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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/14/2019 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Hey everyone, As you already might be aware we kicked off our first live "Workshop Wednesday" this week with the Topic Trading a Small account. We have plenty of more scheduled for the following weeks. These will be held every Wednesday at noon EST in our Classroom chatroom. Check your Dashboard calendar to see what topic is next. If you missed it no worries, we do have it recorded and available for you in the Education Center under Workshop Wednesday! We have a few exciting topics like Hotkeys, Journaling your Trades and Trading Rules scheduled but we want to hear from you what you are interested in having a live discussion. Feel free to post it here or also email it to [email protected]. Thanks!
  2. 1 point
    What made me join BBT: 1. Transparency and Honesty - not a get rich quick, trade in sim first, you will not make thousands per day. it takes time to do this. 2. Andrew's personality - humble, with feet on the ground. His reason for trading is a combination of passion for it + the freedom it brings and flexibility. I see money the same way he views it as a tool. 3. Variety - I like Andrew's trading style but I have also learned alot from Brian on swing trading and in general about market behavior; he seems to understand the market in a holistic way which comes from experience. Some people trade at open some at close, some do penny, some mid. Great for all personalities. 4. Mentors and members - combination of professionalism, humbleness with sense of humor. This is not an exclusive community where you have to meet certain criteria to join but Andrew has done a great job in selecting moderators and the team he put together and this is important. Mature, professional people with good intentions. 5. No marketing heavy - Andrew has put a lot of effort in building the community and thank you doesn't pay the bills, there are operating costs and costs of time but Andrew does not abuse of this and he does not push things that are not necessary. His opinion on the products he promotes is always honest. He is a smart guy and knows that growing the community organically in the long run will create a better community. What would I like to see more? Something I like about Robert H is that he shows his failures and he is not ashamed of it, he has done recaps of bad trades and rule breakings, Andrew does this also, he accepts when his trading was bad and when he broke rules and he shows bad habits he had during the session. I would like to see 1- recaps of bad days from everyone. I commit myself to doing daily recaps even on red days. I learn more from bad trades than good ones. 2. Does not need to get personal as I respect Andrew's privacy but him explaining his journey in detail will help motivate us more those moments where trading gets hard and we feel like quitting. When he said he has been trading 6 years it makes me realize that I am not doing so bad, that it takes more time than i might think. Learn more about some struggles he had in the process of becoming consistent. Things that went through his mind and how he handled them.
  3. 1 point
    Wish it had given us both nice move up, with the entries we had. Well, next time!
  4. 1 point
    14.Jun.19 - DASTrader - BT On my watchlist today, I had $INTC, $FB, $MU, $NVDA and from the Lowfloat $ARQL & $FVRR (recent IPO). I was watching $FB (which had gapped up while the market was down) and $ARQL (low price, nice premarket) at the Open. Trade1: $FB bounced off all MAs and VWAP, couldn't break down. 1min formed a hammer, and I took it long. Stop was 40c (VWAP), got nice move up, partialed twice. Price was still above Support levels, but suddenly dumped and I got out BE. small profit. May be the 50MA on daily was too strong resistence. Trade2: $FVRR, noticed 3 candle setup forming on 2 mins, Took it long on the 4th candle, was above all MAs. was pretty confident about this, but price dumped after $44 and I got out at VWAP. This is recent IPO and there was no resistence above, I guess $44 acts as a strong Even$ Techlevel. P.S On hindsight, it is really not a 3c setup, because the 2nd candle has huge top wick on 2min. In the perfect 3c setup the highs of first and second candle are almost the same. I guess, this is just 5min ORB. I had a $CSCO or $MSFT trade where I made similar mistake before. When the 2nd 5min is a Shooting star or a Hanging man (with narrow body), the price tends to reverse. Trade 3: $CRON - Main Trade. CRON was below 50,20 and 9 MA on the daily. It broke down at the open, I waited for the pullback. Formed 3c setup on the 5min (which is also 15min ORB). I went long 3 positions, didn't give me lot of move, as I chased the entry a bit. I got out around 1R. Trades 4: Took a small short in $AMD on the VWAP pullback. $AMD was bearish on the daily (below 9MA), so it helped a bit. I was targeting 20MA, but took AON at 2R. I like this VWAP pullback trades in $AMD. Almost perfect Trade. Entry Price - $30.39, stop - 10c, Target - $30.19 (2R). MFE price - 30.09(3R) Trade 5: Took another small trade in $CRON for the bounce off of 50MA on 1min (also 20 in 2min and 9 in 5min). I like these MA bounce trades. Risk was only 5c, it gave me 2R, I wanted more, got stopped out at BE.
