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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/21/2019 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    August 20 & 21, 2019 - Profit Target ($AMD) I did not trade on Monday as I had only 4 hours of sleep. Well got an extra day of trading that I was not expecting to get. Actually about an extra 20 minutes. I had $KSS, $TJX, and $CGC on my watch-list today. $KSS and $CGC both opened up well below the VWAP and I was not going to get my edge, so I stopped looking at them. $TJX did not have volume at the open and was choppy around the VWAP, so around the 3 minute mark I decided to take a chance and looked at $AMD. It had just started selling off and eventually have me a pullback towards VWAP. I got my B+ rejection of VWAP setup, so I took an entry. I got a 1R partial and almost got the 2R partial. It touched it, but bounce off it quickly. I decided to take the partial anyways a little above it since a lot of Bids started coming in. I set a range order for the profit target and I decided to set the break-even amount my entry instead of the 1R because the moving averages were above the 1R. I figured it would test the moving averages and either break down again or go back to VWAP. I could have exited one candle before my entry, but I decided that I would let it test VWAP as VWAP was below my break-even point by this time. Sample Set Results, S 2 3 P 5 6 P G 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
  2. 2 points
    Hello fellow BearBull Boss Traders!!! In short, I AM BACK! In long, I will tell you my journey and rather than have you read multiple paragraphs. I will use bullet points, short and sweet as a trader's time is too valuable. *2014-2015 - My co-workers were talking about penny stocks, I tried the all too tempting penny pumps by email alerts and stock twits using web clients i.e. TD and Scottrade. In the end I lost most of my capital (had no real education, no mentor. Left trading for a few years but saw the potential). *Feb - June 2017 - Tried again with web clients and eventually found Andrew's book among other technical reads on Amazon (reason I chose his book and community was that Andrew trades mostly non-low floaters aka no penny junk, also most other big chat rooms trade too many pumps). The BearBull community is not ridiculously advertised with false hope. I felt 'it was the real professional deal', and have not been disappointed. *Oct 2017 - Jan 2018 - Became a member and joined the chat room after the 1 week trial, started watching Andrew trade in the morning, joined his classes at night. Practiced in sim for a few months on my laptop, did not really have much risk control but was able to learn DAS and identifying setups to actually trade with some logic. Decided to then go live (too impatient). *Jan 2018 - Apr 2018 - After initial failure of almost losing my 5k starting capital due to high fees and poor risk control '''looking at you SureTrader auto liquidating my positions''', down to $1200, I was so 'good' at setups I eventually turned that into over $17,000!!! My average position size was between 50K and 100K worth of stock, risk management was non existent for my account size. Then I rolled 'ONE BAD TRADE' in good old WalMart (went short at the open, ran against me all day). Over the next several months I never recovered and slowly lost it all but a few hundred dollars. I was so focused on saying 'that can't happen to me, I can quickly get that back'. Lesson here is to manage risk and never revenge trade to make it back. It is not sustainable. *May-Nov 2018 - Began to revert to sim for many months and then move living locations from CT to CA. I decided to day trade before work, living in the PST zone. The pressures of trading are greatly reduced when you have cash flow, and can separate your career work and trading at different times of the day. I traded the first hour before leaving for work. I also developed and finally accepted risk control, share size, and hard stops at technical levels where the trade no longer makes sense, STICK TO YOUR PLAN. This was attempted with a small account but later switched to sim. *Dec 2018 - August 2019 - After plan was established and my risk control was priority over gains, my capital was too small to be profitable with fees. Left trading to focus on my career and to raise funds for trading. *August 2019 - Returning to trading for supplemental income and trade for the love of trading. I want to be the best I can be at it. Perfect setups and trades are more satisfying than seeing gains. It is all about how you get there. If you are going to be a trader part time or full time, make the decision to not give up. Problem solve your weaknesses. The goal continues to trade before work PST time, wake up at 6AM - do PM analysis until open - trade until 7:15AM head to work at 7:45AM. Do recaps at night and repeat! Just thought I would share my story briefly in case some of you are at similar stages in the journey to being a trader full time or part time. There is no better feeling than executing a perfect trade that you planned out and stuck to that plan. When that works out it's like getting a mental high. Feel free to message me with anything, see you all in the chat!
