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Brendon last won the day on July 22

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About Brendon

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    Brendon D

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  1. Hi would love to meetup in Seattle!  My whatsapp is 425-273-0379

    1. Brendon


      Hey I just invited you to the group, my number is 203 644 3879 (if you didnt get the invite, text me)

  2. +$236 NVDA Failed VWAP Breakout but success on S4 reversal, GOOGL Failed VWAP Breakout but success 2nd attempt! Trade Date: 7/24/2024 I was looking for a quick VWAP Breakout on NVDA towards S1 but stopped out before we got there. Caught an S4 Reversal with decent volume on the Doji candle, went long at the break of the 1-Min 9EMA with a target of VWAP/Pre-market low, partialed at PM low and just short of S3. Partialed in more for another VWAP breakout and added again when we broke above VWAP for a 2nd time, partialed at S3 but decided to exit the rest at B/E after witnessing a hard selloff and loss of VWAP. Google had earnings and went for a VWAP breakout but got stopped out. Got bought back up and went long at VWAP, partialed at the moving averages and S3 and the rest towards S2. I should of got back in on the Doji buyups from the trend hold. NOT AN EASY DAY! #GOOGLE #GOOGL #NVDA #NVIDIA #VWAPBreakout #STOPPEDOUT
  3. +$414 NVDA Classic HOD/VWAP Breakout! Trade Date: 7/23/2024 NVDA had a strong bullish previous day (7/22) and I was looking for continuation and close the gapdown from a few days prior. Higher lows formed (quasi ascending triangle) and once we had a close above VWAP I went long at HOD break, heavy size. I partialed at PDC, R1, PDH, and just shy of R2. I managed about 3R on the trade and did not want to hold until R3, which failed anyway. #NVDA #NVDA #VWAPBreakout #HODBreakout #CamarillaPivots
  4. Back from vacation in Olympia National Forest, Washington! +$315 NVDA Stopped Out 2/3 times VWAP Breakout! AMD VWAP BuyUp for HOD Breakout! Trade Date: 7/22/24 Semis and NVDA gapped up on Biden's presidential exit and possible easing Taiwan chip buzz. Was looking for a HOD breakout after the buyup from below VWAP and close above. I was concerned this would be a failed breakout and kept a tight stop. Got stopped out twice but saw a button forming (no new lows) and went long at the break of VWAP again for a break of R4 towards Previous Day High. Partialed a little early and should of held some towards R5. AMD had a beautiful buyup candle from VWAP and I was looking for a HOD break, High of PM break from R4 towards Previous Day High. Partialed on the way up but should of left some on for a test of R5. Instead I re-entered once we held trend and partialed towards R5. I like my AMD trade management best but my partials were a little early. #NVDA #NVIDIA #AMD #HODBreakout #VWAPBreakout #StoppedOut
  5. +$489 AMD Failed ORB but Reversal Catch after Chop City! NVDA VWAP Breakout! Trade Date: 7/10/24 AMD was setting up for an ORB to R5/PM High but we rejected and after a few partials stopped out on slippage. Tried a reversal as we looked to hold YYH but stopped out at R3 multiple times. My concern was AMD's extension on the daily and if we broke LOD, we would tumble hard/fast. Should have waited to see if we would hold R3 before entering. Then at 9:40 the price action slowed and the bids dried up, bottom was in, saw this as the last chance to long for a reversal from R3 and partialed at Yesterday High. NVDA bounced off R1 nicely and held R2, I went for a classic VWAP breakout to R3/Yesterday High/ and high of Pre-market. This was a clean trade I am proud of after getting chopped up in AMD. #AMD #NVDA #NVIDIA #VWAPBreakout #ORBFail #Reversal
  6. @tntp45 Thanks! Usually between $100-$200.
