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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/28/2019 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    agree with this. When a trade never goes in my favor it kills my psychology. shame about that wick out on the short but it happens, that also kills my emotions. you're right, it was a good trading day that just happened to not work by a penny.
  2. 2 points
    8-28-19 About 4 hours sleep, a little groggy this morning.... SSS and a coffee Didnt get on here to do my PAT: I will be brief as I need to get to work early... And now I do not need to be to work early.... LOL... I am back.... AMD two trades got stopped out on both for small share size... (27.00) UBER three trades two winnner one loser +2.50 FOXA from Turbo Scanner... two trades both losers (31.00) TOPS Small winner and got out as I realized it didn't have enough vol. +12.00 ADSK This is the only trade I took today that I was happy with... I had FOMO from Kurt and Norm talking about it but contained myself and waited till I found an entry. This is from my New playbook with the help of William (pullback to the 9ema on 2min without a new low on 5 or 15 and after a clear direction)...... I was able to get in and out in a small amount of time and because I felt very comfortable with this setup I took just a little less than a full position. I did have to go to work so I exited very early.... I am so glad this is SIM as I would have gave a ton of money away...... After I got ready for work I find out I do not need to get ready early...... So I'm Back..... Took a couple more trades on ADSK.... I have been scalping it rather than Trend trading it .... Even though I hid my P&L I am still Partialing out and taking scalps when I should be holding on to more shares.... first one entered 1/5 share size and I stopped myself out..... second one I entered small and added to it. When it pulled back on the final add on (I almost stoped out here) the T&S was turning total green with lots of 300 to 600 share orders..... As of this pic. I still have 51 shares left which I will let run till I need to go to work with a loose stop limit just in case.... total for all ADSK +448.91 CONS: I took way too many trades and some of them I didn't have a clear path for, either a firm R/R or good setup..... Even though I hid my P&L I am still Partialing out and taking scalps when I should be holding on to more shares PROS: After walking away for just a bit I was able to clear my head and come back fresh. R=50.00: +405.41
  3. 1 point
    I am asked a lot how to buy and send an automatic STOP Loss order all in one hotkey. Try this: ROUTE=SMRTL;Share=BP*0.25;TIF=DAY+;Price=ASK+0.10;BUY=Send;ROUTE=STOP;StopType=Market;StopPrice=AvgCost-0.30;Share=Pos;TIF=DAY+;SELL=Send; What it does? It buys at 25% of your buying power, and then automatically send a stop loss order at AvgCost -30 cent. You can change it anyway you want!
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    28/8/19 had a much needed long sleep last night so feeling better today. Also configured Kyles risk per trade hotkey last night which i think will help me massively managing my share size, i wanted to be able to do it by myself but i think that can be a later goal when im more competent with other aspects of trading. Had a pretty interesting day. started really bad and hit max loss. carried on because want the experience and didnt feel too messed up psychologically. had a really good last trade of the day that i was in with norm kurt and aiman although i did get in it without them prompting me too, then went and did thor and aimans workshop about triangles which is what ive been most successful with recently and came to realise... im not gonna be an andrew type trader, Thors way just makes so much more sense to me and doesnt make me lose loads at the open, so from now on im going to have 1 try at an ORB then wait at least 15 minutes until i trade. once ive mastered some simple patterns ill come back to the open. and another thing ive realised i dont really make any real attempt to read level 2 or time and sales while im trading, which im now going to focus on learning. so not a great day trading but made some really good realisations about myself and trading style, and have gained some direction with my progression. trades 11: 3 winners (descending triangle breakup, pendant breakup, ascending triangle breakup) 8 losers (ORB, bearish engulfing, ABCD x 3, VWAP bounce, pendant breakdown x 2) Trade 1: all volume looked bearish so went for the ORB but stopped out. Trade 2:went for the bullish engulfing pattern but again just nothing going my way. Trade 3: this looked like an ABCD with a daily support level. went long but stopped out at b/e when it didnt crack HOD and started to dump. Trade 4: ADSK was really strong, looked like it rejected VWAP so went long but setup wasnt ready yet. Trade 5: took this pullback on ROKU when it was kinda extended already and stopped out Trade 6: traded a pendant on TIF, thought it broke out the bottom but id didnt so stopped out, then when it broke out the top i took it for a nice trade up. Trade 7: ascending triangle on roku got a nice pop then out at b/e Trade 8: this was an ABCD but the pop wasnt there so stopped out. Trade 9: drew this weird pendant but turned out to just be a long consolidation phase. Trade 10: Triangle on ADSK, it broke out the top with volume and was already so strong so went long for a huge trade making back all my losses and then some.