  3. 2 points
    Hey guys I am new here. I started trading live 5 days ago with a 3.5 K account and it's been tough. I lost about 250 dollars and I took a step back today to re-evaluate it all and try to make a smaller profit target. I was taking positions of 1000 shares each time I could and I kept trying to make a 1000 dollars on a 1 dollar move and I kept thinking to myself I am getting there if I just try again I will get it. I lost my 250 and now I want to make it more sustainable so I set new rules here they're and let me know what you think: I can only take a max of 2 trades daily Max loss per trade 40 Max loss per day 80 Profit targets 2:1 Daily profit target 80 Trade my one setup I know: Booty Reversals
  4. 2 points
    21.Aug.19. (Didn't trade on 19, 20th Aug due to vacation.) Green day. +2.5r. Back from vacation today. Thought I'd just watch the action, but ended up taking some trades. Watchlist: $PDD, $TGT, $LOW and $CREE (copied from Andrew and Brian) Trade1: $CREE. Took reversal on $CREE after the price bottomed at Noon. Half share size, so added to the position post reversal confirmation. I change my Stop after the add and I got stopped out . Original stop would have kept me in the trade till VWAP. But that is my rule and I am just following my rules for now. Trades 2&3: $CREE. Another 2 longs but didn't like the price action yet. Was watching for setup. Trade 4: $CREE, Main trade, Observed that the stock was trending up. So took Long when 2min/5min hammer appeared. Stop was below 50MA on 2min (40c). Got 1R partial (40c). Now my stop moved to 20c (hammer candle). Got my next partial at VWAP (80c move). Average 2.5r. Trade 5: $UBER. Took Long after the 200MA bounce off 15min. Target was VWAP (4R for a 5c Risk). price moved 3R and dumped, got out at 1R move. Good: Good day after coming back from vacation. Was in control in all the trades. Improvement: Was planning to only watch today, made some good calls in $MU and $ROKU after the open. Couldn't resiste myself, so made some trades and they turned out ok.
  5. 2 points
    Wednesday 8/21/2019 I had a well-being score of 7/10 this morning. My nerves were OK. I took 2 live trades with TSLA and 4 SIM trades. So AAPL and TSLA were on my market open watchlist with NVDA, AMD, LOW and TGT on my 5min ORB watchlist. AAPL had an OK PM, TSLA showed little life in the PM but I like it was counter trending. The market open and AAPL was giving me no setup. TSLA had a solid dollar move and breached a PM level I had marked 223.10 which also coincides with the 200MA-1min. The price came down and tested it and found support, then again. On the third bounce I went long. My target was the 224.73 tech level and my stop was the 222.27 level. On the next test of support the price fell right through the two levels without any support and I was quickly stopped out. As the price was falling I noticed it was forming a very nice 2min shooting start. When the price broke the 222.27 level I flipped positions. My stop was the high of the day. But there no good levels below. There was a level at 221.70 but PM showed little support for it. The next level was $5 below. So I took my first partial at the 221.70 level then tried to take a second partial at the recent PM low and got a bad fill. I tried two more times and also got bad fills. In the heat of the trade I was forgetting to look at the spread which you need to for TSLA. Then with the little shares I had left I focused on the ask price and then took the remaining two partials correctly. But, due to the bad partials my win only equaled my loss and I was flat for the day. Both trades: I then took 4 SIM trades. All 4 I made one or two partials then I was S/O at B/E. I have noticed this seems to be the norm for my 5/10min ORBs. If it remains like this I may increase my 1st partial share size. It’s odd that the 5min ORBs are more of a scalp than my 1min ORBs Score Card (live trade) TSLA TSLA 88% 90% What I did good today: Good score cards today. What I am grateful from today? Flat for the day. I got to trade for free today. What do I need to improve on: Need to start back testing 5min ORBs as well. If I use the same stocks as my 1/2min watchlist they are mostly scalps at 5/10min.
