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Carlos M.

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Everything posted by Carlos M.

  1. Hey AM, Yes, we will do this for sure. Let us put something together on this.
  2. By now all commissions should be corrected, if you still have some dates showing incorrect amount please contact CMEG to adjust properly. Also yesterday my trades were routed via LAMP and SMAT on Das Trader Pro but I was charged correctly on the statements. Let's continue to keep a close eye on this for the next couple of days. I mean we should all be checking this every day to make sure all is good (pointing finger at myself here!). Seems like the issue is coming to an end and that they might have found a fix to the problem.
  3. UPDATE: As of 10:30 this morning, I received an update from CMEG on the current issue: 1. Statements are being adjusted to the correct BEARBULL commission structure. If you look at your statement now you will see yesterday will be showing correctly and by the end of the day, you will see the rest of the days also adjusted. 2. Programmers are working on fixing the issue, so it does not keep occurring in the future, but if it does happen while they are working on the change, they will address the fees and correct statements. From my end, I see that CMEG is doing an excellent job staying on top of this issue and making sure everything is corrected and working forward. Please be patient as they get this all resolved. Thanks everyone! FYI: Please make sure that your platform is up to date with the latest version and that you are using the LIMIT and MARKET routes on your hotkeys and hot buttons on montage. Also, make sure you are using DAY as the time in force on Hotkeys and hot buttons as well.
  4. Hey, how are you? Long-time we do not connect hope all is well. Yes, that is the plan, I will be checking my statement tomorrow after the open and following up with CMEG if the problem still persists and if reimbursement is not showing. They did give us a heads up that this would take some time to correct. David, I noticed that as well on my orders. So is clear that they are working on correcting the problem and then addressing the old commissions charges. Look out for update tomorrow in the late morning to early afternoon. Thanks.
  5. Hey BBT family! On Thursday (7/11) and Friday (7/12) you might have noticed on your platform some orders were routed via ARCA instead of LAMP. Even though you send the order correctly using LIMIT or MARKET as your route, the system was having some issues and caused this mistake to happen. Please review your statement with CMEG for Thursday (7//11) and Friday (7/12) to make sure everything looks correct with the route LAMP and with the new commission structure for BBT members. If you do have some orders that were transacted with ARCA and commission fee of $3.95, you can email me your [email protected] just full name and I will add you to the list of names we are sending to CMEG so they can fix the issue accordingly. You can also work with CMEG directly, and if you have already emailed them about the issue they will address. CMEG is aware of this issue and is addressing it to prevent it from happening and they are committed to adjusting all statements that were charged incorrectly. Thank you all!
  6. This is a really good and important topic. We will get something together on this for August. Thanks!
  7. Hey everyone, As you already might be aware we kicked off our first live "Workshop Wednesday" this week with the Topic Trading a Small account. We have plenty of more scheduled for the following weeks. These will be held every Wednesday at noon EST in our Classroom chatroom. Check your Dashboard calendar to see what topic is next. If you missed it no worries, we do have it recorded and available for you in the Education Center under Workshop Wednesday! We have a few exciting topics like Hotkeys, Journaling your Trades and Trading Rules scheduled but we want to hear from you what you are interested in having a live discussion. Feel free to post it here or also email it to [email protected]. Thanks!
  8. This is an amazing setup!!! Love it! Nice touch with the clocks up top, I also have that same Classic Chart Patterns! Now, who is the better trader?? Just kidding 🙂Best of luck to you both!
  9. Just thinking about this meet up! What a blast this was! It was amazing seen old faces and new ones! Can't wait to do it again!
  10. Good morning BBT! Happy Sunday morning! I love waking up early on Sundays and getting ready for the trading week. 

    Make sure to take out time today and review your journal for last week. As you know from my podcast on YouTube "Reflection & Review" https://youtu.be/yUzCnMbR3yI , it is critical to have a system that you can go back and review what you need to improve on for the following week. Tracking your main issues and highlighting them for improvement the next week is very very important. 


    Related image

    This week let's focus on time management. On Sundays, I also plan my schedule for the week, I literately put in everything. Below is what my week looks like almost every week. Now on all this empty white space I will fill in with things that I want to work on this week and get done. That could be time for your projects, maybe something you want to learn, studying and reviewing recaps. I will even block out 2-3 hours under "Me Time," this is were I will complete do what I want that is fun or chilled. 

     This can really help us manage our time and give us visibility how much time we have available. DO NOT WASTE IT. 

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend guys! Time to make this calendar look like a "Christmas Tree!"




  11. Yes it is a really neat feature they have added. You do not need to turn it on. The information is shown right on the montage. Tomorrow when a stock hits the halt scanner put switch to that ticker on your montage and you will see the new feature. If we get one in the pre-market or during down time in the chatroom we can bring it up to discuss.
  12. Hey Mike really impressive notetaking journal you got going! Putting in that work off the trading screen is huge for improvement. Great job.
  13. Good morning BBT! Happy Sunday! 

