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Robert H

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Robert H last won the day on March 3

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454 Excellent

About Robert H

  • Rank
    DAS Trader Bro

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  1. Hello Robert,

    I found that you look familiar with a Canadian account and Interactive Broker.

    I have a big problem with IB and intraday loan fee.  I trade in the US with my IB account in Canada.  I also use DAS as a platform.

    Here is my problem: I was getting use to have some variations sometime with the exchange with my Canadian $ account:  -50$ or -100$, -200$. Sometime it give me +50$ or +100$ but this is more rarely.

    I trade the US stock but at the end of day, with my daily report, IB close the day and make the calculation for the exchange CAD versus USD.

    • In January, I lost 585$ US just with the exchange
    • In February, I lost 420$ US again with the exchange.
    • And on Monday this week, March 9 2020, I lost 750$ US with the exchange USD/CAD!!!
    • I can’t believe that a US citizen would make a nice trading day of 305$ US with 22$ commission and end up loosing 750$ with the exchange, 3 trades on $AAPL, $AMD and $NVDA

     I call IB last week to change my Canadian account in US$. They told me that it goes with the country of residence. The guy was not really helpful.

    With one of your post, I understand more how it work when I buy in USD with my CAD: https://ibkr.info/node/722


    Today, since all line where busy at IB, I tried the chat. The guys told there was noting to do even if I challenge him that it's impossible that a America with a US account would pay 750$ for making 305$.

    With this setup, I have no choice but to change Interactive Broker for another broker that would accept to open a account with USD.

    Any advice and recommendation would be really appreciated.



    1. Justin


      Stéphan, Robert is unfortunately gone from BBT. You should make an actual post and @ Andrew, Brian and Carlos all using IB Canada I believe.

    2. Stephane Courchesne

      Stephane Courchesne

      OK, thanks Justin ;-)


  2. ROUTE=ARCAL;Price=AvgCost+0.10;Share=Pos;TIF=DAY+;SELL=Send; This will send a limit order 0.10 above your entry.
  3. Here you go: https://bearbulltraders.com/lessons/how-to-create-hotkey-buttons-on-the-das-montage-level-2-window/
  4. You must be holding a position into the close that exceeds the Overnight BP threshold. Triple check that it is in simulator account and don't worry about it. Try closing the position if you don't want to hold
  5. Hi Robert, how are you ?

    Any chance you know how to use fibonacci tool on DAS to create this 1R, 2R etc so it tells you nicely where it is your stop loss and profit targets....

    Thank you,


    1. Robert H

      Robert H

      Hi Dalt

      Unfortunately I don't know how to do that. I've heard in the latest version there are chart indicators showing your stop and profit target. Another option is to draw a line manually with the trendline tool.

  6. Hi Robert, I can't open below link:


    would you please email me the excel files ? [email protected]

    thank you.


  7. Decided to make a video on this topic. Enjoy!
  8. Switch to tiered structure. It is cheaper under 99% of circumstances.
  9. Per the YouTube video here, we will be posting one infographic each day. #1 - July 9, 2019 #2 - July 10, 2019 #3 - July 11, 2019 #4 - July 12, 2019 #5 - July 13, 2019 #6 - July 14, 2019 #7 - July 15, 2019 Poster (Download Full Size Here)
  10. BierCraft Bistro Saturday July 6 @ 3 PM 3305 Cambie St, Vancouver, BC V5Z 2W6 See you all there!
  11. Finalizing venue and time now. Will either be Tap and Barrel Olympic Village or Bier Craft on Cambie. Aiming for 5pm. Please stay tuned.
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