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  1. 3 points
    The Day Trading Reality Checklist discussed in this YouTube video. Download link: Checklist.pdf
  2. 2 points
    Tuesday June 18th, 2019 Sleep: 7 hours. Mood: feeling a little fear from yesterday's max loss but i'm focusing on each trade as independent of the next one. i feel pretty good. Almost took the engulfing crack in AMD but i was waiting for a pullback which i never got. watched it climb over a dollar from where i wanted to get in to the trade. pretty much just building FOMO until i finally tried a double top that didn't work at all. GOOD: got out at stop RFI: bad trade. went short right in to a MA MOOD: disappointed CONSISTENT: not a great setup but i stuck to my plan last trade of the day was a double bottom in BYND. i liked how it was holding the 200 MA on the 5min chart and the volume of the new 5min high at 10:20. got in long on a new 2min high after waiting for a pullback. got stopped out about 10 minutes later. the trade may end up working out after i got stopped out. went over my stop by about 60 cents. before reversing in my direction. GOOD: setup made sense, waited for an entry RFI: could have waited for an MA cross on the 2min before jumping in MOOD: feel pretty numb about it which i think is good. i'm not angry about getting stopped out. CONSISTENT: yes, followed my plan What i did good today: took only setups and didn't chase AMD. What i did bad today: setups weren't that great. missed a really good setup in AMD. What can i do better tomorrow: Take better setups.
  3. 1 point
    The Day Trading Plan discussed in this YouTube video is now available for download here. Supplementary resources: Sample Playbook Template.
  4. 1 point
    Hey Guys, I had an issue with my $ARRY trade yesterday wherein DAS says it's 25% marginable SHORT and or LONG, which means I can use 4:1 buying power. But When I entered the trade, my order failed and it did not let me use my Buying Power. I am now few seconds late to my trade so I missed the great downward move (SHORT) and chased the stock without using my Buying Power. This happened to me with $UBER and some stocks that also requires 100% margin. I found this IB website that you can use to check what's the margin percentage requirement of a stock. https://contract.ibkr.info I hope you find this useful. Cheers, Ryan (ryan_pdt) @Robert H and @PeterD. I know you guys are using IB too.
  5. 1 point
    paint keyboard hotkeys I saw my daughter painting with these acrylic paint markers and decided to try a trick. Cheap MSFT keyboard. Decided to not paint on top of keys so it does not annoy me when I touch the keys. I uses SHIFT as the main auxiliary key for all. I enter a position as a % of BP. My hotkeys to exit a position use SHIFT only to remove liquidity and CTRL+SHIFT to add liquidity.
  6. 1 point
    Tuesday 6/18/2019 I had a well-being score of 7/10 this morning. My nerves were OK. I took two live trades with FB and AMD. I was nervous about my order fills this morning, I have not received an answer from Centerpoint (I will call today) so I took a very small share trade in premarket to test it. It responded OK. And that is when I noticed FB is really setting up in the premarket. The 200MA-5min was acting as a strong level. Just as it created a 5min hammer and broke the 200MA I went long. It retraced for 4 minutes staying above my stop level and then started to grind its way back up. I took my first partial at the 193.25 daily level and a second partial at 193.50. Then I just tried to partial at the 1min highs. When the price retraced I had so few shares left I decided to get out on the new 1min low even though I was above my new S/O at 193.25. I preferred using the time to look at my other charts before the open. I really wanted to trade something besides FB so I removed it from my watch list. AMD created a very bearish 2min candle. I went short at the break of VWAP and got a bad fill. But I still had a R/R~2 with my target of the 200MA-5min and S/O at VWAP-1min. Price reached my first partial and I got a horrible fill back at B/E. It reached my 1st partial level again and fill was OK. It missed my 2nd partial by 1 cent and then price retraced back to B/E where I exited. What it looked like on the 5min chart when I took the trade: The whole trade: My score card for today: What I did good today: Patiently waited the 7 minutes on FB while it was hovering above my stop level. How did I challenge myself today? Traded in the premarket. What I did bad today: Still too many partials. What can I do better tomorrow: Hopefully I get some info from Centerpoint today. Also I need to make some new partialing guidelines and start to test them out.
