profit level of 4R Creates a single order at your stop for the remaining 1/4 shares; This allows you to ride the last 1/4 to whatever level you want before exiting As with Kyles hot key scripts, you double click your chart at the level you want to place your stop then press your button or hot key The Script for the long entry CXL ALLSYMB; StopPrice=Price-0.01;DefShare=BP*0.5;Share=DefShare*0.333*Price*0.01;Price=Ask-Price+0.01;SShare=Share/Price;Share=DefShare-SShare;DefShare=DefShare+SShare;SShare=Share;Sshare=DefShare-SShare;Share=0.5*SShare;Share=Share/4;Share=Share*4;TogSShare;ROUTE=SMRTL;Price= Ask+0.05;TIF=DAY+;BUY=Send;DefShare=1000;Price=Ask-StopPrice*2+Ask;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:RANGE LowPrice:StopPrice HighPrice:Price ACT:SELL QTY:POS*.25 TIF:DAY+;Price=Ask-StopPrice*3+Ask;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:RANGE LowPrice:StopPrice HighPrice:Price ACT:SELL QTY:POS*.25 TIF:DAY+;Price=Ask-StopPrice*4+Ask;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:RANGE LowPrice:StopPrice HighPrice:Price ACT:SELL QTY:POS*.25 TIF:DAY+;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:MARKET PX:StopPrice-0.3 ACT:SELL STOPPRICE:StopPrice QTY:Pos*.25 TIF:DAY+; and the Short CXL ALLSYMB; StopPrice=Price+0.01;DefShare=BP*0.5;Share=DefShare*0.333*Price*0.01;Price=Price-Bid+0.01;SShare=Share/Price;Share=DefShare-SShare;DefShare=DefShare+SShare;SShare=Share;Sshare=DefShare-SShare;Share=0.5*SShare;Share=Share/4;Share=Share*4;TogSShare;ROUTE=SMRTL;Price= bid-0.05;TIF=DAY+;SELL=Send;DefShare=1000;Price=StopPrice-Bid*2;Price=Bid-Price;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:RANGE LowPrice:Price HighPrice:StopPrice ACT:BUY QTY:POS*.25 TIF:DAY+;Price=StopPrice-Bid*3;Price=Bid-Price;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:RANGE LowPrice:Price HighPrice:StopPrice ACT:BUY QTY:POS*.25 TIF:DAY+;Price=StopPrice-Bid*4;Price=Bid-Price;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:RANGE LowPrice:Price HighPrice:StopPrice ACT:BUY QTY:POS*.25 TIF:DAY+;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:MARKET PX:StopPrice+0.3 ACT:BUY STOPPRICE:StopPrice QTY:Pos*.25 TIF:DAY+; Long $50 Risk CXL ALLSYMB; StopPrice=Price-0.01;DefShare=BP*0.5;Price=Ask-Price+0.01;SShare=50/Price;Share=DefShare-SShare;DefShare=DefShare+SShare;SShare=Share;Sshare=DefShare-SShare;Share=0.5*SShare;Share=Share/4;Share=Share*4;TogSShare;ROUTE=SMRTL;Price= Ask+0.05;TIF=DAY+;BUY=Send;DefShare=1000;Price=Ask-StopPrice*2+Ask;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:RANGE LowPrice:StopPrice HighPrice:Price ACT:SELL QTY:POS*.25 TIF:DAY+;Price=Ask-StopPrice*3+Ask;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:RANGE LowPrice:StopPrice HighPrice:Price ACT:SELL QTY:POS*.25 TIF:DAY+;Price=Ask-StopPrice*4+Ask;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:RANGE LowPrice:StopPrice HighPrice:Price ACT:SELL QTY:POS*.25 TIF:DAY+;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:MARKET PX:StopPrice-0.3 ACT:SELL STOPPRICE:StopPrice QTY:Pos*.25 TIF:DAY+; Short $50 Risk CXL ALLSYMB; StopPrice=Price+0.01;DefShare=BP*0.5;Price=Price-Bid+0.01;SShare=50/Price;Share=DefShare-SShare;DefShare=DefShare+SShare;SShare=Share;Sshare=DefShare-SShare;Share=0.5*SShare;Share=Share/4;Share=Share*4;TogSShare;ROUTE=SMRTL;Price= bid-0.05;TIF=DAY+;SELL=Send;DefShare=1000;Price=StopPrice-Bid*2;Price=Bid-Price;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:RANGE LowPrice:Price HighPrice:StopPrice ACT:BUY QTY:POS*.25 TIF:DAY+;Price=StopPrice-Bid*3;Price=Bid-Price;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:RANGE LowPrice:Price HighPrice:StopPrice ACT:BUY QTY:POS*.25 TIF:DAY+;Price=StopPrice-Bid*4;Price=Bid-Price;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:RANGE LowPrice:Price HighPrice:StopPrice ACT:BUY QTY:POS*.25 TIF:DAY+;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:MARKET PX:StopPrice+0.3 ACT:BUY STOPPRICE:StopPrice QTY:Pos*.25 TIF:DAY+; Everything prior to defshare=1000 in each script is completely from the original Risk/Reward Hotkeys except the bit of code that ensures the number of shares is equally divisible by 4. Feel free to give them a try and let me know if there are any issues.
