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  1. Today
  2. You change "Ask+" to "Bid-" and "BUY" to "SELL" for the short version
  3. Yesterday
  4. Hello, my name is Lumir, and I am a Cloud Storage Engineer from the heart of Europe, the good old Czech Republic. Trading has always fascinated me, but I just never got into it—until now, that is. Of course, I finished Andrew's book on day trading and am currently learning all the pieces and possible strategies while watching other people trade. This week, I have 40+ hours in the simulator, slowly building up my skills and testing things. It's been so much fun to learn something so awesome and possibly life-changing. What could help me is that I played poker for a living for a couple of years, so I can calculate risk and profit quite fast, it seems. Anyways, I look forward to working with this community. If you'd like to do a meetup in Prague, it's an amazing city.
  5. Hi would love to meetup in Seattle!  My whatsapp is 425-273-0379

    1. Brendon


      Hey I just invited you to the group, my number is 203 644 3879 (if you didnt get the invite, text me)

  6. +$236 NVDA Failed VWAP Breakout but success on S4 reversal, GOOGL Failed VWAP Breakout but success 2nd attempt! Trade Date: 7/24/2024 I was looking for a quick VWAP Breakout on NVDA towards S1 but stopped out before we got there. Caught an S4 Reversal with decent volume on the Doji candle, went long at the break of the 1-Min 9EMA with a target of VWAP/Pre-market low, partialed at PM low and just short of S3. Partialed in more for another VWAP breakout and added again when we broke above VWAP for a 2nd time, partialed at S3 but decided to exit the rest at B/E after witnessing a hard selloff and loss of VWAP. Google had earnings and went for a VWAP breakout but got stopped out. Got bought back up and went long at VWAP, partialed at the moving averages and S3 and the rest towards S2. I should of got back in on the Doji buyups from the trend hold. NOT AN EASY DAY! #GOOGLE #GOOGL #NVDA #NVIDIA #VWAPBreakout #STOPPEDOUT
  7. +$414 NVDA Classic HOD/VWAP Breakout! Trade Date: 7/23/2024 NVDA had a strong bullish previous day (7/22) and I was looking for continuation and close the gapdown from a few days prior. Higher lows formed (quasi ascending triangle) and once we had a close above VWAP I went long at HOD break, heavy size. I partialed at PDC, R1, PDH, and just shy of R2. I managed about 3R on the trade and did not want to hold until R3, which failed anyway. #NVDA #NVDA #VWAPBreakout #HODBreakout #CamarillaPivots
  8. Last week
  9. I have this one if ur interested
  10. Back from vacation in Olympia National Forest, Washington! +$315 NVDA Stopped Out 2/3 times VWAP Breakout! AMD VWAP BuyUp for HOD Breakout! Trade Date: 7/22/24 Semis and NVDA gapped up on Biden's presidential exit and possible easing Taiwan chip buzz. Was looking for a HOD breakout after the buyup from below VWAP and close above. I was concerned this would be a failed breakout and kept a tight stop. Got stopped out twice but saw a button forming (no new lows) and went long at the break of VWAP again for a break of R4 towards Previous Day High. Partialed a little early and should of held some towards R5. AMD had a beautiful buyup candle from VWAP and I was looking for a HOD break, High of PM break from R4 towards Previous Day High. Partialed on the way up but should of left some on for a test of R5. Instead I re-entered once we held trend and partialed towards R5. I like my AMD trade management best but my partials were a little early. #NVDA #NVIDIA #AMD #HODBreakout #VWAPBreakout #StoppedOut
  11. Giving back to the community was the goal of this exercise, I hope that people will find use for it. It truly takes a village.
  12. Your approach seems very very solid and I am sure this will help MANY MANY traders in the community understand the ADVANCED updates DAS has made to hotkeys scripts. I have not looked at it in detail but u seem to be very comprehensive in ur approach. BIG BIG THANK YOU for sharing. Will provide feedback once I get a chance to test the details.