  6. 1 point
    Wednesday 8/28/2019 I had a well-being score of 5/10 this morning (< 4 hours of sleep). So I took half share size today. I took 2 live trades with AAPL and 2 SIM trades. So AAPL and ROKU were on my market open watchlist with MU, AMD and TIF on my 5min ORB watchlist. I had no bias on AAPL today, it was opening at PDC. The price open and popped on volume quickly to 204.80. I waited for a pull back. I entered the trade at 204.40 and expected a 10-20 slide but got a 40 cent slide. My target was 205.10 and PDC was my stop. The R/R was totally down the drain and thus I need to get out of the trade. As usual I don’t have the mental muscle to do so. I watched my video and I had at least 10 seconds to get out of the trade at a 10c loss and never did. I held onto the trade for almost 5 minutes since the price kept finding resistance at the PDC and 200MA-1min. At 9:35 I decided if it broke down through the PDC I would flip my position. It did and I did. My target was the 205.55 level with VWAP as my stop. I took the first two partial correctly at tech levels. I almost got stopped out after the first partial, but learned my lesson yesterday to give it a little more room. I only had a few shares left when it squeezed up and I exited when it broke the 203.73 level. Since the first trade stop was now double planned and I took both trades half shares I assume I am in the red today even though the second trade was an OK winner. I am no longer looking at my P/L until the end of the month so I don’t know exactly. I took two SIM trades. One a winner with AAPL on the long side and a small loss with TSLA. TSLA was an ABCD pattern, but after a few minutes the Time/Sales litterally stopped. I exited immediately. Score Card (live trades) AAPL AAPL 73% 93% What I did good today: I like my second trade and my SIM trades. I still haven’t looked at my P/L. What I am grateful from today? Taking half share sizes. What do I need to improve on: Will evoke the 3 trade allowed rule if exited early from a trade due to poor entry or early stop due to technical. The exit must be an early one. Will deduct 5 points (on my score card) for a trade that I don’t exit due to bad fill. I will add 5 pts if I exit early due to bad fill. I must start to learn how to exit early on trades.
  7. 1 point
    You are making some nice trades on $AAPL, Nice flipping to your position. Stoping out is no fun, but $AAPL was so wicky yesterday very difficult to put your stoploss.
  8. 1 point
    Thanks, "Trading in the Zone" was a great book. I read it a couple of times. Trading in sample sets has assisted tremendously with building confidence in my trading edge. I am so looking forward to adding my next trading edge as I have been working on it for a couple months now. I just have to confirm that my entry signal is viable and produces the results I am looking for.
  9. 1 point
    Vikram, i will miss our daily interactions. I hope you and your family are well. Please let me know when you return!
  10. 1 point
    As a local we see Hooters as just another resturant, I go with my wife all the time. But I can see William's perspective .
  11. 1 point
    Thank you very much for sharing this Mike! The time you invest in your journaling is impressive! I read "Trading in the Zone" and also watched the YouTube Series "How to think like a professional trader". I tried the approach of thinking in probabilities and using a sample set and it really changed a lot for me! But I have to admit that I stopped working with a sample set after I saw an improvement and my rules are no longer as defined as they were. Your journal inspired me to go back to this approach and take more time analyzing my trades and following strict rules for setups, profit taking, stops, etc.