  34. 1 point
    Hi Yudyud, for Tradingview and Bookmap, you can use the feed from a broker like IBK. for tradingview for Bookmap good luck!
  35. 1 point
    1- Go to Study Config on your chart 2- Select the Pivot Point study. 3- Select ConfigEx 4- Uncheck 'Include in Scale' What seems to be happening is DAS is squeezing all your cams on one chart so you can see all of the levels at the same time. This can be helpful sometimes, but not always. Good luck.
  36. 1 point
    Hello I have been slowly burned by the market for 1.5 years now. It's really time to put up a journal to track my own trades. I am too poor to afford to pay for monthly fees. Please help me review my trading journal on Google Sheet to see if there is any data that you think I should track. If you are also interested in using my template, go ahead to download the Google Sheet into your Google drive for use. Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10dgCFdvouhnoF4YbNMIxYCqxuNkv9X6kh_YmPH8ifzk/edit?usp=sharing Thank you Jason
  37. 1 point
    Hi everyone and welcome to our new forum on swing trading. As you likely know, swing trading involves taking positions in a stock or other security and holding that position for as short as overnight to days or weeks or even longer. If you are new to swing trading and want to learn more, reading Brian Pezim's book "How to Swing Trade" would be a good starting point. It is available on Amazon. We expect this forum will be used by our members to present and openly discuss swing trading opportunities. The one advantage of swing trading is that the trader has the opportunity to slow the decision process and plan their trades without having to make a quick decision on whether to enter a trade. Thanks in advance for being part of this forum and we hope this forum can offer up some profitable opportunities for our members.
  38. 1 point
    Just loaded it up and it looks great. Thanks for sharing!
  39. 1 point
    I made one just for Thor's strat: https://usethinkscript.com/threads/camarilla-pivot-day-trading-system-for-thinkorswim.12988/
  40. 1 point
    Hola todos, mi alias es Troady, nombre real es Luis Arteaga, Cubano de origen, Norteamericano de nacionalidad despues de haber sido Holandes tambien por 18 años. Resido actualmente en Naples, Florida desde el 2004, donde me rompo la cabeza a diario dirigiendo una compañia de transportes que poseo con varios camiones de carretera. Soy graduado del Intituto tecnologico de Utrecht en hardware y software de computadores (clase del 87), aunque mi pasion hasta hace poco era manejar camiones y ir a lugares remotos, gracias a eso conozco varios continentes, cerca de 60 paises y hablo varios idiomas. He hecho algunos pinitos en Forex y Crypto, aunque sin resultados a destacar, llevo siguiendo stocks y Wall Street por algun tiempo y hace poco choque con el libro de Andrew Aziz "Day trading for a living" y me impresiono lo sincero, franco y explicativo del libro. Decidi contactar a alguien de la comunidad en Español y despues de hablar con Abiel, decidi unirme a la comunidad de traders. Aqui estamos, espero que por mucho tiempo y espero hacer buenas amistades dentro de la comunidad.