  7. +$1205 TSLA Low of Day Break, AMD VWAP Breakout Trade Date: 7/8/24 TLSA was overbought on the daily and had an initial rejection of S2. A downtrend started below the 1-min MAs. Waited for LOD break and went short towards large orders on the L2 and S4 as a final goal. The candles were being bought up aggressively and after a final liquidity grab at $245 I exited fully as a pullback was likely and would take me out at B/E. AMD was breaking out on the daily and after an initial run sold off to LOD. After 3 candles of holding the 50 moving averages above R3 and pre-market consolidation I went long for a break of VWAP (QQQ was moving up) and a retest of R4. Partialed on the way up just shy of R4 as we lost momentum. I longed again at VWAP for a possible trend higher but it ended up being a scalp as the order book ladder cleared on the ASKs. #TESLA #TSLA #LODBreak #AMD #VWAPBreakout
  8. +$1022 TSLA Breakdown from Previous Day High, AMD/NVDA VWAP Breakouts Trade Date: 7/5/24 TSLA, gapped up and extended on the daily, saw a rejection of R1/R2 and was testing previous day high. I shorted at the break of PDH to S1/PDC and all out at S2 before the bounce. AMD, gapped up on the daily and ran from the gates. Sold off hard to R5/R6/Pre-Market High but bounced back to the trend lines on the 1 min. I went for a hold of trend and VWAP breakout, initial small size, then added as we held trend and were making higher lows. There were no cam levels to partial at and used HOD and pure momentum to exit. This was a hard trade to gauge however QQQ was breaking out. NVDA, rejected R2/PDC early but was holding VWAP. Went long for a scalp to R1/PDC. The 5-min chart was ugly and I did not feel confident holding this beyond momentum thrusts to liquidity pools. Thought we would test PDC again but we were rejecting and exited at B/E before the selloff! #TSLA #TESLA #AMD #NVDA #NVIDIA #VWAPBreakout #LODBreak
  9. +$602 NVDA VWAP Breakout to Camarilla Pivots! AMD PDC Break towards liquidity Trade Date: 7/2/24 NVDA started off wicky but once a large engulfing candle formed I went long above the 1-Min 9/20 trend and VWAP. We spiked up to S3 and sold off but held trend. Added more with the close above VWAP, partialed at S3 heavily, hit some chop and got spooked out at VWAP. We had nice bounces from VWAP and re-entered at the break of S3 towards S2, S1, and large liquidity at 123. Later, I saw a bounce from 121.89 (20EMA daily) and tried for another VWAP breakout towards S2 again but only got some partials and stopped out at B/E. AMD ran up and sold off today. Once we hit PDC and had a hard rejection of R1 and crack of LOD, I shorted towards liquidity of 157 and exited fully at 1-Min 200 SMA. You have to be patient and wait for the crack of PDC to trigger stops before you enter to have the greatest chance of success. Brian Pezim taught me this. #NVDA #NVIDIA #VWAPBreakout #PreviousDayCloseBreak #CamarillaPivot
  10. Hey Wis, welcome, I am curious how you 'almost' lost $500, it sounds that that may have been a trade/s that you let go beyond your initial stop. The #1 rule I ask myself everyday when a trade starts to go against me is 'does this make sense'. I did this today! When I say 'No' I exit the trade. Losing money hurts but staying in a trade that does that make sense hurts move, even if you don't lose money on it. The feeling of not being in control is much worse. Suggestion, downsize your max loss risk to under $50 per day for a couple of months. See you in chat!
  11. +$70 AMD Double Stopped Out! Success AMZN VWAP Breakout Trade Date: 7/1/24 AMD, semis sold off hard today, got stopped out 3 times, twice on AMD and once on NVDA (*short-side hotkey error too). I want to highlight the double stop out on AMD. I was looking for a hold of S4 and bounce to VWAP but we rejected the 50SMA daily (158.84) and headed lower. Again I went for the break of S4 for a scalp to the 1-min 9EMA/VWAP and again stopped out. QQQ was selling off to PDC and this was not the best setup for success. I usually look for a break of trend to catch a reversal. I want to emphasize the importance of stopping out and managing risk. There was no logic to stay in this trade. Use your buying power elsewhere! AMZN was testing R1, making higher lows, and closing above trend/VWAP. I went long for targets of R2 and R3. Partialed at R2 and on the way to R3 but unfortunately we pulled backed below VWAP and had to stop out at B/E. There was a good re-entry opportunity but I felt off today and soon shutdown my platform. I scalped a little more with some success but no big moves and closed the day flat. #AMD #StoppedOut #AMZN #Amazon #VWAPBreakout
