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  1. 2 points
    Feb 5, Well this morning was not a good one. Right when I woke up I could still tell I was agitated from the night before and just was not focused on trading. Every time I would start going through my pre-market routine, my mind kept wondering off. I did not even get logged into the chatroom until right before the pre-market show started. I made the decision that I would not trade the open no matter what appeared as my mind was not in a position to handle uncertainty. I watched the markets at the open specifically $TSLA, as I knew I would not trade it. After taking my daughter to school, running, and getting something to eat, I came back for the afternoon session in a much better mindset. I was looking at $SNAP and $MRK for a long but just didn't see what I was looking for in my setup. I just happened to notice $MU starting to head toward a MA cross on the 1 minute, so I took a look and saw my setup. I executed my pre-trade routine flawlessly, enter the trade and managed it well. I did not get to my profit target with my last portion but, I was happy with my execution at the close of the day. First time I have held within the last 10 minutes of the market. I got out at the loss of the moving averages on the 1 minute.
  2. 1 point
    Hello Everyone, I just finished three months of live trading this past Friday, and about two weeks before finishing I came to the realization that something had to change if I was going to make it through the learning curve. After reading “Trading in Zone” and watching Mark Douglas’s “How to Think Like a Professional Trader” on YouTube, I decided I would create a 20-trade sample set to work on three areas of my trading. (1) Thinking in probabilities (2) Discipline to not give into FOMO (3) Holding my winners longer I figured since this is basically testing out a theory presented in one of the recommended Psychology books, I would make the results public so everyone in the community can see it. The desired outcomes I am looking for at the end of the sample set are: (1) Getting away from thinking trade to trade, and start thinking in a series of trades (2) Taming FOMO, so I do not get over excited and enter a trade too early (3) Confirm my profit taking plan is profitable over a series of trades. All of my indicators, confirmations, and risk analysis that defines my edge is based on information obtained in Andrew’s book and the lifetime Webinars. Edge Defined Strategy: 15 Min ORB – I chose this strategy specifically to force myself to deal with FOMO each and every day. I will caution that my edge does not appear every day, so there will be days that I do not take a trade. While tracking 5 Min ORBs and 15 Min ORBs for the last three months (total of 165 Stocks), I was surprised to see that 15 Min ORBs that meet my criteria appear more frequently than 5 Min ORBs. The percentage of them working is almost the same. 5 Minute ORB Pullback Met Parameters - 52 of 164 Total trades within parameters that have worked - 41 of 52 (78%) 15 Minute ORB Pullback Met Parameters - 55 of 165 Total trades within parameters that have worked - 41 of 55 (74%) Stocks for Watchlist: I select up to three stocks to watch based on the following criteria % Change – Gapped at least 2% but not more than 10% Catalyst – Needs to have fundamental news of sort. Vol – >100,000 Float – High or Medium float (> 50 m) ATR - .50 to 2.00 Trading – Must be trading higher than normal volume Exchange – I prefer Nasdaq over NYSE Edge Criteria: I have three parts risk analysis, indicators, and confirmations Risk Analysis: 1:2 or Greater Indicators: Must meet 2 of 3 Trades within the ATR Small share size with high volume Has a direction upward or downward (higher highs, higher lows, lower highs, lower lows) Confirmations: Must meet 3 of 4 ORBO closes above VWAP/ORBD closes below VWAP No large wicks/candles (wick cannot be larger than body, candles body not larger than ½ ATR) Closes near VWAP (needs to be within $.30) Has a pullback prior to breaking the opening range (cannot go past planned stop) Profit Taking Plan: As I am with CMEG, I have found you have to be very selective on when to take profits otherwise you are giving the money you make back in commissions, so I developed strict criteria for taking profits. Plan A – 1/3 out at just a little above 1:1 (this allows me to be at break-even if the stock moves back to my entry point), all out at profit target (+/- $.03) Plan B – 1/3 out at just a little above 1:1, 1/2 at profit target, all out at technical level or my first out Plan C – 1/3 out at just a little above 1:1, 1/2 out near the profit target if stock stalls near it, all out at the profit target or my first out. Share Size: I am taking share size based on a fixed dollar amount. Thanks to KyleK29 & fjmocke for the hotkey setup. Daily Trading Goal: My daily trading goal is to trade only within my edge, stick to my profit taking plan, control my emotions, and be disciplined. If I meet these then it is a green day regardless of what my P/L says.
  3. 1 point
    Hey everybody, we are looking to hold our next NYC meetup on Friday, February 21st. We are looking for an approximate head-count before we determine the venue. The venue will most likely be in or near midtown Manhattan, but again, we will adjust depending on the interest. We won't be having a speaker like last time, however, all are welcome. Ryan, Andrew, Carlos, Peter, Norm and Mike B will all be in attendance! Update Please reply to this post letting us know if you will be in attendance and if you will be bringing any +1's. We will be holding the Meetup at Pioneer's Bar: http://pioneersbar.com/ 138 W 29th St. New York New York The meetup will start at roughly 7:00PM ET When you walk in, walk to the back and if you are stopped, mention you are here for the Bear Bull Traders Meetup event.