  41. 1 point
    Kylie, I saw something strange while using the hotkeys on CMEG DasTraderPro platform . Using this hotkey : StopPrice=Price-0.01;DefShare=BP*0.75;Price=Ask-Price+0.01;SShare=40/Price;Share=DefShare-SShare;DefShare=DefShare+SShare;SShare=Share;Sshare=DefShare-SShare;Share=0.5*SShare;TogSShare;ROUTE=LIMIT;Price= Ask+0.05;TIF=DAY+;BUY=Send;DefShare=300;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:MARKET PX:StopPrice-0.02 ACT:SELL STOPPRICE:StopPrice QTY:Pos TIF:DAY+; Observation : The hotkey was triggered and large number of shares where bought with the hope of using the 40 dollars stoploss on my BP 30k account . Now the stoploss vanish from the trade window buy did not stop my trade . I end up almost blowing up my entire trading account as the stoploss did not trigger as expected . Kyle could you PLEASE check and confirm whether the script i am using is the right . Please note that the hotkeys above worked fine as expected on the simulator(worked well as expected on sim account , but not live account) , but not during a live trading session . Kyle am I missing a point here ? Please do advice .
  42. 1 point
    i have observed similar issue stated above . Could it be related to the dasTraderPro IB version ?
  43. 1 point
    Somebody in the chat was unable to see their trades on the Chart today (green and red triangles). Here is how to add or remove them. 09/23/2019 UPDATE: in the new version we move it to the Chart Area Configure window, right click the chart->Chart Area->Configure Area Thank you to Seth who reported this in the chat Double-click the chart, or right-click and select Study Config Highlight Price (Candle) Click Config At the bottom, there are options to Show Trades (executions) and Show Orders (open stop/limit orders)
  44. 1 point
    This is a very common question, so hopefully this post can be a good reference. There is a new hotkey command called DuplicateWindow which lets you 'clone' an existing Montage, Time/Sales, or Chart window. All settings like hotkey buttons, colors, fonts, etc. will be copied over. How to: -Go to menu Setup > Hot key -Add New Item -Enter a Name and Hot Key. In the Script Field, enter DuplicateWindow -Press Commit Now you can simply select the window you wish to duplicate, then press the hotkey (CTRL+D in the above example). And voila, attack of the clones!
  45. 1 point
    Ah, because the instructions I posted are only for setting a stop loss. It's for if you are already long in a position. If you're already long, and you bought 100 shares of stock xyz, and you want to set a stop loss. You need that stop loss to sell those 100 shares back to get out of your position. Although, are you actually asking how to set up a stop loss at the same as going long or short?
  46. 1 point
    In this video Andrew explains how to setup a stop loss in DAS Trader https://bearbulltraders.com/lessons/how-to-place-stop-loss-in-das/
  47. 1 point
    This exists now. In case anybody finds the above instructions confusing, here is the step-by-step on how to set up "click and add" price alerts. Steps: 1) Right click on a chart > Chart Area > Config Area. Check the box in the bottom-right that says "Enable placing alert on chart". 2) Next, you must create a hotkey (Setup > Hot Key > Add New Item). I have simple scripts for when price crosses above or below my alert price. I'll share them: Price crosses ABOVE alert price: AlertName=newalert;AlertType=LastPrice;AlertOperator=>=;AddAlert Price crosses BELOW alert price: AlertName=newalert;AlertType=LastPrice;AlertOperator=<=;AddAlert 3) Open the Alerts window (Tools > Alert & Trigger). This window NEEDS to be open for the hotkeys to work, so I now just have it permanently fixed in my Desktop layout. 4) Now, when you press your hotkey, an arrow with an "A" next to it will show up on the chart, and you simply click the price where you'd like the alert to be placed. (NOTE: The first time you click, you'll get an error message that says "Placing alert failed". Just click again and it will work. This is a bug and I've reported it to DAS already.
  48. 1 point
    I am using a streamdeck XL. Thanks to Kyle for the ICONS and DAS scripts. I can now focus on process, trading well and less calculating. I am testing in SIM, and I may need to separate the LONG MENU and SHORT MENU to different profiles.
  49. 1 point
    Hi Kelly, You do not have to pay for both, when you get Das Trader Pro with IB or any other broker. It comes with a demo account as well. That is included in your monthly fee, you will only be paying $150. It is also very easy to switch from Live to Demo with Das Trader Pro. There is one login only but once you log in you have several options to switch from Real and Sim, you can do it manually on the montage, you can define it by hotkeys or you can change the overall global setting to Real or Sim. This post has more information on how to switch between sim and real. Hope this helps. Thanks.
  50. 1 point
    I shared my thoughts on the classic ABCD/Flag strategy. This pattern presents itself in virtually every move, across multiple timeframes. The formation consists of: 1. Run-up/sell-off 2. Profit taking/consolidation 3. Continuation Let me know your thoughts!
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