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peterB last won the day on July 3

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  1. Preferably yes, because the old syntax is confusing while the new syntax is easier to understand with the custom variables. watch out for the quotes, they get copied wrong very often so make sure you rewrite them in your DAS
  2. you enabled the possibility to use advanced script syntax but your syntax is the old syntax not the advanced syntax as explained here. i bet you get plenty of syntax errors in your log file.
  3. any reason why you do it this way and do not do it this way instead?
  4. actually we can do that in DAS since version see here regarding tools i think tradingview has camarillas too and you can connect multiple brokers with that but the hotkeys are non existent there
  5. as you anticipated right, there is more to discover. see this and especially this good luck!
  6. We can now process orders anytime, just like if we did it manually. All the details here.
  7. This is now possible with the latest version of DAStrader https://open.substack.com/pub/traderpeter/p/why-do-the-parabolic-reversals-work?r=1wujo4&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true
  8. which version of dastrader you have? is your $tprice populated with last or not? see the log file in the log folder for any errors also note that you need to try it when the market is open (including pre and post market) otherwise LAST will be 0
  9. in the last beta there is a function IsOptSymbol(symbol) but i am not sure how it is supposed to be used as i do not trade options with DAStrader
  10. well it depends on what and how you do. the function can be called only when your chart window is in focus so if you do it as a hot button you need to change focus in the hot button first with FocusWindow MYDAILY; for that your chart window needs to be named first as by default the chart windows do not have names by the way from the latest beta we can use colors for the lines as well DrawHorzLineWithPrice($YOUR_DESIRED_PRICE,color(190,254,152));
  11. Long change $target=3*$pricetostop+Ask; to $targettmp=$pricetostop*1.25;$target=$targettmp+Ask; Short change $target=Bid-$pricetostop-$pricetostop-$pricetostop; to $targettmp=$pricetostop*1.25;$target=Bid-$targettmp; i might update the article with this more elegant solution so you can just change 1.25 to whatever number you need.
  12. see here https://open.substack.com/pub/traderpeter/p/das-trader-advanced-hotkeys-part?r=1wujo4&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
  13. yes if your stop is 10 cents and the spread is 7 cents you are down 0.7R right when you open the position.
  14. you can easily check if your risk and position is correct: divide your risk 40 with (avg price - stop loss price) or divide the position with the (avg price - stop loss price)
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