  13. DAS TRADER PRO ADVANCED HOTKEYS – A PRIMER [2024-04-15: Production v.] − Speed and efficiency are paramount in the fast-paced world of stock trading, particularly day trading. As traders, we are constantly seeking tools to gain an edge in the market. One such tool that has gained popularity among day traders is DAS Trader Pro, renowned for its robust platform and advanced hotkey scripting capabilities. − As I share insights about DAS’s Advanced Hotkeys, I want to underscore that most of the knowledge I’ve acquired about this craft—like many others in the trading community—was generously shared. I must acknowledge that I have no official affiliation with DAS Trader Pro software and that my present information is based solely on personal experience. − This presentation serves as my way of giving back—a small contribution to the community that has provided me with so much. Everything discussed here is intended for educational purposes only. It's crucial always to conduct your due diligence and independently verify any details, as this responsibility ultimately lies with you. The concept − The purpose of this exercise was to create a set of hotkeys for my trading. My hotkeys came from various good Samaritans willing to share; not all are equally effective. Understanding the complexity of the script itself was challenging at first. It's essential to test your hotkeys before trading, as you may realize they are not working as intended or don't meet your specific needs. − I set out to create a single hotkey script to fulfill most of my trading requirements, from buying options calls and puts to trading shares of stocks, long or short, while managing risk. The accompanying Excel spreadsheet allows you to input your specific settings. Want to trade stocks, long or short? Options, buying Calls, or Puts? Adjust risk levels? It’s all there. You create a script that aligns precisely with your trading style by customizing these parameters. Script Flow In this section, I will summarize the key steps in the script, from initializing variables to setting up the trigger order based on the defined trading strategy. 1. Initialize trading variables using the accompanying Excel spreadsheet (risk per trade, position size, price offsets, etc.). 2. Check trade bias: a. If LONG: Calculate the buy price and set up a SELL stop-loss order. b. If SHORT: Calculate the selling price and set up a BUY stop-loss order. 3. Compute position sizing: a. Account-based sizing uses percent position size, buying power, and risk percentage. b. Risk-based sizing using fixed dollar risk or percentage risk. 1. Dollar Risk : 2. Percent Risk 4. Adjust position sizing for options/stocks trading and ensure sufficient funds. 5. Determine minimum position size based on the lesser of account-based or risk-based sizing. 6. Prepare order details (price, route, time in force). 7. Execute or load the appropriate BUY or SELL order based on trade bias and order status. 8. Set up trigger order with stop type, price, action, and quantity. How to use the Script (please see prerequisite section) Using the script is straightforward if the script is linked to a hotkey: Double-click on your chart at your desired stop-loss price. Fire the hotkey linked to the script Conclusion In the exhilarating world of stock trading, where split-second decisions can either make or break fortunes, speed and efficiency serve as our trusted allies. Time saved is not merely a commodity but the defining factor between seizing an opportunity and watching it disappear. Cross-verifying information remains wise, just as one inspects a parachute before taking the plunge. This presentation humbly supports the trading community by fostering growth through education. Connect with me on X (@ItoThetrader), where I will do my best to address some of your questions/bugs and suggestions and try to improve. Happy trading! Despite my best efforts, there may be some errors in this document. I apologize if you come across any. After all, making mistakes is human, and I am only a mortal armed with a keyboard and a spellchecker. Download the accompanying Excel file Ito DAS Advanced HotKeys Primer v0.16.6.pdf
  14. Earlier
  15. Haven't looked into it in detail, but I believe DAS and Schwab are now connected, FWIW. Might be still beta, not sure. This might be way to go though - advantages of DAS plus low/no commissions/fees from Schwab? Plus - if interested, you can get Bookmap with TOS/Schwab for a better price as I understand it. I do want to investigate this possibility myself.
  16. Preferably yes, because the old syntax is confusing while the new syntax is easier to understand with the custom variables. watch out for the quotes, they get copied wrong very often so make sure you rewrite them in your DAS
  17. @Pete B Hey Peter, yes your right, I do get errors, I think I understand what you mean now, this specific hotkey script has an old syntax, and I should use yours instead: CXL ALLSYMB; $buyprice=Ask; $risk=20; $mystop=price; $pricetostop=$buyprice-$mystop; $target=3*$pricetostop+Ask; $amount=$risk/$pricetostop; SShare=$amount; Share=$amount; TogSShare; ROUTE=”SMRTL”; Price=$buyprice; Price=ROUND2; TIF=DAY+; BUY=Send; TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:RANGEMKT LowPrice:$mystop HighPrice:$target ACT:SELL QTY:POS TIF:DAY+; am I right ?
