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  1. 2 points
    3-5-20 AIS 1145, 7 hours, 7/10 PAT: only PB#3 Live and all PB#3 Live .... Over-trading AAL Reson2Trade: Virus has been bad news for travel, On Scanners, RVOL was 247% at time of trade and 402% yesterday PB#3, Trending the 9ema on the 5min, a pullback and confirmation of ABCD on the 2min with small entry and increasing upon further confirmation. In at 16.75 Risk was 16.82 and target was 16.50 (3/1). Took 25% at 1R to reduce risk as SPY is getting close to a possible double bottom. Took 25% more at 2R and am very happy that this is not following SPY but it is only Helping it out. 25% more at 3R as this 16.50 was a struggle and there was someone holding the BID. Once it broke out with serious volume I took another 25% at almost 4R. I put a SSR order in for 16.55 to add on with no luck on the fill. I brought the order down to 16.47 to get filled (chased a bit here) and should have left it at .55 . This brought my average down too much so I just got all out with a mostly good trade till the add. This was an expected retrace and consolidation but I let my emotions get the best of me. +2R This trade was mainly based on it not following SPY like most other stocks and L2 2nd trade, new ABCD on 2min, set an order at 16.42 for 1/2 size with a stop at 16.50 and a target based on L2 at 16.00 (5/1). After two more 5min candles and a new 15min I moved my stop to 16.46 which would be a new 15min high buy .02 and also this will cross the 9 and 20 on the 1min. All out for a -0.2R trade 3rd trade PB#7. at 1324 and 1336, I jumped the gun here on the first one but the second one followed most of the rules of the trade. The MAs on the 2min were not pointing up yet as they did at 1346 which is the same or better entry but all align with the trade rules. I think I will add that L2 must also be turning around for more confirmation of the reversal. This trade stayed very Bearish on the L2. This did end up as a reversal. I will now need to look for better stops in the future This is pure speculation and trial and error on a new setup and was obviously in SIM Cons: a little mismanagement at the end of the first AAL trade Pros: stuck with my plan and read the tape well PB Trade: AAL Rs: +1.8
  2. 1 point
    Google Chrome recently made some updates that might be causing a pixelated chatroom screen specifically at the lower part of the screen in chatroom. Follow steps below to correct the problem by Turning off Hardware Acceleration Mode on Google Chrome: 1. Launch Chrome, then select “Menu” > “Settings“. 2. Scroll down to the bottom and select the “Advanced” option. 3. Scroll to the “System” section and toggle “Use hardware acceleration when available” off. Make sure to restart the browser before entering chatroom. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Thank you!
  3. 1 point
    March 5, 2020 Took $JD to the long side and $AMD to the short side today. Both trades were good setups and I got partials on each one of them. I didn't have the best trade management with $JD to long side as I saw some large Bids come in after I entered, so my partial was a little quick. I was happy with all my entries today, smooth, quick, and with confidence. The only thing I did not like was later right after power hour, I should have taken $JD and $CCL to the short side. I just didn't have the right feeling with them so I didn't. Regardless of what the stock did I should have taken the trade as it met my setup and had level 2 buildup in the direction I wanted to go.
  4. 1 point
    So my normal starting point for putting a stop is at the last 1 minute candle that was above/below the moving average. This normally will coincide with the prior 5 minute candles high/low. I adjust this slightly with each trade based on what the price action has been doing and if there is any significant level near that area. For the $MU trade my stop was at 54.78. On the $CCL trade my stop was just above the moving averages at around 31.75
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    March 5 $MU and $CCL Well in the morning I was not really into it as I slept really bad and was focused on external things, so I was quite sure if I wanted to trade the open. I eventually decided that it was worth trading but I was too slow on inputting the entry for $AMD. I watched for a little longer as the market continued to rise and then went to drop off my daughter. I came back and noticed the market was near the high of days, so I started looking for some stocks to take to the downside. I got in on $MU and a little later got into $CCL. My goal for the day was accomplished. Manage two positions at the same time. I ended up getting partials on both of them. Later I tried to take $JD to the long side but was again slow on the entry. It had to been the sleep last night.