  12. 1 point
    @Steph @JD @Thor @Glenn Budde @Atom Sorry if I missed anyone in the tags. But we have official word from @Andrew Aziz He can most likely make the Florida meetup on the proposed date of Saturday October 26th. Lets get the offical new post started and move everyone over there. @JD Can you still create and lead the new forum thread? If you are open to it great, if not for any reason please let me know. We do not have to pick an EXACT location as of yet being 2 months out, but if you an note the general area, date, time and all that jazz. Would be amazing to get it on the forum this week. Remember to highlight (not in this exact wording) 1. This is a BearBullTraders Sponsored event 2. EVERYONE is welcome, not just BBT members 3. We buy drinks FOR ALL! 4. Fun night of talking trading And @JD and whoever else might be looking at official spots for the meetup. We want to make these fun, but also turn them into an event at a location where we are in somewhat of a semi private/private spot so we can have group discussions instead of only 1 on 1 or talking to the people immediately surrounding us. All that make sense?
  13. 1 point
    August 27, 2019 - Had the opportunity to trade today that I was not expecting. I decided after being away for about a week, that I would trade Sim today and prepare for tomorrow. All I did today was work on my entry criteria for my moving average cross-overs and my routine for the afternoon. I was watching $MOMO and $AMD at the open but I did not see any opportunities that I liked to entered. Overall a good day to get back into my routine. Live trading tomorrow to finish out the month.
  14. 1 point
    27/8/19 been away for a while at a family event but back and still keen to carry on where i left off. had a pretty bad day, not feeling great tbh think i need a good nights sleep still. Trade 1: 5 min ORB looked really strong at the open but bounced off some resistance and couldnt make another move up, almost got back in but stopped myself which is something. Trade 2: after a strong open JNJ was consolidating and felt it was gonna pop up again and it did so got a nice trade and out when it looked weak. Trade 3: looked like the start of a trend trade but was just a fakeout, shouldve waited for confirmation. Trade 4: the first part was kinda a wedge/pendant so got in on the breakup and got 2 good partials then tried to get out at b/e but missed my hotkey and gave a lot back.. trade 5: after it bounce off VWAP i went long and then stupidly added straight away which brought my stop higher so i got stopped out when if i didnt add i wouldve survived the pullback. Trade 6: got in again shouldve just left it by this point, overtrading. Trade 7: Teva was a descending triangle but not very steep. i went short at the breakout but it didnt break so i flipped my position, then it bounced of the wedge i drew so stopped out, then it went back up, broke my wedge and i got in again for a good trade but set a stop and walked away and came back and it was done.
  15. 1 point
    Tuesday 8/27/2019 I had a well-being score of 8/10 this morning. Had some big emotional swings this session. I took 2 live trades with AAPL and 3 SIM trades. So AAPL and ROKU were on my market open watchlist with MU, AMD and PLAN on my 5min ORB watchlist. I had no bias on AAPL today but it was trading in a position at the open where there were levels 60c above and below it. Above the resistant level there was nothing but white space on the chart. Ten seconds after the open the priced popped on large volume and broke the 208.43 level. Then it hung around that level for 10 seconds so I took it long. There was no target in sight so I chose the 210 level with my stop the 207.95 PM level. The instant I entered the trade it reversed and did not look back and I quickly got stopped out. Everytime the a trade like this happens it creates an emotional hit. I hate when they instantly go against you. You feel if you waited just one second more I would have not gotten into this trade. As it dropped I could see that this would be a nice short with a shooting star forming and flipped my position when it broke the 207.95 level. There was a bit of a slide. My target was the 207.18 level with my stop at 208. A minute later I did get a small partial. Then I waited and noticed the 20MA-1min was being respected which is unusual