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Paul aka Aurbano

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Paul aka Aurbano last won the day on December 7 2024

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  1. hello @bjaffry, that scripts achieve several targets in the process : Deletes all orders for the ticker. Opens a new limit order for 30% of the position @ bid-0.05 (DAY+) Opens a new market stoploss order for the position @ avg price (GTC) I'd check 3 things : Share = Post-share >> are you sure that calculation is right ? TIF ... double check if you need to make them both "DAY" or "GTC". Mouse or focus position. Check if you need to click in your chart before pressing the hotkey.
  2. just a small add ... I am a dark theme guy for everything and when I am into any other type of environment I suffer. For those like me just use this small variation on another Stylus configuration file to invert the video feed colors. Advise : good GPU for on-fly conversion might be needed. .webcamScreen { -webkit-filter: invert(100%) hue-rotate(180deg); } Before: After :
  3. @members due to very profund changes in the chatroom and my lack of time in the past months the theme shared in the first post of this topic no longer work. I took some time to update the icons for the 6 tabs and few things more. Here is the result. Please refer to the first post of this thread to check how to setup it up ! protradingroom_v3.txt
  4. @Denis Panfilov once you open TWS, go to the main menú and open a chat with support. That is the fastest way. Tickets usually get responses in 1 day or 2 depending the matter. Phone works fine at some hours only.
  5. @Leonardo Murcia es la configuración actual vigente sí ... perdón por la tardanza pero no me llegan emails de notificación cuando hay respuestas en el foro. Sigo funcionando con TWS igual que hace unos años. @Carl Diez este es el enlace :
  6. i only use TWS sorry I cannot help you with that, but as it seems, everybody in the chatroom was having major problems today even though that not happens often at all...
  7. @johnjnc as Andrew commented during the opening, try to setup a TWS backup for your positions just in case you have troubles one day like this. So that you can fall-back to another system if your DAS is giving you a headache 🙂
  8. 100% agree with @peterB ... At the begining of your trading career, one screen is more than enough as you still need to start the learning curve with hotkeys and the platform + the chart reading + pattern recognition + L2 reading + etc Whenever you start doing some more practice, you can jump into a setup of 2 monitors or just 1 bigger one. It all depends on many things and IMHO is too personal to decide based in anyone else experience. I totally disagree with the idea of having 4 screen at the same time. Too much info. Only "professionals" with +5 or +10 years of experience will manage that amount of information properly. Most of the cases, they will do more wrong than good.
  9. Hi @greg g ... I agree with some of the comments that you already got ... screen space is the only concern to be explored before getting a laptop for trading. As @peterB mentioned, those specs are above requirements and you won't have troubles with any software platform (DAS or TWS) however you have to take into considerations some caveats : laptops expansion posts (USB, HDMI, etc) are fixed and limited and you wanna add some more screens in the future for a triple screen setup which is very common you might have very limited options via extension ports. On the other hand, a laptop will get you a trading station that can be used everywhere if you travel a lot. Thinks I'd take into consideration going all-in with a portable trading station : a good base, USB keyboard and USB mouse for best ergonomics Super cheat ikea base: https://www.ikea.com/ca/en/p/braeda-laptop-support-black-60150176/ Screens : I've got 3x 24" Dell u2500 series (res 1920x1200) and I totally regret my decision. Now, after 3 years, I'd better get 3x 27" FHD 1920x1080 which are pretty inexpensive and common. Check this one as an example : HP 27 Inch FHD 1080p IPS LED Anti-Glare Monitor : https://www.amazon.ca/New_HP-1080p-Anti-Glare-Monitor-FreeSync/dp/B097SMZBSN/ref=sr_1_5 Extra Connections : you will need to expand your ports if you want to connect more than 1 external screen via expansion ports or expansion panels. Check this ones : USB-C to dual HDMI Adapter : https://www.amazon.ca/Adapter-Thunderbolt-DisplayPort-Compatible-Pixelbook/dp/B0899HYCR3/ref=sr_1_15 Portable Monitor : https://www.amazon.ca/PTVDISPLAY-Portable-Extender-External-Speakers/dp/B09BJX5CDR/ref=sr_1_6 I'd choose the adapter + 2 extra 27" FHD monitors side-by-side with the main laptop screen + base + keyboard + mouse
  10. @Silviu please check the "Trend Trading Webinar" by @Aiman where you will find super dupper cool explanation about how to use daily ATR. Most of the time, a period of 14 is used on the daily chart taking into consideration both premarket and postmarket. Any platform like DAS or TWS will place the numbers for you in the charts just adding the indicator to the daily chart 😉 Apply logic 100% of the time: if the GAP+ the ORB is over 50% of the daily ATR(14) ... would you take a trade that have in the best case scenario only a 40% daily range available to capture ?? I wouldn't
  11. oh oh, now I see what was the problem...... That puzzle piece icon was introduced in Chrome a couple of versions ago to make the plugin area smaller. Very veeeery silly idea, I reckon.
  12. @Roberto you have to follow the instructions in the first post of the thread. Before setting the CSS Style, you need to install the "Stylus" plugin in Chrome or Firefox Browser...
  13. 2021-04-09 UPDATE : added color / background highlighter on ticker symbols starting with $ PS : download files from first post in this thread......
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