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CliffG last won the day on May 21 2020

CliffG had the most liked content!

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31 Excellent

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  1. Kyle, I'm trying to draw rectangles, and using your tool I can draw an outline. However, I want to be able to fill it and have it fairly transparent. I've been trying with different variations of the script, trying to include things line Fill Interior, intfill, Interiorfill, (and many many more), but to no avail.. Cannot find ANY resources online. I would love to be able to mark up supply and demand zones, but each time, I need to manually fill the boxes I draw and such.. Any suggestions? Thank You
  2. If anyone is inclined to set something up using Zoom (or whatever) for a group meeting at the open, I'm all for it, and would love to be included.
  3. Welcome Saint_K - Really hope you enjoy it here. It truly is the best Trading Community imo. All about the education and experience.
  4. Thanks Earl, Really appreciate any feedback and it was an awesome presentation too šŸ™‚
  5. I tried out a couple of U-Turn trades earlier, based on what was described by Earl in the recent 'Trading the Open' Webinar. Both trades failed - and that's ok - it's in sim anyway, but I do wish to understand if they are genuine U-Turn trades as he described. I tried just now to reach out in chat, but he's not online. Anyone here who paid attention in that webinar confirm if I'm missing something? Or are they good? Thank You
  6. After listening to the Mastering Trading Psychology Audiobook by Andrew and Mike, I'm proud to say I've taken some very positive steps in my lifestyle choices. I got myself an Exercise Bike in February and have been doing a daily workout where I never really exercised at all (unless you count running around after 3 kids exercise). 3 Weeks ago, I was having beer almost daily, and from 2 weeks ago, now only having some at the weekend instead. And from today, I've cut out coffee during the week. Along with missing breakfast most mornings, I decided to kill 2 birds with 1 stone and make my own fruit smoothies - I get my breakfast, and my morning drink. Feel good about the changes I'm making and it's thanks to listening to that audiobook - Thanks Guys.
  7. Hey CliffG,

    Kwam jou net op de Members mapĀ in Nederland tegen. Mooi om te zien dat er ook andere BBT'ers net als jijĀ in Nederland zijn. Toevallig hier nog andere Nederlanders tegengekomen? Zou leuk zijn om een groepje traders in Nederland te kunnen vormen. Fijne avond nog!

    Gr. David

    1. CliffG


      Hi David,

      Sorry, I don't speak Dutch. While I do live in the Netherlands - South Holland, I have not yet learnt the language. I've been here 4 years so far. I'm originally from the UK (but not lived there for 15yrs).

      I know there is another Member who lives near Lieden, I think his name in the chat room is Winston.Ā 

      I currently live in Zoetermeer, how about you?Ā 

    2. D_Zitter2


      Hi Cliff,

      no worries, I speak English too.Sorry for the delay in answer, I was busy doing all the education-video's, absorbing all that stuff!Ā So welcome in the Netherlands ;).Ā  So you are here for work? Ah, Zoetermeer,... I'm from Rotterdam. Ah, am gonna try to say hi to Winston too. But how did you wind up at BBT? How did your trading journey went?

      Gr. David

  8. I understand the audio and video are a bit out of sync and Carlos is working on restoring the session. I'm awaiting this one too (living in Europe and cannot view live).
  9. Here in The Netherlands, my lag is approx. 150 to 180ms. It's rare that it goes over 200, but on occasion it may. Don't feel it hurts my trading too much.
  10. Thanks JC, Had a look through the sheet. Really amazing work there šŸ™‚
  11. Installed Power Toys and just tried this out.. Awesome - I can get a little OCD when it comes to aligning everything on screen.
  12. Thanks Jason, This is the one I've been using to align....
  13. These 2 will be very useful for me: Moving Avg Pair study - added option to play alert when cross over occurs. Added option to open multiple Trades, Orders and Positions window. Added vertical dragging for chart. - I thought this was always there (right click price axis and move up/down), if something different, appreciate if someone can explain how.
  14. Hi Dustin, DAS is fantastic, and once you get the hang of it, I think you'll love it. I'll try to answer your questions: 1. I'm not aware of a way to get a distinction in the watchlist between Shortable and non-shortable stocks. You can easily see if a stock is shortable on the Level 1. (see pic). edit: One thing I used to do, was have a empty line separator in my watchlist between Stocks where I can either Long or Short, and those which are not shortable. 2. This is a hotkey script I would use: CXL ALLSYMB;ROUTE=LIMIT;Price=BID-0.01;Price=Round2;Share=Pos*.25;TIF=DAY+;SELL=Send;ROUTE=STOP;StopType=Market;StopPrice=AvgCost;Share=Pos-share;TIF=DAY+;SELL=SEND It cancels any orders currently in place, then sells 25% of my position at LIMIT Bid price up to 0.01 of the Bid. Then it sets a new Stop Loss at Break Even. 3. I don't use IB, But I believe so. Best to be answered by someone who can definitively confirm. Hope that help.
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