so soon after the open. Three minutes later there was a white candle that respected the VWAP-1min so I pulled my stop to VWAP. The next candle broke VWAP and I stopped out. Again more emotional hits as the instint I stopped out the price reversed and never looked back and became a really good short. If I gave it 1c more…. I had to step away from screen for a few minutes actually. I did come back and made three SIM trades (1 for 3). Then I left the screen again and didn’t want to journal for awhile. I was pretty salty this morning as I went through my morning. Then I came back to the screen to write my journal entry and saw it wasn’t that bad. There were solid score cards and lots of learning. Even my SIM trades were fine. All I remember is I took 3 trades and stopped out on 2 of them. When I came back and looked and sure I was 33% win rate on my SIM trades but then I noticed I was quite profitable on my SIM trades today. And my S/Os were well managed. So actually I traded well. A few big learnings. I have been burned a few times recently about trading the open when the R/R is too big. It seems when you are close to the open you need a strong level close to your entry to pull the price to it. I will no longer take a trade without a level within 1R trading off a column candle. A hammer/shooting star may still be reasonable to take the trade. But these solid candle trades into the leveless open space don’t work near the open. The second learning is it is time to loosen up on the stop outs. Stopping out is still very hard for me. To adapt I become very robotic at the time of stop out. I focus on the point of the stop out and I trigger the exit when it is reached. I turn off my intellect. I am so worried about not having the strength to stop out that I have been stopping out too early. Today was a good example. There was VWAP, a PM level and the 208 level within pennies of each other. So why choose VWAP, the first level the price will reach, to stop out? These three levels make a fuzzy band level. Choosing the first one is not wise at all. I will work to change that from now on. I have been proud of myself that I don’t look at my P/L until the trading session is over. It was a difficult thing to accomplish. I have done that for months now. But I still focus on the P/L daily and is a concern all month. But my focus should be my score card. So starting tomorrow, the P/L window will be closed. I will only look at it at the end of each month. Score Card (live trades) AAPL FL 88% 91% What I did good today: I like my score card today. What I am grateful from today? Lots of learning today. What do I need to improve on: Focus on the score card. P/L window will be closed until the end of each month.
  16. 1 point
    8-27-19 4 1/2 hours sleep.... feel pretty well rested... SSS and a coffee..... After watching the interview by William with Joe (Average Joe) yesterday I added Hot Buttons in Montage and took off my view of my position from my main trading screen..... PAT: Get back to the basics.... ORB and ABCD early and ABCD, VWAP, Trend in late morn. afternoon..... STICKY NOTES..... If I do something stupid or take a bad trade after brief review take a break to Journal.... +AMD ORB two trades both got stopped out for 1R each.... I did use the 1 and 2 for an ABCD also... Just didnt work out... What I did wrong is I went in with full share sizes so my stops were a full R..... Will start using smaller size and scaling in instead.. (105.00) +JNJ ABCD.... Went in with small share size and added upon confirm..... First partial for 25% and the others at 10%... I added when it pulled back to the 9, took 50% off with price action change and then all out for a little over 2.5R I am feeling much better with small share sizes and adding in and waiting long enough to to start partialing and using smaller partials after the first.... +130.40 I plan on coming back after lunch if I can find a setup.... I did not find any clear patterns so as I tuned into PLAN I found a big breakup and as Peter was announcing it I was getting in.... went in for small share size and added and partialed all the way through..... I added when my T&S was running green and partialed when Red scaling all the way... I was also watching the LVL2 when I entered and it also had a bunch of decent orders on the Ask...... 58.38 was a daily level I had marked (learning from Carlos in the morning) and right about there it was rejected... +81.90 Cons: I went in with full share sizes for 5min ORB when I should have managed better and taken smaller size. Pros: I felt good with a playbook and was able to stay more focused.... I also feel like I learned from "Average Joe" with hiding the P&L (which I know this room talks about all the time also) and making hot buttons on my montage (as of now I did not make any mistakes) R=50.00: +2R +107.30
