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  1. 1 point
    1-6-20 AIS 0810, 4.5 hours, 6/10 PAT: Keep my eyes on my main list .... No Chasing ... No Voice Chat before 1000 ..... Notes: Trade the trade and trust myself in the trade .... Price range of 5.00 to 100.00 .... AMD PB#1 .... 5min ORB breaking above VWAP with L2 and Tape Confirmation.... Took 50% off at 1R as Price action was slowing and out at BE PB#3 .... entered on a pullback after an extended run (a bit of FOMO here) I also should have taken a 50% at 1R again but I was being greedy and this is where my head gets in the way when I lower my Risk as I have done for the month.... -.6R CRWD All PB#3 .... First one I stopped myself out too early out of fear... I did not give it enough room..... second trade I learned from the first one and lowered my stop to the 20EMA on the 2min took a 50% and two 25%.... added in and took another 50% and out at BE on the add ..... Tried one more time after recovering the 20EMA with momentum and stopped again at BE as this is where I had to take care of other business and this is my time for a planned break...... third trade (bottom Chart for 2min entry) .... Came back to the desk to find I missed a move but waited for a pullback to the 9ema on the 2min ... Tape and L2 for confirmation .... took a 50% off then all other partials were 25% after that.... All my add ins were based on a new BE being well below the new intraday support levels..... These adds netted me about 1R .... +2.6R Cons: Chassed AMD on 2nd trade.... Should have held onto the CRWD position when I went on break with a hard stop in place Pros: Added in on CRWD when I felt it was a good time with the Candle patterns around the EMAs and the T&S along with L2 (the L2 was not showing any clear signals but with the T&S gave me a little more of a complete picture) Playbook Trade: CRWD 1125 Notes: Stay focused on my pre-market lists of stocks ..... Rs: +2R
  2. 1 point
    Swing Trade Journal watch-list for week of 1/06/20 An interesting week. I got stopped out (by a small margin) on BIDU, CRWD, BE and UBER then all of them rebounded and BIDU and UBER made a big run after my stop out. So I was already feeling a bit salty about it then on my vacation (Thursday) where I purposely turned my text alerts into email alerts so I cannot focus on the markets, GE finally hit my trigger price which I did not see. By the end of the day the price actually reached my final target. I was feeling pretty distracted after seeing that and I was worried about disrupting my family’s vacation. But, luckily while I was visiting Knotts Berry Farm I saw this T-Shirt. I never buy T-shirts when visiting amusement parks, but bought this one on the spot. So this emotion is considered so childish they made a peanuts T-shirt out of it. Wow that really put things I perspective, Thanks CB!!! My watchlist. First the tensions with Iran may escalate making all longs on the watchlist moot. So first I look at defense stocks and companies that their revenue will be unlikely affected by the tensions. The defense stocks popped. The only one that looks like I may not be chasing it is HON. There was a pop but the volume has not arrived yet. It was also interesting the previous week was really holding onto the lower Fibonacci line. This makes PDC a strong tech level with the middle Fibonacci line and 3 daily levels all merging. If it holds PDC and moves higher I may go long. But if it does it will be difficult not to chase it. Thus it will be difficult to find an entry but will keep an eye on it. I like I but I am wondering if I missed the boat already. Also another stock I may be unsure of an entry point. A new high looks extended, so it needs to at least hold PDC. I may go long on Monday if DKS is positive. NKE has recovered but DKS took a hit on Thursday. The weekly looks good (with a bull flag wedge) and the daily looks good if it recovers on Monday. CRWD looks like its breaking out and made a double bottom. May go long (again) if it holds PDC. UBER looks good again but unsure if I could take this trade. I was stopped out on Tuesday, so I would enter this trade with a much worse entrance price. Also the trigger would have been $31 which I missed on Friday so I may be chasing it. But it is worth looking at it. LULU looks interesting. May go long when it breaks 235.50. Or a starter position if it holds above 233 since since that will create a MACD crossing.
  3. 1 point
    It's been a while since I last posted. With Christmas and New years, I tried trading but it was a busy time. I did trade but as soon as I was done, I had to head out and wasn't able to journal. Had ups and downs, mostly downs. The downs have pretty much repeated today. Took a couple trades today. MU, TSLA, APPL MU Took it long at the 2 min ORB. Real bad entry. (figured the spread isn't too bad, wrong thinking) I didn't even wait for it to go back to the VWAP. Then I took it long again, thinking a pull back to the 9 MA on the 1 min chart. Looking at it now, both entries were crap and too stretched. I have learned the 9 MA on the 1 min is not a reliable resistance. The 20 is much better. But I was so close to VWAP and should get closer to that for my entry...Patience is key, this also seems to be my biggest problem. TSLA I was a lot more patient with TSLA - knowing how fast it can move. On the 2 min ORB, I waited till it hit the VWAP and took it long. I am debating if I should be stopping out sooner and not wait for the BE. But when I do pull out sooner, it bites me in the ass and it ends up going higher... I took it long again after the 5 min ORB. I didn't like my entry as I was too stretched from VWAP. Made some profit but did not wait for the BE. I then noticed (on 1 min chart) that the stock hit its low of the day and bounced off. It's usually a good sign that it will now reverse. On the 5 min chart I noticed the 100 MA and thought it was a great resistance. I used that as my stop loss, as the low of the day was too stretched. Unfortunately, It just went below the MA, 2 minutes before it decided to go up. And that has been an issue of mine, I get stopped out before the move happens. Happened pretty often in the last 2 weeks. I guess I should take a smaller share size. But man, is it ever frustrating, knowing you read all the signs properly, but it just wants to screw you over, just before it does what it's supposed to do. TSLA ended up going way past the VWAP..... AAPL Bad entry. Looked at the 1 min chart, thought it was a pull back. But it was too stretched from all the MA from both the 1 and 2 min chart. When would I use which MA for a resistance. Sometimes the 9 and 20 MA on the 2 and 1 min chart respectively are good or the VWAP. In this case the VWAP was the right resistance level. Anyways, I was stopped out and then immediately went long as I thought the 20 MA was a great resistance. After about 4 min, the stock just went sideways and I pulled out as my stop loss was at the BE and didn't want to go red. Not a good start to the year. Will learn from these mistakes and move forward - Patience and FOMO are a big issue. Thanks
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