  5. 1 point
    Friday June 14th, 2019 Sleep: 7 hours. Mood: good, ready to trade. As soon as the market opened, i got really fearful for some reason. the first trade i took was an ORBU in AMD. i did not like this trade at all. i did the exact opposite of yesterday where i waited for a new 2min in my favor before jumping in. not at all happy about my entry. it went against me immediately and i got stopped out in 2 minutes. bad trade. tried to flip my position but i wanted too high a price that the market wasn't giving so i missed the move down and i was too worried about the price action to get in on the short side when it came back to the 200 MA twice. i'm feeling off today. GOOD: position size and got out RFI: have to wait for a break or sign of clear resistance before getting in. MOOD: disappointed and fearful. CONSISTENT: yes. Last trade of the day was BYND. i got in on a weird ABCD where the A and C were the same spot. i took way too big of a stop and only got two shares so the stock had to move to $164 for me to get 2:1 R/R. which i was not happy about. it moved in my favor a good way and then starting trending down on the 5min. i got back in another 8 shares on a new 5min high for a much better R/R on the reward side but way too close to my entry on the stop loss side. It worked for a second and i'm happy with my entry but it did a 2min engulfing and then dumped a little past my range stop so i lost a little more than i wanted but i respected my stop. the first trade wouldn't have worked either so it would have been a 1R loss regardless. GOOD: traded setup, added to my position on another setup RFI: added too much so it didn't have enough room to let the trade work MOOD: fine. CONSISTENT: yes. All in all, not a bad day. AMD wasn't great but i'm fine with my loss in BYND. What i did good today: took setups, didn't get emotional over the losses What i did bad today: traded even though i was feeling a lot of fear What can i do better tomorrow: don't trade if you're feeling strong emotions that would negatively effect your trading.
  6. 1 point
    Friday 6/14/2019 I had a well-being score of 7/10 this morning. My nerves were OK. Since it is a Friday I am trading half shares. I took two live trades with FB and AMD. FB looked strong in the premarket and had really good opening volume. It made a small hammer with 1min candle and I went long when it broke premarket high. I took my 1st partial when it reached $181, but my fill was so bad it filled almost at B/E (22 cent slide!). I took another partial when it clearly broke $181. Then another partial at $181.41 daily level. Just before my next partial it reversed and I exited when it broke the $181 price. I have to admit that AMD was more of a FOMO trade. I wanted to take a 2min ORB but I was still trading FB. The 4th 1min candle tested its own bottom wick 3 times. When it bounced the 3rd time I went long. My stop out level was tight, the bottom of the 4th 1min candle. About one minute later it broke that level and I exited. My score card for today: What I did good today: My P/L is flat for the day, that’s my best Friday since CMEG had those tech issues and I couldn’t trade. How did I challenge myself today? Traded with half share size. For some reason that was difficult today. What I did bad today: Traded on FOMO. What can I do better tomorrow: I shouldn’t have been even looking at my other stocks while trading FB. Thus, I wouldn’t even had the FOMO.
  7. 1 point
    I've only been a part of BBT for around 3 weeks and have absolutely been loving it! All the moderators along with Andrew have been very helpful with any questions I've had and the experience I've gained from other members and seeing moderators + Andrew trade live is invaluable!! I also agree with Aiman. Being able to see Andrew stick around once a week or something for another 20-30 minutes or an hour would be awesome! Hearing his thoughts on his trades and seeing the way he manages things and watches stocks is so incredibly helpful and where I feel I learn so much. Being able to extend that not with him necessarily trading longer as Aiman mentioned but just hearing him discuss what he's seeing or give input to what others are seeing/watching would be really cool and I think lots of other members might enjoy this learning opportunity as well.
  8. 1 point
    I joined BBT at May 2018, I only knew about BBT from Andrews book as there was nothing written about BBT at trading review sites, anyway, after the first month I decided to get a lifetime membership, not only because of Andrews trades and helpful lessons, but mostly because of the members here and the moderators, I got so much help during the whole trading day, and I still get it whenever I ask for it! Everyone here is so kind and experienced in his own way. I won't re-write all the positive stuff we've here as it's all written above. I don't know if it'll be possible, but it'll be really great to have Andrew sticking around with us for a bit longer time every now and then! He's an amazing trader, and most of the time it's more than enough for him to be done for the day in 15 mins xD. I really love how he reads the price action, and I'd love to see him talking about the stocks and what he expects them to do + why out of his trading time, once he's done with his trading maybe even once a week? As an additional session xD. Just sticking to the chatroom, and hearing his thoughts outloud for around an hour without him being in any trade + discuss that with the chatroom, cuz I know that it's tough to do all that while being under pressure of being in multiple positions while trading. Other than that, this chatroom is really helpful and I really doubt that I'd have been able to get where I got to now without being a part of this chatroom!