  12. +$567 NVDA Stopped Out then ORB! MU VWAP Breakout, Amazing Reversal! Trade Date: 6/27/24 NVDA, went long 1-min ORB towards R2 but we rejected hard early at the moving averages. Large whipsaw action stopped me at a loss! Double bottom formed and quickly longed for a recoil bounce back to HOD. Partialed on this momentum move, we held VWAP and I added heavy for HOD break towards R2/9EMA daily level. Partialed more at Pre-market high and exited fully as momentum slowed. R3/PDC were additional targets to consider but we were already extended on the move up...as you can see by the massive rejection. MU had earnings after hours and was in play. Sold off hard and I was looking for a bounce. I memorized this 1-min pattern and clearly saw the double bottom that formed. Just look at that buyback to VWAP! After the large 1-min bullish candle I went long...slightly late. Target was a HOD break to the 50EMA 1-min and R3. I used large size and partialed on the way up and thought we might we reject HOD again. Exited the remainder before B/E but we did run up to the 20EMA daily to fill the $137 liquidity before finally rejecting. Today I was more a momentum trader than using the Cams as defined targets. #NVIDIA #NVDA #MU #MICRON #VWAPBreakout #Reversal #DoubleBottom
  13. +$573 AMD Stopped Out! Camarailla Pivot Range Trading! Trade Date: 6/26/24 AMD, a fine example of a NOT in play chop stock. Was looking for a quick pop to R2 but there was a clear rejection and stopped out at a loss. *Near open first trades of the day can be 50/50 since erratic whipsaws cause stops to be triggered, I use smaller size. Soon realized the Market Makers may be doing Cam Pivots (also pinball between daily MAs), went long at the hold S1, partialed on the way up to the MAs, VWAP, and R1. QQQ was breaking HOD and I repeated Cam Pivot range trading. We failed to break strong PDC resistance towards order book liquidity @ $161 and exited fully on the last attempt. I try to avoid this type of trading as it is usually controlled by MM algos. Do not fight the algos and look for the pivots in the range if you expect to survive. #AMD #CamaraillaPivot #RangeTrading #Chop #Algo
  14. +$637 Trade Recap: MU Breakout from VWAP/Previous Day Close/S2 Pivot Trade Date: 6/25/24 MU was holding above Previous Day Low/S3 support level. Once we broke above the 1-Min 9/20 trend lines and S3, a signature large bullish candle formed, I entered just above VWAP at S2/PDC. Targets were S1, since that held, my final target was a VERY extended R1 and my instinct told me to exit fully. Classic VWAP breakout holding above trend and camarilla supports. #MU #MICRON #VWAPBreakout #CamarillaPivots #PDCBreakout
  15. +$665 Trade Recap: AMD stopped out ORB but success Extreme Cam Reversal, AAPL HOD Break to Camarilla Pivot, MU 9/20 Trade Date: 6/24/24 AMD - Saw a bottom hold of S2 forming and went for the break of S2 however I got chopped up and stopped out below S3 with a loss. This can be normal price action for open trading AMD. Nice wicks formed just below S3, went long for break of S3 and a target of S2 and S1. Stopped out 1st trade and once I felt direction, went heavier on 2nd entry attempt. AAPL - Nice bounce off PDL, close above VWAP, grind above PDC. Went long at the break of the 20EMA 1-Min for HOD break to S2, partialed on the way up and exiting fully. Clean simple trade. MU - QQQ was at a daily level right when MU tested PDC. I went long for a 9/20 trade. This was my last trade of the day and I partialed a little early in between the 1-Min 9/20 EMA towards R1. To maximize gains, it's best practice to leave a little on unless there is a sign to exit fully. There was no huge pullback signal. #AMD #AAPL #APPLE #MU #MICRON #ORB #Camarilla #HODBreak #Reversal #NineTwenty
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