  17. 1 point
    Tuesday August 27th, 2019 Sleep: 8 hours. Mood: good ready to trade. Bad trading for me today. saw $ROKU breaking all time high and i jumped in half size then got in the rest on break of the day high. traded this as an 5min ORBU giving it space and wanted to add to my position when it went in my favor. once i got in the other half, i moved my stop loss to a new 5 min low and got stopped out. this trade wasn't terrible, i realized that i was FOMO'ing but i got in anyway and didn't wait for a pullback is why i'm unhappy with the trade. otherwise, it was a 5min ORBU and i added when it went my direction so all in all not a terrible trade i just let my emotions get the better of me sometimes and i'm not happy about that. GOOD: changed stop, added more on HOTD break RFI: FOMO and i knew it and i traded anyway MOOD: excited, angry with the stop out CONSISTENT: yes, i respected my range stop I'm guilty of trying the same trade again if i feel like i just barely got stopped out. and what happens most the time is i get stopped out again because i'm trying to force my position when the market is clearly saying this isn't the right move. i choose to ignore that the 2min "pullback" was probably a reversal sign and got back in on the long side. my reasoning at the time was i saw three huge buy orders on the time and sales. This trade is why i said it was a bad trading day. The reasons are it's not a setup that i trade, and having big buy orders without a setup is not a reason i get in to a trade. i was just looking for any reason to get back in long to make back my loss then ignored the new 2min then 5min lows hoping it wouldn't hit my stop. GOOD: got out of the trade RFI: no setup, no stop level that was resistance. engulfed and broke VWAP and i still held, could have limited my losses. MOOD: not pleased with myself right now CONSISTENT: yes, got out on range order, lost a little on slippage. What i did good today: stopped trading. a small consolation is knowing that i'm not being objective right now so the best thing to do is take the L for the day and come back fresh tomorrow What i did bad today: took a trade without a setup. haven't made that mistake in two or three weeks What can i do better tomorrow: trade setups, if you notice FOMO it's better to relax and wait for the feeling to pass than to act on it and ingrain bad trading patterns.
  18. 1 point
    Ok, so I tried this, and what I did for me (because I'm such a noob), is to set up 3 hotkeys for 25/50/100 shares, like this: LONG ROUTE=SMRTL;Share=25;TIF=DAY+;Price=ASK+0.02;BUY=Send SHORT ROUTE=SMRTL;Share=25;TIF=DAY+;Price=BID-0.02;SELL=Send Then, I setup my stop like this, changing the SELL/BUY=Send command to SELL/BUY=Load, so I can hit ENTER if I like the price, or if I need to adjust I can change it and hit ENTER. SELL STOP ROUTE=STOP;StopType=Market;StopPrice=AvgCost-0.30;Share=Pos;TIF=DAY+;SELL=Load; BUY STOP ROUTE=STOP;StopType=Market;StopPrice=AvgCost+0.30;Share=Pos;TIF=DAY+;BUY=Load; I'm going to run with them, and see how it goes.
  19. 1 point
    Actually, I think it is better to run it in two different hotkeys: For Long positions you can use: 1) ROUTE=SMRTL;Share=BP*0.25;TIF=DAY+;Price=ASK+0.10;BUY=Send 2) ROUTE=STOP;StopType=Market;StopPrice=AvgCost-0.30;Share=Pos;TIF=DAY+;SELL=Send; In 1) you buy 25% of your buying power at market limit of 10 cents. In 2) you put a stop loss of your position at AvgCost-30 cent For Short positions you can use: 1) ROUTE=SMRTL;Share=BP*0.25;TIF=DAY+;Price=Bid-0.10;SELL=Send 2) ROUTE=STOP;StopType=Market;StopPrice=AvgCost+0.30;Share=Pos;TIF=DAY+;BUY=Send; In 1) you sell short 25% of your buying power at market limit minus 10 cents. In 2) you put a stop loss of your position at AvgCost+30 cent to cover if it hits your stop loss Test in simulator and see how it works.
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