  6. 2 points
    Tuesday 8/20/2019 I had a well-being score of 6.5/10 this morning. My nerves were OK. I was unable to trade yesterday since I wanted to be at my son’s first day of school. I took 2 live trades with AAPL and TSLA and 4 SIM trades. I have not been happy with ROKU last week. So AAPL and TSLA were on my market open watchlist with MU, NVDA and HD on my 5min ORB watchlist. AAPL was holding the 200MA-1min (as support) during premarket which gave me a slight long bias. At the open the price tested the 200MA-1min found support again and made a small hammer. Then it broke the 210.83 daily level. Since the hammer was small for the open I waited an instant if it held above the level. It did and I went long with HOPM (211.66) as my target and the low of the day as my stop. My fill was absolutely terrible losing 35 cents and destroying my R/R. Thus I need to get out of the trade immediately. This is a discipline I have A LOT of trouble with. The price started going into my favor immediately so I should have sold all the shares at a small profit. But I didn’t and started trading as normal. I took two small partial and S/O at B/E The chart when I got filled. The entire trade: After the AAPL trade I saw TSLA had a 1min ORB setup. TSLA had a poor PM but that is usual for TSLA. The price opened and found support at the low of PM and formed a hammer. When it broke the 227.84 tech level I went long with a target of HOPM (229.80) and a stop the 200MA-1min. The price reached my first partial at the 50MA-1min but then quickly dropped and I S/O at B/E. There was some slippage so it was a slight loss and thus I am flat for the day. What the chart looked like when I took the trade: The entire trade: I then took 4 SIM trades. Three made it to the first partial then S/O at B/E and one SIM trade was a full -1R loss. Score Card (live trade) AAPL TSLA 80% 89% What I did good today: Traded TSLA live for the first time in months. TSLA scares me a bit. What I am grateful from today? Flat for the day. I got to trade for free today. What do I need to improve on: I am considering bringing back the 3 trade rule where I am allowed a third trade if I S/O early on another trade. Since I have a 2 trade max S/O’ing early is difficult for me. I removed this rule actually as a punishment a couple of months ago. For the most part I was using it OK.
  7. 1 point
    Since this subforum is by far the most active, we've stickied this FAQ which contains links to individual posts. This post will be updated regularly. [Last updated: May 17, 2021] DAS Trader Downloads DAS Trader Pro Production Releases for Interactive Brokers DAS Trader Pro Production Releases for CMEG BBT DAS Simulator Production Release (ONLY IF YOU GOT DAS SIM THOUGH BBT) When doing an install of a new version, it is always a good idea to back up your settings! DAS Trader Pro references, education and support OFFICIAL: DAS INC DAS TRADER PRO - DEMO Tutorial - How to Correctly Use DAS Trader Pro User Guide and Manuals DAS Trader Official YouTube Channel DAS Weekly Free Q&A Webinar DAS Trader Pro Knowledge Base DAS Trader Pro Risk Control explained in Knowledge Base. Common DAS Trader errors No More Order Server to Connect’ error message ‘Wrong Trader’ error message “Lost Connection to Quote Server” error message General Where can I subscribe for DAS Trader Pro live account for Interactive Brokers? How to Change Your Equity and Buying Power in Simulator How to Switch Between Live and Demo Accounts Update/Upgrade DAS To Latest Version Understanding the DAS Account Report DAS Deluxe Package - Switching Options L2 for ARCA Book DAS Trader on MAC OS also see DAS Trader FAQ > 5. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS How to link symbol selection in Trade Ideas to DAS How to set a price alert in DAS How to add Audio Alerts in DAS How to Configure DAS Mobile for Android or iPhone Definition of Time and Sales Flags How to use the DAS Risk Control Page List of Index tickers (SPY, DJIA, NASDAQ, RUSSELL, etc.) How to Make a Pre-Market Scanner in DAS DAS Trader Videos Playlists in YouTube DAS Trader Tutorials (basic DAS Trader configuration) DAS Trader Pro Instructional Videos (Advanced DAS Trader Features) Market Replay Mode How to use new DAS Trader Market replay feature Montage, Windows, and Layouts How to Make Your Custom Layout Load as Default on Startup How to link Montage to Time&Sales and Charts? How To Setup Multiple Monitors in DAS How to Duplicate a Montage, Chart or Other Window Montage / Level 2 color and shade settings How to Quickly Add Rows to Watchlist (Market Viewer) How to Change Order Button Colours (BUY, SELL, SHRT, CXL, RPL) Select Active Montage to Trade Definition for each of the Level 1 (L1) fields at top of Montage How to select the montage before placing a trade How to use the New L2 Highlight Feature in DAS Trader (YouTube video) Charts [VIDEO] How to configure charts in DAS Trader Pro: Education Center How to Add Index Tickers for SPY, DOW, NASDAQ DAS Trader Tutorial – Make Your Chart Look Like Andrew's How to Add Average Line