  18. you enabled the possibility to use advanced script syntax but your syntax is the old syntax not the advanced syntax as explained here. i bet you get plenty of syntax errors in your log file.
  19. @Pete B, Hey Peter, it's enabled in my setting, that's what you mean ?
  20. @Pete B Hi Peter, Thanks for the resond, I don't know what you mean, the hotkey advanced script is enabled, the hotkey works perfectly only with 1R, when I change the R in the script to 2 or 3 ( StopPrice*3+Ask) it does not work any more in temrm of showing the stop loss and the profit target on the chart and on the orders
  21. +$489 AMD Failed ORB but Reversal Catch after Chop City! NVDA VWAP Breakout! Trade Date: 7/10/24 AMD was setting up for an ORB to R5/PM High but we rejected and after a few partials stopped out on slippage. Tried a reversal as we looked to hold YYH but stopped out at R3 multiple times. My concern was AMD's extension on the daily and if we broke LOD, we would tumble hard/fast. Should have waited to see if we would hold R3 before entering. Then at 9:40 the price action slowed and the bids dried up, bottom was in, saw this as the last chance to long for a reversal from R3 and partialed at Yesterday High. NVDA bounced off R1 nicely and held R2, I went for a classic VWAP breakout to R3/Yesterday High/ and high of Pre-market. This was a clean trade I am proud of after getting chopped up in AMD. #AMD #NVDA #NVIDIA #VWAPBreakout #ORBFail #Reversal
  22. any reason why you do it this way and do not do it this way instead?
  23. Hi Guys, I'm trying to use the hotkey that sets an Equalized risk+ a profit target / range based on R, : CXL ALLSYMB;StopPrice=Price-0;DefShare=BP*0.925;Price=Ask-Price+0.00;SShare=40/Price;Share=DefShare-SShare;DefShare=DefShare+SShare;SShare=Share;Sshare=DefShare-SShare;Share=0.5*SShare;TogSShare;ROUTE=SMRTL;Price= Ask+0.05;TIF=DAY+;BUY=Send;DefShare=200;Price=Ask-StopPrice*3+Ask;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:RANGE LowPrice:StopPrice HighPrice:Price ACT:SELL QTY:POS TIF:DAY+ when I change the R from 1 to 3 : StopPrice*3+Ask; it some how don't show the stop loss and the target on the chart and on the orders as well, any idea why is that ?
  24. @tntp45 Thanks! Usually between $100-$200.
  25. +$1205 TSLA Low of Day Break, AMD VWAP Breakout Trade Date: 7/8/24 TLSA was overbought on the daily and had an initial rejection of S2. A downtrend started below the 1-min MAs. Waited for LOD break and went short towards large orders on the L2 and S4 as a final goal. The candles were being bought up aggressively and after a final liquidity grab at $245 I exited fully as a pullback was likely and would take me out at B/E. AMD was breaking out on the daily and after an initial run sold off to LOD. After 3 candles of holding the 50 moving averages above R3 and pre-market consolidation I went long for a break of VWAP (QQQ was moving up) and a retest of R4. Partialed on the way up just shy of R4 as we lost momentum. I longed again at VWAP for a possible trend higher but it ended up being a scalp as the order book ladder cleared on the ASKs. #TESLA #TSLA #LODBreak #AMD #VWAPBreakout
  26. Hi Guys, I'm trying to use the hotkey that sets an Equalized risk+ a target of R, : CXL ALLSYMB;StopPrice=Price-0;DefShare=BP*0.925;Price=Ask-Price+0.00;SShare=40/Price;Share=DefShare-SShare;DefShare=DefShare+SShare;SShare=Share;Sshare=DefShare-SShare;Share=0.5*SShare;TogSShare;ROUTE=SMRTL;Price= Ask+0.05;TIF=DAY+;BUY=Send;DefShare=200;Price=Ask-StopPrice*3+Ask;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:RANGE LowPrice:StopPrice HighPrice:Price ACT:SELL QTY:POS TIF:DAY+ when I change the R from 1 to 3 : StopPrice*3+Ask; it some how don't show the stop loss and the target on the chart and on the orders as well, any idea why is that ?
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