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Everything posted by Norm

  1. A huge thank you for posting on this. I use the Finviz hotkey dozens of times a day and half the time have had to type the symbol manually because of a dead page. This is really helpful!
  2. Isaac, If IB is available in Israel you might contact them and ask about PDT rule for non-US residents. We've been hearing reports recently that they are not holding non-US residents to PDT rule, but please check for yourself.
  3. We try to keep the bro talk to a minimum, as we have quite a few female members. Let us know if it is ever out of hand.
  4. Are you asking about mobile app?
  5. Just a heads-up that we are trying to get DAS to add ATR and float to the Market View window as a numerical value. ATR should not be too tough since they are calculating that for the charts anyway, we shall see about float.
  6. Hey, JayR and welcome! Glad to have you here. I'm in North Dallas by Addison. I'm going to push hard to get something set up soon. Been sick for a couple days, so I'll get back at it next week. Be sure to subscribe to this thread so you will get alerts when it is posted to.
  7. I think much of what I would consider extra education has already been posted above, so I won't revisit that. I can add one thing that I've learned a TON from: Bad trades, specifically reviewing them. Not journaling, or even rereading a journal, but just take a screen shot of the chart on a bad trade. Go back and look at it several hours later, or the next morning, or that weekend. I promise you'll look at it and say "What the hell was I thinking? What did I see there?". It is really eye opening. Screen time, practice, and education will make you capable of finding good trades; learning to avoid the bad trades will make you profitable. It is correct that I don't recap my bad trades and rarely share for public consumption, I try to show the things that work and reinforce that. I'll be the first to admit I'm green (new) in this game and no guru or wizard. I have plenty of rough days. This is a journey and I'm much closer to the beginning than the end, just trying to enjoy the process and become a little bit better of a trader each day! Doing recaps is part of my education process as well and knowing they will be seen by the public makes my live trading more disciplined because of that...nobody wants to look like a fool.
  8. We might have to check, but a little bit down the page (same one you quoted), it says this is transaction fees: The tiered plan says: I take that as the fixed plan *includes* exchange fees and tiered does not. The transaction fees quoted are extremely small, almost a rounding error.
  9. Andrew, Based on these calculations, wouldn't it be better to use IB's fixed commission plan since it is $0.005 per share and is INCLUSIVE of ECN fees?
  10. So, I've learned this is not so. You can, in good faith, elect 475 MTM accounting later in the year if you can show that you didn't know better. It is essentially a extension that you file with the 475 request that says you're doing it as soon as possible and not because it helps you retroactively.
  11. Since not enough people chimed in for the meetup to possibly happen this weekend, going to need to push it to September. I'll shout out in the chat each morning to get it going and push people to this thread to find a date.
  12. Now we have something going. Thinking about aiming for Saturday 8/25. How does that work for everyone?
  13. Still trying to get this going, but want at least 4 of us. Anyone else?
  14. Is there a way to set a hotkey to switch between pen and mouse pointer? Sorry - I figured it out!
  15. Lee, thank you for taking the time to get this done. Your conference calls and work with DAS has saved time for all of us. What was one of the most monotonous tasks of the day, creating-saving-loading lines, has become so much easier. I know this is saving me at least 5-10 minutes a morning, every morning. Thanks again for spearheading this and making sure that it was done correctly!
  16. If we were to meet on a Saturday, would that work for you all? Would you prefer coffee, breakfast, lunch, drinks?
  17. So far there are four of us, wandering if we can get a couple more
  18. I have this card and run 6 monitors. I use the DisplayPort and DVI outputs on the integrated card for two screens and then the 4 outputs on the NVDIA card.
  19. Here is a video link to help other users. Note that your BIOS will likely look different, but the option to enable onboard graphics will be there somewhere. It is possible for this to cause hardware conflicts (at first my mouse would not work, but I fixed it).
  20. Yes, fixed! Carlos sent me the video you had sent him and it worked for me. Thank you!
  21. I had this happen when I added monitors. All of my previous "second screen" DAS windows were gone and I had to delete them and start over with the new config.
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