to Volume Study How to Drag and Drop Horizontal Lines How to Transfer Price Levels to Another Chart Drawing Support and Resistance Lines in DAS How to add previous day close (PCL), high of day (HOD) & low of day (LOD) How to Prevent Chart from Zooming out When Switching Symbols How to Add/Remove Trade Icons on the Chart Show trade info on chart (triangle click) How to Increase Y-Axis Scale to See More Price Levels / This can now be done with the newer versions ( of DAS using hotkeys Change Default Number of Candles How to add Relative Strength Index (RSI) to Chart How to Draw a Diagonal or Sloping Line How to Change font size in Chart How to add separator line for Pre-Market (Open) and After-Hours (Close) How to correct short/small candlesticks by excluding Studies from Y-Axis Scale (Y LOW, YY HIGH, etc). How to Zoom in on Specific Area of Chart Why is VWAP sometimes different between 1-minute chart, 5-minute chart, and/or Montage? How to add vertical lines on 1-minute chart to show each 5-minute period How to add Average True Range (ATR) to DAS Daily Chart How to add and use Volume by Price study How to add bid & ask to your charts How to add RVOL in DAS? Exceeded max number of global trend lines Order Entry Placing Orders in DAS Trader Pro Trailing Stops How to Lock Your Montage How to set a Bracket aka Range aka OCO order (includes hotkeys) Hotkeys and Hotkey Buttons - Always test your Hotkeys in simulator Most frequently used hotkeys Terminology Clarification: Hotkeys vs Hotkey Buttons Programming hot key for stop loss Buy/Sell Hotkeys for Automatic Stop Loss How to Create HotKey Buttons on the DAS Montage Level 2 Window Hotkeys for Flipping Position Hotkey for buying based on a percentage of Buying Power How to Adjust Montage Hotkeys Button Size What does the Panic hot key do? How to set up hotkeys for trailing stops Hotkeys for adjusting share size How to create hotkey which launches Finviz page for a selected stock Hotkey for automatic share size based on max dollar loss Hotkey for automatic share size based on % loss of account How to short stocks in SSR: see here and here Thor´s Freeroll Hotkey DAS Trader Pro Support Live Chat Support Das Trader contact page to send messages DAs Trader Support Email DAS Hotkey Line Style Configuration tool.
  8. 1 point
    This is a very common question, so hopefully this post can be a good reference. There is a new hotkey command called DuplicateWindow which lets you 'clone' an existing Montage, Time/Sales, or Chart window. All settings like hotkey buttons, colors, fonts, etc. will be copied over. How to: -Go to menu Setup > Hot key -Add New Item -Enter a Name and Hot Key. In the Script Field, enter DuplicateWindow -Press Commit Now you can simply select the window you wish to duplicate, then press the hotkey (CTRL+D in the above example). And voila, attack of the clones!
  9. 1 point
    21/8/19 feel okay today, pretty tired. had to have a nap just before the premarket show. still putting a big focus on patience today.] 10 Trades: 5 winners (wedge breakup x 2, top reversal, ABCD, trend trade) 4 losers (wedge breakdown, ABCD, VWAP bounce, top reversal) 1 stupid b/e (ORB) Trade 1:i stupidly chased TGT up and didnt control my share size properly then averaged down at VWAP and then got out at b/e because this was stupid. really awful stuff here. very ashamed Trade 2: LOW was hitting support but making lower highs so went short but stopped out, again without controlling my share size so took a much bigger hit than i should. Trade 3: NVDA was strong and making higher lows and hitting resistance, so went long expecting a breakup and got it with nice partials. Trade 4: after NVDA made a double top and started making lower lows i went short for a reversal, got one partial then out at b/e because NVDA was so strong it was probably going higher. Trade 5: when i got out i thought the 5 min looked like a perfect ABCD so went long but stopped out, i shouldve had my stop loss lower down because it didnt break the support. Trade 6: once NVDA retested the support and it held i went long again for an ABCD and got a nice trade. Trade 7: this was stupid really PDD wasnt trading well, i shouldve just left it. Trade 8: saw a beautiful wedge form on TGT so went long in the wedge and got a really nice pop. Trade 9: thought it was reversing, but held the support which was resistance, shoulve waited for confirmation. Trade 10: Fav trade of the day. after being strong all day NVDA was slowly selling off, it punched below VWAP, i waited for a really good entry on a pullback, waited patiently didnt stop out, got 2 partials well above 2 R, added to my position on a shooting star on the 1 min and then got 2 more partials on the way down. just this trade doubled my daily goal and i think i managed it well so im pretty happy
  10. 1 point
    Im down for end Of October, Im in the Tampa area (pasco county). Weekends work best for me.
  11. 1 point
    I’m in ST. Augustine but anywhere in FL is fine with me. My kids birthdays are both in October. So got to be a little careful there.
