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Everything posted by Abiel

  1. Makes sense Peter, try to join chatroom too and Lifetime webinars! This is the next
  2. Welcome to BBT Peter! The program here is 5 classes, 1 hour max each, you can attend live classes or watch them recorded, so maybe you can get the time to watch them instead of waiting 3 months. Also, make sure to watch all the materials in Education Center
  3. “In the future, instead of striving to be right at a high cost, it will be more appropriate to be flexible and plural at a lower cost. If you cannot accurately predict the future then you must flexibly be prepared to deal with various possible futures.” - Edward De Bono.

  4. Das Trader Pro only gives you info for the current day. https://www.tradervue.com/ can import your past tardes if you give it access to your account.
  5. Hi Henrique, welcome to our community. Please post this question in our Day Trading Basics Forum https://forums.bearbulltraders.com/forum/9-day-trading-basics/ Read this post: For the most common questions about using DAS Trader pro you can read this post:
  6. These hotkeys are risk based ($$ or account %). If your account size significantly changes and you want to risk more, or less, yes, you can change (edit) the risk criteria in your hotkeys. I hope this answers your question.
  7. "I see too many traders risking way too much on any one trade, thinking it's the only way to grow their (small) account. But by risking too much, they make it mathematically impossible to grow their account". @LoneStockTrader

  8. This Friday 12pm EST, Andrew will be live with Desire to Trade for some tactical day trading advice! Set your reminder here: https://youtu.be/S1i8wlQVNYY
  9. Class 5 Risk Management is now in Education Center!
  10. You are not elegible for this trip! LOL! We´ll let you know in this post, we´re working on that.
  11. I studied Law and I programmed my keypad in a breeze. I can help if you have specific questions.
  12. Kevin, just follow instructions in manual and use the software to program your genovation. First you want to have ready your DAS hotkeys and then do the keypad programming. What you program into the keypad is every keystroke of your hotkeys (Ctrl-1, etc.) If you are using windows 10, read this...
  13. It's up to you really, for me 24 is more than enough...
  14. I was thinking like you, but lately I have seen traders losing big, hulk days or failure of internet connection, so I choose the safety net of DAS risk controls.
  15. 🔥A good day trader makes a winning trade and feels great about it...

     ⚡️A great day trader makes a winning trade and feels nothing!

  16. 166 podcasts here https://chatwithtraders.com/podcast-episodes/
  17. Your entry was close to too many supports: 50MA was a support in 5 mins and 200MA was a support in 1 min. Also, I have a $75 level in 5 mins that acted as a support too. So, bad entry.
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