  9. 1 point
    13.Jun.19 - DASTrader - BT On my watchlist today, I had $ROKU (ATH), $LULU (Earnings) and $TWTR and from the Lowfloat $BYND, $PRVB & $RH. Today it was One and Done Trading day. Trade 1: I called out $TWTR, because the daily was just below 9MA, and it had the potential to go down $2 further. Volume was high (compared to other days) and increasing. I decided to take $TWTR at the open. $ROKU was ATH, but started bearish. $TWTR didn't have any volume for the first 5 mins, then Volume came in and I took Short close to VWAP. It was Harmonious setup. Price consolidated for long time, I took 90% out at 2:1 and kept 10% for 4:1. I know Harmonious setup offers atleast 3:1 RR. I can trade only the first 45 mins from the Open so closed my position. I can trade from Mid afternoon, but I am not good at reversals, and I prefer to trade at the open. Setup: Entry: $36.6, Stop : 15c, Target : $36.04, Exit - $36.25 /$36.15/ $35.87 (2R, 3R and 5R) Good: Planned the Trade well. I didn't like other setups so Stopped Trading. Improvement: Could have partialed at atleast 3:1, but I had to be away. Atleast, Harmonious setup proved to offer 3:1 RR again.
  10. 1 point
    Hey BBT Family! We like to promote our community in a very unique and genuine way and what better way to do that than showing our BBT member's Trading Stations! We would like to kindly ask you to post a picture (in this forum) of your trading station set up to promote it on our website and social media. To appreciate you taking the time to do this, we will enter all submissions into a sweepstake to win a laptop from BBT! Below are the simple guidelines: Show Andrew's Book(s), or Brian's book, or BBT Logo, or Website in your background to show others is authentic to our community. (BBT LOGO HERE) Send us a brief message we can use as a testimonial. Yourself! This one is optional! It will not decrease/increase your drawing chances, but we love to show our awesome diversity at BBT! Below are some examples you can use as a reference. You do not need luck in trading just hard work and dedication but for this random drawing, you will! So Good luck!!!
  11. 1 point
    Should be this week, had what Norm had last week (no voice) and finished testing the last of the changes today, so I'm ready to record it now. I added a new set to be able to add to (scale-In) an existing position by a set $Risk amount. So if you're long with $100 risk and want to add to it on a pullback, you can setup a Hotkey of +$20 (or whatever) and it'll calculate the shares to keep your current position + new position at the new combined $120risk. Yeah, it's been a very long time coming. This next update will likely be the last for the Excel versions, as I'm moving development to a standalone (it'll be open-source) application. It'll bring added features such as allowing users to put the Hotkey config directly into DAS (so no copy/pasting), and updating/tweaking. So as traders grow and want to update their parameters, they don't have to fiddle around ... just open the app and enter the new value, hit save.
  12. 1 point
    This is my humble set up as of now. Currently trading on Simulator. Very grateful to have come across Andrew's Book and the BBT Community. I am a lifetime member, so it'll be my pleasure working with you all during this lifetime! Andrew's book is important but so is that Coffee Maker!
  13. 1 point
    I have been trading with Andrew for over 1 and half year now. The best thing I like this community is the help and education from each other. People here are just sharing the most honest opinions and hard learning experience to help new traders. I have learned a lot from you guys. So, a big thanks for Andrew, and other members, Robert, Carlos, Brian, Norm, William, etc. I did not trade with my current setup at very beginning. I gradually upgrade to what I have today. I have four trading monitors, two are wide screen, which I actually learn from Robert's setup. I have 9 montage, but one montage is mainly for switching back and forth based on Trade Ideas' alert. I mainly trade on my other 8 montages. I have another IMAC to watch the chat room and Benzinga news. My next step is to buy one or two more screens for my current PC, so that I can run everything on one computer.