  12. 1 point
    Hey @WilliamH, the end of October sounds like a good idea.
  13. 1 point
    After September is best. Storm season will be over and it will still be hot. I will definitely attend. Maybe we can get Andrew off a mountain and under the sea....
  14. 1 point
    20/8/19 feeling average today not good not bad, just been watching some of people recaps specifically robert H and found it veryy useful and has inspired me once again so thank you Robert now focusing on patience today. And what a day, most profitable yet 4 trades: 4 winners (ORB, wedge breakup, bottom reversal, top reversal) Trade 1: 5 min ORB, got a good entry just above some support and chose my share size right this time or i wouldve stopped out. waited for a pop and got 2 good partials then stopped out above b/e. Trade 2: SPRT was very strong, saw it hitting resistance but making higher lows, drew my wedge and got in just before it popped with stop below the wedge for a really big move, averaged 4 Rs this trade. Trade 3: saw NVDA couldnt make a new low on the 1 and a shooting star on the 5 so went long with a great entry and rode it all the way to VWAP. Trade 4: saw SRPT made a double top kinda at a daily level i had, it started going down with volume so went short with a small size since extended from the top, got a partial at 1R then out at a new 5 min high since the stock was so strong at the open. really happy about my trades today.
  15. 1 point
    Tuesday August 20th, 2019 Sleep: 7.5 hours. Mood: good ready to trade but at home and i got another monitor and i feel off today like information overload first trade i tried an ORBD in CGC. got in on a pullback to the moving average, risking the HOTD, hoping it would go lower. never broke the LOTD and stopped me out next 2min candle GOOD: entry on the pullback RFI: should have waited for a bounce/new 2min low for confirmation MOOD: fine CONSISTENT: yes, lost a couple cents on my exit on slippage last trade i took a 5min HOTD wedge in CGC. hoping to get to the 200 MA on the 15min chart. made a shooting star and i thought i should get out but i remembered yesterday when i bailed and it ended up working also i had all the moving averages below. held to my stop. should have got out and reversed. new rule is a shooting star or 2min engulfing on the break of the high of the day, i'm getting out on a pullback. need to start doing that consistently, if i have specific things that i'm looking for on HOTD/LOTD breaks i can start practicing them and see if it improves my trading GOOD: stopped out, entry was ok, chased it a little bit RFI: clear reversal signal with multiple chances to bail for a small profit and i ignored them MOOD: a little frustrated to get stopped out twice but all in all, ok CONSISTENT: stuck to the plan What i did good today: took setups, got out at my stops What i did bad today: Trade management could have been better What can i do better tomorrow: shooting stars on HOTD or hammers on LOTD are now exit trade criteria with possible reversal. i'll try this strategy for a couple weeks and see if it works better.
  16. 1 point
    Vikram, I’m now caught up with your entire journal; it took me weeks! Your trading style is so different from mine and as a result, I’m learning so much! Thanks for posting!!
  17. 1 point
    I love it how you entered right above the 50MA after it held it for around an hour! I love it more that you entered so close to the MA which makes your stoploss really tight and get you much room above you for profiting! Good job Vikram!
  18. 1 point
    I think you said it yourself, there are different ways of trading, none is better than the other. If you think about it, trade ideas scanner calls out for orbs after they break above the wicks, most of us here including Andrew take it after the break of the body(cuz it's the place where the candle closed as you mentioned, and as you said, getting in after the break of the wick can be so far, bigger room for stop, less size, and more difficult to get to the target. In my own opinion, ORBs are more difficult than they look like, it sounds easy to trade them, take the break of the 5 min, 1 min, 2 min, or whatever time frame you wanna take, but it's not that easy, you've to analyze the price action, the power of sellers and buyers, and have a bit of bias according to premarket action or the ma's/daily levels below, above, or from which the price action bounces The best for me is to see an abcd on the 1 when taking 5 min orb, abcd on 5 when taking 15 min orb, or seeing the price action holding some kind of ma and according to it take the orb with stop below that ma, basically it comes up to an ORB, but with a mini setup. Not to forget the main rules for an ORB which are small body candle, small wicks, closer to vwap So bascially, if the setup on the 1 (abcd) is completed, and the C is visible, new 1 min high is the break of the body of the 5 I'll take it to the long for the break of the body. If the mini setup is completed with a perfect entry but above the wick of the 5, then I'll take an ORB when it breaks the wicks, it all depends on the indicators we've, what they're telling us, and the bigger picture we see after combining the small details!
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