    Time to prepare for the new week! Let’s review last week and see what we can improve for this coming week.  


  14. Hey Matt! Thanks for sharing this, going to queue it up to read that article this weekend.
  15. Welcome to club Dirk! Yes buddy system is beneficial. Does not have to be one on one it can also be a team, I have found that messaging app like What'sApp is really convenient. What does everyone else think?
  16. Hey Everyone! We should starting putting some possible dates together. Maybe March/April? What do you guys think? Looking forward to seen familiar faces and new ones!
  17. No need to set neg or pos.. Just enter the amount you want the trail stop to be and based on your position Das will execute based on your Sell or Buy.
  18. Nice machine Marek! Looks like a beast. I need to get me a travelling laptop. Right now when I travel I trade off my mac using Parallels. Not the best set up.
  19. Hey Greg, hope you did better today and that you were able to control the FOMO. This is why is so important to stop trading once you hit goal. I no longer trade after a certain time or after certain amount of trades just because I know I can easily give it back or make a small red day worse. Why bother when tomorrow morning we can get more opportunities to trade good setups. Nice Journal as well. Keep it up.
  20. Hey Mark, great job staying consistent with your journal! You are putting in the work off the trading station and it will surely pay off in the long run. There were not many good ORB's today on the watchlist, below was my trade for today and actually turned out to be a good ORB Down but got stopped out too early. Funny you mentioned taking a break from ORB as I just finished responding to a member who also was telling me they were thinking of stopping the ORB strategy. What we have to realize is that not every day the market will give is great clean ORB's. We might go on a streak were it might seem as they do not work any more then they will be back in play. My suggestion to this is continue to look for this strategy at the open but if you do not see a clear signal for one just bypass it for that day and focus on your secondary strategy. Once again, great job with this daily journal!
  21. Good morning BBT Family! Happy Thursday!!!


  22. Comparing IB and Speedtrader I asume is what you are referring to. IB is better, they have an excellent short inventory. You are correct our style of trading there is not time to call broker for shorts.
  23. Image result for work hard


    Good morning BBT Family, Happy Sunday! Let's get up early and put in some work. All the work to become a better day trader is not put in during the market hours. Let's take advantage during the off hours to get closer to our goal. Few things we can attack today and tomorrow. 

    1. Review last weeks trading and highlight improvements areas for the coming week. 
    2. Check out members recap on YouTube and learn from them.
    3. Read a book. (Andrew's 2nd book if you have not done so already.)
    4. Review classes again and again.

    Let's put in the work during this off time! Let me know what you are doing on your end.

    1. KurtLoeblich


      I guess binge watching the Lethal Weapon movies doesn't cut it 😉

      Nah, I'm actually going to go back and look at the stocks I traded and find the mistakes I made, and potential signals that I should have heeded before/after I entered the trades.  I'll also go back and take a look at my winners and see how I could have played them better (if at all possible)


      Carlos, when you've got some free time, shoot me a message. I want to chat with you about the premarket show. 


      Have a good rest of the weekend/enjoy the Holiday!

    2. Abiel


      Great advice, and nice cover pic bro!

  24. Hi Kevin, Hope all is well! This scenario you are describing is a big challenge for many traders trading small accounts. This is my advice and opinion to this situation. For me most important thing is that the trading process and execution stays intact. If you are trading well and taking profits as you should and your Gross P&L is green that's a win. You should not change your trading style or execution to try and save on commissions as that can have a negative impact on your trading. You start taking bigger share size to make up for commissions. You are not risking more and that can have a negative impact on your account's bottom line when trades go against you. Wait until you are more confidence and consistently profitable to start increasing size. Let the progress of your trading determine when you increase your size not the fact that you want to save on commissions. Change the way you think about commissions. Think of commissions as a fee you pay monthly to be able to learn how to day trade and gain experience in a live account, not as a fee that is taking away from your profit and great trading. Focus on your gross P&L instead of your net P&L, this is very important with small accounts. As you grow your account the commissions stays the same but your P&L starts to cover commissions. Continue to trade your plan and keep the same execution process that is working, you want to build great habits from now that will be beneficial as your account grows. For example if you let winners run longer thinking about covering commissions you can get in a situation were the stock might pullback on you due to not following your plan. You do not want to think about commissions while trading as it can change your judgement about the trade possibility creating bad decisions. There are some options that will help compliment your trading style for small accounts without changing your entire trading technique. If you are scaling out continue to do so but maybe this time you take 30% off instead of 25% and scale out less. As you get better in your trading and the account grows these issues with commissions will not be a thought at all. Focus on the process the P&L will follow. Carlos
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