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  1. 2 points
    Feb 3 - 7 Weekly Report Trade Analysis Psychology Analysis Top Three Good Trends The first was that I was able to take entries regardless of my bias this week. On a few trades I didn't want to take but I choose to anyways. I was aware of my emotions and twice during the week I kept myself from trading during the open because I could not focus on what I was doing. I am getting much better and being relaxed while in the trade. I have a setup I am 100% confident in and I am able to trade it when the setup appears regardless of my bias Bottom Three Bad Trends As the chart below illustrates, I have had some major issues with taking profit at the right areas. I did not stick to my profit taking plan at all this week and have noticed that when I can input my exits with a stop order I am much better at it than if I have to press the hotkey to exit. I am still having self-sabotaging issues with the montage and hotkeys. This needs to be addressed more in depth Focusing in the morning has been an issue this week and I am unsure why. Focus for Next Week Fixing the montage and hotkey errors. Sticking with my profit taking plan and not worrying about whether I get stopped out after the stock coming within .01 cent of my partials Morning routine, so that I am focused and ready to trade the open.
  2. 2 points
    2-7-20 AIS 0805. 7 hours, 7/10 PAT: Trade management..... Over-trading..... Got chopped up in the AM with good setups on all. Started to Over-trade so I am calling it a day and leaving with a good attitude for the weekend...... have a great day everyone.... Cons: Over-trading Pros: took good setups (they just didn't work out....) PB Trade: Rs: -3R
  3. 1 point
    I've been trading in a different simulator since Jan 29th 2019. I started using DAS this week as part of the BBT challenge. Im not very good at editing my screen shots, but hopefully I get better as I do these journal entries. Made a mistake putting order in first thing. Trade one: My plan was to go short when it broke below 17.00 with target of 16.00 and stop of 17.25 or go long when it broke above 17.81 with target of 18.60 and stop of 17.60. I got in and added to my position as the price rose (this whole time Andrew was also shorting the stock) I watched the price spike twice to my stop, a stayed in because it would immediately fall back down. Then I covered at 17.35. I SHOULD HAVE STUCK TO MY ORIGINAL STOP. Trade two: I got back in short (should have waited longer, did this as a revenge trade), added to position when it spiked and failed. Took profits several minutes later, I was practicing putting orders in as I did this. Trade three: When I saw it fail to move above the 200 average on the 1 minute, I went short again, the first partial on this trade was a mistake, messing with orders again. The stock slowly fell throughout the rest of the day. . Thanks for taking the time to look, any feedback is welcomed.
  4. 1 point
    Feb 7 - $ABBV Had a good trade on $ABBV, but messed it up with a couple of montage errors as I was not focused on the execution. I ended up just setting a range order for the profit target and breakeven. I eventually got stopped at the B/E to the penny before it moved to the profit target. Oh well could have been much worse.
  5. 1 point
    No, no, no it's all just part of the patience training required to do this job
  6. 1 point
    That’s my goal, get 30k and get an IB account.
  7. 1 point
    Good morning! Another one and done for my Friday. Wasn't planning on trading but I came home at 845 from work. Figured I'd try a little. Told myself that I would only trade 5 min ORB this AM. If I didn't see anything I'll just go to sleep. Took one trade GILD GILD 5 min ORB at the VWAP. It couldn't be any better. Watched it come down a little, formed its wick, went towards the previous candle close and I took it long. Waited to partial out this time and was stopped out at my moving stop loss below the 9 MA on the 2 min chart. Made 1.5% and I am good. Plus I need to sleep However, I do wish that I had flipped my position after being stopped out. I did see the candle going below the VWAP and it was almost an engulfing pattern. I also watched the next candle open and make wick and come back down. I should have taken it short then. Ah well, shoulda, woulda, coulda. I'll be on the look out for those from now on as well. Thank you everyone and have a wonderful weekend!
  8. 1 point
    Friday 2/7/20 Due to family commitments I am unable to trade the open today. Good luck to everyone! Have a good weekend!
  9. 1 point
    Just gotta be more dedicated to the hold music! Last week I did a 40 minute and a 30 minute hold.
  10. 1 point
    Since my last recap which was March of last year, I spent most of the spring and summer of 2019 trading CFD’s instead of stocks. That went terribly and I lost several thousand dollars while blowing up a few accounts. I would watch the pre market show here but then switch to the chat room of the other place I was trading the CFDs through. I would do well when I traded the stocks we talked about with Carlos and Norm. When I got pulled into the trades this other “Guru” was trading, I would lose big. When I blew up my last CFD account in October I decided my next attempt would be to get a real broker, and slowly make enough profits to buy a lifetime membership here so I could be in the chat with BBT members. I started trading in sims again in January. I also decided to become a lifetime member BEFORE I opened a real account. I just wish there would have been a holiday sale on the installment plan. Still worth the price IMO. Now I have a funded CMEG account and am excited about this promising reboot. Next week sometime, I will step back into the live world of trading. Over the weekend I will find some time to post in this thread what my goals are and what steps I need to take to reach those goals.
  11. 1 point
    You have plenty of backbone. I wouldn't have been able to hold that TWTR trade for the first 50 minutes as it looked like it was going to go higher.
  12. 1 point
    James, Try going into the ConfigEx of that study and uncheck "include in scale." right click chart click Study Config click the study you want to change click ConfigEx uncheck the box Give that a shot.
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