  7. 1 point
    3-4-20 This is the first week that I am trying some new things. With my lack of sleep because of my job I am falling into a trend where I get super fatigued once a month and get into a Mini Hulk day and on a weekly basis I am super tired and fatigued especially on Wed. and Thur. So on these two days I will sleep in and get a good rest to trade the afternoon market where in the past I have proven to be more profitable also. AIS 1200, 7 hours, 8/10 TGT PB#3 .... The downtrend had reversed on the 15 and 30Min. I took 3 partials and all out on first trade and reentered on a new ABCD on the 2min with a partial and all out on L2 and T&S action +4.5R AMD PB#3 trend scalps... these were all individual trades for Scalps in this choppy market... 2 winners 1 looser +1R Cons: None that I can think of right now Pros: Had a plan to scalp off of the L2 and T&S and stuck to it. PB Trade: TGT Rs: +5.6R
  8. 1 point
    Today was another max loss day. If anyone would like to point out which technical mistakes I made, I would appreciate it. I battle with entries. Do I enter where stop will be tightest, or enter with more confirmation. Example, CVS I almost entered on 4th candle as soon as it crossed back above VWAP, instead I waited until it moved above prior two candles and MA. In this trade it ended up not mattering much anyway because the stock didn't continue up. CCL Too far from VWAP on first entry? Entry two, should have waited for it to get to VWAP to see what happened? Trade 3 Good? AMD.1 I thought this was a good trade? Should I have entered again on the 2nd fail above VWAP? I wonder if I should switch back to SIM until I get some confidence back, I feel like I'm trading better, but the results are the same, max daily loss.
  9. 1 point
    Day 39 - Mar 23 2020 16 Tickets 3 Symbols Green Day AMD - Long - 1min - VWAP Tend Trade Watching AMD as thinking overall market could continue its bounce higher. Had a nice bounce off PML on the 5 min chart, ended up taking this long once it bounced and held off VWAP. R/R wasn’t great here - more of a scalp trade. Ended up taking half off on spike to pre market levels, and left my stop on at just below VWAP - stopped me out but stopped out my initial full size so I sold the extra. Improvement: Need to be taking better R/R setups - this is a 1R - terrible. TGT (Trade #1) - Short - 1min - Breakdown Overall short biased on revenue miss. Opened weak and couldn’t hold VWAP, missed the initial VWAP rejection. Was watching for the retest to 109 previous day close, with short and stop above VWAP but it rejected the push up and broke down so I shorted on the breakdown for quick scalp on half into pre market level and adjusted stop to break even on other half. Good idea, just didn’t play how I wanted it to play out so scalping. TLRY (Trade #1) - Long - 1min - Breakout Pullback (Chasing) Watching TLRY with short biased from poor earnings, but caught a bid at the open. Was waiting for potential double top with expectation of it coming back to 13. Got too excited as Fed cut rates saw AMD have a huge spike, for some reason thought we could see this test HOD so got in for a quick scalp. Instantly realized this was an absolutely brutal entry with bad R/R so adjusted my stop and got out. Improvement: Had the right idea of waiting for double top and noted it in my journal to keep an eye out and target at 13 - emotions got in the way and ended up going long where I should have been shorting. DOUBLE TOP AS EXPECTED! TGT (Trade #2) - Short - 1min + 5min - ABCD (Reverse) TGT came up as market shot up on news that Fed cut rates by 50pts, rally was short lived and started selling off with wicks to the top - bearish. Short TGT on reverse ABCD with stop just above VWAP (1/2R auto risk hotkey) expectation to add on breakdown, target at previous bounce level. First partial just over 1R with rest to ride. Good: Good execution, followed game plan of taking partials into the level, and then taking some at profit target. Improvement: Looking back at it this would have been a perfect play to size up much much more. Negative catalyst, failed rally on fed cut and followed daily levels perfectly - rejection of 110.5 TLRY (Trade #2) - Long - 1min - VWAP Trend Trade Waited for this to play out, short biased on negative catalyst just needed a decent entry. Ended up going short on the pop into VWAP expecting this to sell off throughout the day. Had to run to work so left a range order for previous level of Premarket level of 13.15 in front the heavy support at 13. Ended up doing exactly as I though - came up to VWAP a few times (opportunity to add if I was at the screens) and sold off right into my profit target) Good: Leaving range order while at work allows my idea to play out, without me micro managing the trade Improvement: Didn’t use my auto risk hotkey - inconsistent sizing which minimized my profits. Todays Review Slowly getting better in thought process and being able to recognize good setups, however still taking poor setup plays. Thinking once I get some more stats in my journal and able to pick apart winners / losers based on specific setups, time of day this will give me probabilities and W/L ratios which I can work from. Eliminating the bottom half, and perfecting the ones I am doing well on. This new website has made it tough for me to post trades....chrome not letting me sign in and vew forums as a member, and internet explorer not letting me copy and paste. Will edit and add photos once this is figured out. What I did poorly: Inconsistent sizing (which is no longer acceptable, as I have hotkeys that legit do this all for me.) What I need to do: Master hotkeys for Risk management in order to eliminate the variability. Notice a lot of my solid setups arnt sized properly, and a few of my losers end up taking a lot of my profits away due to poor sizing.
