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  1. Hello, I am very new as well and am trying to figure out what the hot keys are all about. I found the post by Kyle 'DAS - Dynamically Calculate Shares on %Risk or $Risk - Hot Key + Configuration, Updated 9/10/19, v2.1'. There is a link in that post https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TJy7jRHhdMYGyyfKbbYd3M7j6bqxgeoy/view?pli=1 you can download his excel configuration file from there.
  2. Hello Everyone,

    I have just joined the community and am now in the process of understanding and getting ready to set up the hot keys in DAS Trader Simulator.  I used to develop software in C++ and other languages, so I think I have a good base to learn it.  I was wondering where I can find the definition of the scripting language for hot keys.  It would help me understand how scripts written by other people work and write my own.

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