  14. 1 point
    Forget about the goal, work on your process and results will come. My setup, kinda improvisation desk, still just 1 extra monitor. My seat is a second hand embody chair, I like that one
  15. 1 point
    I had been interested in day trading for a number of years, but never knew how exactly to start. That all changed when a friend recommended Andrew's first book. It gave me a solid roadmap and understanding of what it means to day trade, and also introduced me to the amazing BBT community. I feel like Andrew is in a league of his own in terms of his authenticity, transparency, and honesty in an industry full of self proclaimed "gurus." I have been slowly learning in the simulator for about a year while of course watching Andrew trade every morning, and I couldn't imagine a better way to learn. I'm excited for where my day trading journey takes me. Thanks Andrew!
  16. 1 point
    Norm, this one's for you! Ok, here's mine... cobbled together from 2 older machines and a discarded large monitor...but notice all that empty space on the wall? That's where my husband is going to hang a 50" tv if I make my number. I mostly swing trade, so this set up isn't a hindrance currently, but as I develop my day trading skills, this will clearly not work. For those who may wonder about 2 laptops, I am trading 2 different accounts and for the way my brain is wired, this keeps me from getting confused.
  17. 1 point
    I wanted to share my trading setup mostly to debunk the idea that you "must" have several monitors and high-end workstations to day trade. This is my minimalist setup which is very effective in costs, space, performance and maintenance. I use a 27” 4K monitor on which I can display simultaneously 6 stocks on 3 time frames, with their corresponding montage and T&S. Any fairly modern laptop (I5 sixth generation onwards) can run a 4K display, so you don’t need an expensive gaming station with discrete graphics card. The second laptop seen on the photo is optional. I use it to access the forum and browse the internet.
  18. 1 point
    My elaborate setup with my new favorite movie .. based on a true story. No that's not my real setup, I use three watches. But seriously, I can't share my setup (currently building a new desk), so I thought I'd have some fun with this. I'll show myself out.
  19. 1 point
    Andrew, Your humble and truly sincere approach to day trading motivated me to make a life change and, with God's help, here I am! Greg D (Go AZ Wildcats!)
  20. 1 point
    It took me 2 weeks (a trial subscription) to realize that BBT is indeed a community of serious traders. No gimmicks, no empty promises, no BS. Just valuable info and an enormous support of the great community. I'm just in the very beginning of my journey, and BBT makes it easier to cope with ups and downs. And god knows there are many of those in this business. Can't thank you enough for everything!
  21. 1 point
    Hey guys, I have been live trading for almost 3 weeks. I have started just after the first challenge. The challenge gave me a confidence to start trading live. It has been a very difficult journey and the one I would never be able to continue without constant support from BBT administrators and members. Although Andrew was an inspiration for trading I could not trade without Carlos's and Norm's premarket show, RobertH rants and Kurt's and William's recaps. You guys are the core of BBT and thank you for continuing hard work. MachoMachoMan
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    I have been learning from Andrew and the BBT community for around 6 months and I'm very happy with the information and the level of support, overall an amazing experience. Would definitely recommend it for people that are serious about trying to make an income with trading.
  26. 1 point
    Hi, I am really happy that I joined BEAR BULL TRADERS community. I tried roughly 10 different chats in the past 2 years, and nothing compares to Andrews room. Everyone who is on microphone during the day are very helpful. The most important thing is that I became a consistent trader. This community provides the best tools, educational content and a support. I am a member for life. Thanks! Sincerely, Stockoperator
  27. 1 point
    A lot of people get into day trading with very unrealistic goals which is why most traders fail. It is important to educate yourself before putting your money on the line. Unfortunately most people including myself learn the hard way, it takes some losses to realize that becoming consistent is the key to becoming a successful trader. Andrew's books and his chatroom have definitely helped me and made me a better trader.
  28. 1 point
    I use Andrew's settings without the red, just a pure grey scale. It's one less colour for my brain to process. Please see below for the RGB values. Andrew's Tier Colours: Group 0: 255,255,255 Group 1: 247,239,239 Group 2: 222,222,222 Group 3: 240,198,198 Group 4: 206,206,206 Group 5: 231,173,173 Group 6: 181,181,181 Group 7: 231,148,148 My Tier Colours: Group 0: 255,255,255 Group 1: 230,230,230 Group 2: 205,205,205 Group 3: 180,180,180 Group 4: 155,155,155 Group 5: 130,130,130 Group 6: 105,105,105 Group 7: 80,80,80 For reference, here is how to change the L2 Tier Color in DAS: Right-click Montage > Level 2 Config Click the Color Group X > Define Custom Colors Enter RGB values in green boxes below:
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