  10. 1 point
    Awesome keeping to your stops. I had trouble with in SIM. I treated SIM too lightly. I can tell you are treating SIM like it is live. Though it creates more stress now it REALLY helps the transition to live. And don't worry about hotkey mistakes. That reduces, especially when you finalize your DAS layout.
  11. 1 point
    3-3-2020 - Done trading for the day. Started off with a great trade with BYND. Got shook out of what I thought was a good trade on AMD when the SPY decided to absolutely rip me out of my position at 1000. With that market-wide rip it kind of threw off my typical VWAP bounce trades at around that 1000 hours. I felt I wouldn't feel comfortable getting into any further positions, so I ended my day where I was. $BYND trades 1, 2, & 3 - First trade was on a reverse ABCD pattern on the 1 minute, also looked good on the 2 minute. It was holding VWAP as a resistance real well. Started taking partials at around 2R. Stop loss right above VWAP. At around 0955, I saw what I thought was a false break on VWAP, and it kept hitting that 99.90 technical level, took the trade short and got stopped out. I saw it cracked the VWAP and 9/20 EMA levels, so I took it short again. Stop loss at the 99.90 level again with a target just above low of the day. At about this time the SPY ripped up and I got stopped out again. $AMD - I knew AMD had been gapping up and started slightly long biased. I saw it crack through ALL of those moving averages and VWAP at once and then hold it, so I went long. Stop loss below all of the moving averages and VWAP. I messed up my hotkeys, I meant to take a 50% partial at that 49.15 level, which was right around 2R, but accidentally bought more into the position and then it reversed and I got stopped out.. Really need to be conscience of these hotkeys, I know its bound to happen, but I would've been slightly green on this trade had I not messed that up. $TLRY- TLRY was ripping up at the open. I should've taken the daily more into consideration on this trade, as it's honestly been getting beat down to death. It was also gapping down in the pre-market. I took this trade as a VWAP bounce. Stop loss set right below that 50MA, target was right below high of the day. Ended up getting stopped out on this. Pros: I stuck to my stop losses. I got out of all trading when I felt thrown off from the big movement on SPY, which took away from how I originally planned on trading at that time. Cons: I need to stay more cognizant of how pre-market and daily levels look when trading a false VWAP break or bounce. I think those factors can contribute more greatly on whether the bounce/break is indeed false or not. TLRY was definitely not an A setup and I knew that going into the trade. I need to stay on top of hot keys, as shown in the AMD trade, that can be a matter of keeping the trade green or even break-even. I'm frustrated with that blunder as-is, but couldn't imagine my frustration if it was outside of the simulator making such a careless mistake.
  12. 1 point
    Almost forgot to journal again. I forgot too yesterday. It was a roller coaster yesterday. I was down, then up, then down, then up and then down at the end. I knew were I screwed up. Especially at the end. I thought I was looking at a 2 min chart but in fact, I was looking at a 5 min chart. Ah well. Today was much better. Took 2 trades UAA, MU UAA Rising devil trade. Did get a little nervous as it wasn't going down as fast as I was hoping but made 1%. MU Saw MU perform a engulfing pattern on the 1 min chart and it went over the VWAP. The previous candle was also a hammer doji. The 2 min chart showed a hammer doji above the VWAP and the candle that was forming was also a hammer doji above the VWAP. So I went long. Got stopped out at my moving stop loss. Made 2% total today. Pretty happy. I could have made more with FB as I saw all the signs but was afraid of over trading. But it was such a perfect set up that I should have just taken it. Whatever, no FOMO allowed. I am at a point where I am debating on going live. However, my job is asking me to do 8am - 4pm shifts for 2 months. I am probably going to stay in sim and do live trading when I get back. We''ll see. See you all Friday morning as I'm back on 2 day shifts starting tomorrow! Thanks!
  13. 1 point
    January 23 - $MU I had a decent day, but still having some issues with the montage input. I am going to do some remediation today on it. I am not sure what is but I will see with the DAS replay today what I keep messing up. Other than that it was a day to be patient. I had several setups in the morning and early afternoon, but just as they were getting to my entry order, the stock would reverse and break the setup, so I would move on to another stock. $MU though was not bad today. I got a good entry at 58.71 and set my limit order to partial at 1R, except that instead of covering I added to my position. I quickly implemented my crisis response plan and covered some and set my break-even to may new average cost. Unfortunately, the stock pulled backed to this level and I exited. Had I not had this error the stock would have made it to my 2R level and the plan would have worked. This is a perfect example of why you need to focus while in the moment and execute well. The good thing is that I did not get over excited and just managed what occurred after that.
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