  4. 1 point
    2-5-20 AIS 0805, 3.5 hours, 5/10 Pat: In / Out, Add / Partial when it makes sense not before or later ....... Overtrading ...... A+ Setups..... A brief.... Gotta get to work... I realize now that I looked at my P&L that I took way too much size (more than double) on the LK first two and TEVA trades all resulting in losses..... -7R Later on the LK and SNAP trend trades worked out great but I did take the correct size on these..... +3R Cons: Took Trade not in PB..... Took too much size at the open..... Pros: PB Trade: Rs: -4R
  5. 1 point
    Wednesday 02/05/2020 I had a well-being score of 8/10 this morning. I took 1 live trade this morning with SNAP. My watchlist: DIS, AAPL, BABA, SNAP, LK and TSLA. I was very interested with SNAP and DIS at the open, but no directional bias. I actually have short shares on SNAP today. While I was setting my levels and SNAP was setting up for an ABCD. Pretty good volume for PM. I was waiting for the price to touch the 9MA-1min again, but instead got a L2 signal as it made a PM high. So I went long with small shares. The price dropped bounced off the 20MA and I went long with more shares as it broke the 9MA. There was still a large ask at $18. My target was 18.17 with 20MA as my stop. My nerves didn’t let me wait for th $18 and I took a couple of partial profits. I did keep a really sharp eye on the spread, so all my fills were about where I expected them. I exited when the price broke down below $18 and the 9MA-1min. So I was done for the day before the open, so I traded SIM only after the open. I won’t mention those trades here. What did I do good today? Good add in. What I am grateful from today? SNAP now has short shares on Centerpointe, so it made my watchlist today.
  6. 1 point
    Nice! Looking forward to it!
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    Feb 4 $MU I had a great day trading today. I had a good 5 min ORB setup forming on $AMD, and was able to control the emotions to perform the analysis. I was ready to take the trade until it broke the pattern and went to the short side. I was able to quickly than transistion to looking for 15 min orbs and saw both $JD, $TSLA, and $AMD setting up nicely. I could not find a good risk to reward, so I decided to switch to looking for a breakout trade. I started my analysis on $AMD as it formed a double top. I did not quite get through the analysis before the stock broke my level so I moved on. I came back in the afternoon and had a great setup on $MU to the long side. Executed the entry flawlessly, rushed the partial a little bit, and then got stopped out to the penny before it made a run up to my profit target. Overall a very productive day.
  9. 1 point
    2-4-2020 Trades 1 & 2 AMD- First AMD trade was a 5m ORB. Took it long, got stopped out. Then I observed a nice ABCD on the 1minute, with good support on the VWAP, I got back into the trade rather quickly when I saw this and went long again. Target was the 2nd technical level. It shot below VWAP and I got stopped out. Only pros of the trade was I had a good Risk/reward, and stuck with my stop loss. Kinda got a little frustrated, so I took a minute to get my mind back right and stopped trading AMD for the rest of the day. I felt that the 2nd trade I did was not during sound mind, perhaps revenge trading since my ORB got stopped out and I was already a little irritated with that trade.. 3rd trade BYND - I saw a good ABCD pattern on the 5m. Saw it couldn't break VWAP twice. Bought into the position. Got stopped out just below VWAP where my stop loss was. It ended up being a false break on VWAP and took off and missed out on that opportunity. I don't see anything wrong with the strategy or trade set up, just got caught in the false break on VWAP, which was unfortunate. 4th trade NIO - Final trade was NIO. I saw after a huge breakout that it went down towards the VWAP steadily. Broke VWAP on lower relative volume. Waited for the confirmation candle, it closed above VWAP, then I took the trade on the following candle. Set my stop below the 20EMA. Took a majority of my partials at above 2R and then stopped out at break even.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    Hey Krismerful, welcome to the community! there is no a new London UK meetup scheduled yet but wait and see, we will bring Andrew back to London in 2020, hopefully with his wife, (who loves EDM) this time we will organise a proper party night!!! Few of us have kept in touch since the last meetup, someone has relocated (temporarily) to Mexico, someone is busy with academic studies, others have different priorities and family commitments at present but from March we should think to get together for drinks and general catch up (I am always up for a chat about day trading with a pint of beer in my hand!). Stay tuned and feel free to get in touch whenever you want.... Take Care Pit-Man
  12. 1 point
    I I use the moving average crossover as an indicator to find a possible breakout trade. Rob C, asked me about it and if you look midway down on page 18 of this journal you will see a post and discussion between Rob and I that I think will answer your questions. About 3 months I noticed the same thing you did but could never really figure out the right entry point until I watched Thor's price level breakout video. This gave me the entry point on the trade and it has been working good as of late. If the post doesn't cover everything you need, hit me up with your questions and I am more than happy to assist.
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