Okay so roll with me on this one here. If you've been around BBT for any length of time you know what a 1-min ORB is. And if you've tried it, I bet you've also noticed that it isn't as easy as 2nd minute makes a newer high than the previous minute close and vice versa and have gotten your pee-pee slapped. I've noticed lately that a lot of 1/5 ORBs dont work out. Especially the 1 min. They pump it up just enough for you to FOMO in the beginning for the second minute. Then damp it. (Link here for the uninitiated: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KV5QlSgq7lg So... My thought process is to get in to a stock at somewhere like 9:30:40, let it come up and allow for the start of the new minute to print higher to wreck people getting in and get out for a base hit. Whatever it may be in this case like 10-20cent scalp profit and get out at like 9:31:05 or so. Could even in to see if it runs. Thoughts? Ill be practicing this strategy in the future. Obviously if L2 is positive then let 'er run.