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  1. 2 points
    Monday 03/16/2020 I had a well-being score of 6.5/10 this morning. I took 1 live trade with CCL. My watchlist: AMD, AAPL, BAC, MRNA, CCL, and AAL. I wasn’t planning on taking a trade since we all knew there would be a halt and I like to trade at the open. After the halt CCL looked strong. It was breaking the VWAP and the curent 5min candle was about to engulf the previous one. When the price broke $15 I went long with 200MA-5min as the target and VWAP as my stop. I am not use to small 15c stops like this so I was my nervous self and took too many partials. Then the stock got halted while I had 25% shares left. Luckily the price was higher after the halt and I took another partial. Then 2min later I took another partial when it reached my target. Then I held on for 10 more minutes and exited when the price broke below the 20MA-1min. What did I do good today? I took a trade in a time frame I usually don’t. What I am grateful from today? Today was a bit of a milestone. I opened my Centerpoint account (from CMEG) 8 months ago. Today, for the first time my equity is larger than it was when I opened the account. So all the commissions, DAS and data fees, and losses are all paid for.
  2. 2 points
    Right click on a chart > Chart Area > Config Area > Enable order entry and order line movement
  3. 2 points
    3-16-20 AIS 0800, 3.5 hours, 6/10 PAT: Pay more attention without micro managing. PB#3 Live only. JD PB#3 Trending the 9 on the 2, risking the 20 on the 2. Took 50% at 2R, added 1/2 then all out. 2nd trade in again on the 9ema on 2min, took the scalp as I had to get fabric together and answer work texts. 3rd trade. This time waited for the 9ema on the 5min. Took it when it pulled back through the 9 and the return. Stopped out on the new 15min low. +1.8R Cons: lots of distractions costing me money as I did not give the market my full attention Pros: Took the trades when I called them out PB Trade: JD Rs: +1.8R
  4. 2 points
    Started the week off great, +4.3R. It's so much more satisfying to be trading in SIM because I hit my daily target instead of hitting my daily max loss. I used $10 risk today because of market craziness.
  5. 1 point
    I wasn't able to replicate the issue, maybe because I have times without AM/PM... Let me know if it happens again on other fields, and I will check.
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    Day 47 - Mar 13, 2020 9 Tickets 2 Symbols Green Day Watchlist: WORK (Trade #1) - Short - 1min - Technical Breakdown WORK coming off weak earnings, and SPY selling off. Took it as soon as the wall of bids at 18.9 got eaten away. Target at premarket levels and stop just above VWAP- took it off as we got into daily support level. Will see how it reacts off of it. Good: Had good convergence on entry - weak market, and Lvl2 confirmation Improvement: Poor R/R = 1 WORK (Trade #2) - Long - 1min - Double Bottom Looked like it was rounding out - watching the premarket level, held and bounced thorough - took it on the double bottom confirmation with stop just below, and target at VWAP + 19.3 previous support. All other stocks have made the rebound, thinking WORK might follow. Covered partial into 1R in case we reject, and took another partial into VWAP - held the rest for continuation VWAP trend trade. Came back up to VWAP and rejected - took it all of once we made 1 min low after rejection. Good: Nice patience on the entry and using daily level as confirmation OXY - Long - 1min - VWAP Break and Go (Also Ascending Triangle) OXY on secondary watchlist as Carl Icahn loading up on shares. Big drop on open, was waiting for potential double bottom. Came up to VWAP and made higher highs and lows, took it as VWAP trend trade with anticipation of Ascending triangle breaking. Looked like a big seller at 13.9. Consolidated back but held VWAP then spiked up - took partial off (too early) but ended up playing in my favor as I got top tick. Sellers kept stepping down on lvl2. Left the rest to ride for stop loss, adjusted my stop it confirmed lower high and looked weak going into the VWAP. Improvement: No exit strategy here, was lucky. Working on my exit plan right now. Todays Review Liked my entries, however trade management is still lacking a full exit strategy. What I did well: Followed game plan. Good entries, with confirmation What I did poorly: Exit strategy. Need to do: Game plan - exit strategies. Mic for recording live video/audio - better review.
  8. 1 point
    3-9 to 3-13-20 What I did bad this week: Technical Errors: Miscalculated R/R on one trade Trade management: Did not pay enough attention when the trade was close to my adds and partials. Missed a scalp when I knew I should have taken it. Did not follow my plan on one trade. Jumped the gun and chased, one of each. Was still tired at the open on Tuesday Too many tickers on my watch list What I did good this week: Respected my in trade and daily stops. Did not over-trade. Doing better on my call outs and taking more of my trades Only too PB#3 live Reading the tape well on focused days Adjusted in-trade trading plan for the current choppy market taking more partials and scalping more. Staying in control of my emotions for most of my trades Changes to be made this upcoming week: Work on my Trend Scalps as Scalps and not long term Trends Rules to stick by this upcoming Week: After I call it a day by either MAX Loss, Profit Target or what I am comfortable with, only use the rest of the day for Chat, Journal, Playbook ect. In-Trade and Daily Stops Do Not chase or revenge trade Live Only one loosing trade before 1100 Challenges for myself this upcoming Week: Only A or better setups at time of trade On mic trades only with my small group if available Take a planned break at 1100 or 1200 for other Bus. @ 0905 do some exercise and then meditate to calm myself Stay unbiased Notes: Rules are not to be broken, these will cost money every time My Challenges are almost as important as my Rules, Pay attention to them If I feel overtired I will try going back to bed and coming back to Trend Trades later.... Goals and Rewards: +20Rs or more at end of the month to consider trading with more size in the future two months +12.3R for the week
  9. 1 point
    Yesterday's Takeaways : Don't trade pre-market, don't move stop, also stop putting initial stop in areas to get more shares with dynamic hotkey, put the stops where the chart says the stop should be! I handled 1 and 2 easily, and for the most part 3 as well, but a couple times after I entered I realized that I didn't have the stop in the appropriate place, but by then it's too late, I cant move the stop to the proper place or it would completely change my risk $ for that trade. This will be my main focus next week, double check stop level before entering and double check R:R. I dropped back down to $10 risk today from $20, not because I believe the higher risk messed up my trading, but because I didn't like the crazy action this morning. Today I ended up +3.4R, but that will be a break even after commissions/fees, I traded too many tickets and tickers today. The SPY rally at the end of the day is what brought me positive. I used to trade the last 30 minutes all the time in SIM, but haven't done it all that much in the live account. I'm usually picking my daughter up from school.
  10. 1 point
    Had my daughter laminate some trading materials I want to keep on my desk.
  11. 1 point
    Thanks for weighing in, schaeferjjay. As I naively understand it, when the price is falling, placing a marketable limit order at the Bid effectively becomes a market order. Under SSR, this is prohibited. However, an order placed on the Ask (or higher) does get filled. I've been using the following hot key script successfully this week for shorting a stock under SSR: ROUTE=SMRTL;Share=100;Price=Ask+0.01;TIF=DAY+;SELL=Send the following has worked for me as well: ROUTE=SMRTL;Share=100;Price=Ask;TIF=DAY+;SELL=Send
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