  7. 1 point
    Quotes > fundamental and you will get this: @Daniel Thomas
  8. 1 point
    17.Jun.19 - DASTrader - BT Today is a Green day. But I am not happy about how I traded today. Today not too many on the watchlist. I really liked $FB and $NFLX today. $FB had gapped up above 50MA daily and Harmonious. $NFLX formed a double bottom on daily at the 200MA. I thought both will shoot up at the open. Other than these I had $MU, $AMD, $DIS, $CRON and $ARQL. Nothing too exciting. Was watching $FB and $MU at the open ($NFLX is not in my price range but had nice move today) Trade 1-$ARQL: No setups at the open, after waiting for 10min I took $ARQL Long, after the indecision doji and next candle pulled back from VWAP (2min). I put in a range order and moved on. Entry $8.5, stop 10c. Price shot up to $8.75, but missed by target by 6c. Then it started grinding down, suddently at 10AM the volume came up and the price shot up. I got filled at $8.73 (I moved my target after the price not being strong) and then 10% portion at $8.95. Price went up till $10, so missed most of the move but still got 2:1 RR. I was frustrated that I didn't notice the 3C setup on the 15mins, so I exited where I should have entered. But that's how the Range order works, on another day, the stock could have dropped and I would have been saved. Almost perfect Trade: Fallen Angel + 3C setup Entry - $8.5, Stop - 20c, Profit - 2RR, MFE - 6RR. Very difficult to catch the move. Trade 2 - $FB: Next I took $FB long after the price broke HOD, I put the wrong size, so order was not executed, by the time I corrected I am chasing the entry, so got out immediately. Which is fine, very small loss. But the price again bounced off 9MA and i went Long (FOMO). I had 70c stop and targetting 2:1 RR. Got stopped out. I could have entered at VWAP, but I decided to let it go. 2nd trade was a bad trade. I should have waited for the pullback and shouldn't have chased due to FOMO. Good: I exited the trade, the moment I realized I was chasing for a small loss, could have been a big loss. I am trading only setups, not scalping on momentum. Improvement: Felt FOMO today on $FB only because I felt $FB had the best chance today. But then there is always another stock and another trade. Could have traded $NFLX with a small size.
  9. 1 point
    I have been in one other community and I can say that while I left because their trading style did not align with how I wanted to develop as a trader, it was a relief to leave an environment that was very degrading to females. The BBT community is the gold standard for respect of members and focus on learning to trade in a sustainable way. I am so happy to be here. My one wish is a structured way to identify another trader who would like to be my "buddy". I noticed on the forum that a couple of small groups formed so I think there may be others who would like something similar. Some kind of filtering system to identify things like: time zone, trading experience, trading style, preferred frequency and method of communication, areas of trading that one would like support with, etc. That way instead of just posting a "want ad" in the forum, it would be possible to actually connect with someone of like style and experience who has similar expectations.
  10. 1 point
    I read Andrew's book and actually meant to join Bear and Bull Traders, but I accidentally joined the bullish bears trade room. The names sounded very similar and I was so new to things that I had no idea how many trade rooms there actually were. So I rolled with it. Bullish Bears What I liked: They discussed options in real time. My only experience with options was for exams and this was different. There were several very astute, veteran, technical traders that impressed me. I learned a lot about psychology, especially because the majority of trading was focused on penny stocks. These can be a nightmare to trade but really have some powerful price action to learn from. By seeing such an extreme representation of the market, I am really able to appreciate less manipulated price action. Really nice people. I felt a lot of love and respect their. Except once- this guy blew up and went nuclear in the chat room. He was promptly removed. They always answered my specific questions and commented/discussed my market calls. I guess I was there long enough to make some good ones so a small group notices that. Small group allows for more individualized attention and you don't get lost in the flow. I respect that the group emphasized that they were not interested in orchestrating pump and dumps. (not commenting on the actual ability to make those happen). Met a trader that I brought over to BBT with me and we communicate daily. Could Be Better: I could tell the moderators wanted to discuss mu/amd/aapl/options more- but catered to their audience (largely rookie penny stock traders looking for a cheap chat room to give them an edge). So the result was, they were talking about penny stocks, but actually taking options trades on AAPL/AMD/ROKU/MU etc in their accounts. No live trading shown at all. Feels like they could maximize their gifts and teaching by expressing themselves through the trades they are really passionate about. A lot of the technical charts they were showing us were so overwhelming with so many indicators and colors. It was unreadable and I couldn't maximize it. Ultimately, the way they were teaching things beyond the basics was just not my style. I did not find the video library very useful since it kind of catered towards heavy indicator usage and crowded charts. It may be good for options or swing trading. Warrior Trading Observations. Trial of 7 days. Ross Cameron feels genuine to me and I think his story is inspiring. Lose it all down to your socks and rise up from the ashes like a Phoenix. I don't want to be disrespectful, but this is my feeling- pure pump and dump with guru leadership. At one point things were not really working out for him so he just called out a totally RANDOM (not discussed at all in premarket. 0 mention of it on any watchlists I noted) $1 stock with no prior action and a TINY float and it immediately spiked and he was like ok i made my profit. Honestly -using great speed, I think I could make money following this guy because he has such clout in moving the market, but I would never feel in control of my destiny. I am not sure I learned anything to actually use in my trading though I did not have access to their course materials. Warrior Pro costs $7000. Conclusion: Not my thing. Investors Underground I never joined the chat but I studied a lot of Nate Michaud's materials and I really appreciated the price level trading he did. It was simple and beautiful and so graceful in identifying the backside of moves. I did not join because the chat was all sorts of hectic. It was just constant comments like "PLUG is at all time highs, ww"...."DRYS out of gas, covered @4.50." Not very cohesive. Like a rough rider, let's trade whatever is moving type of feel Pricey at around 2000/year being the best value option. Bear and Bull Traders I initially joined BBT for a trial a while ago because Andrew's book left a powerful mark on the beginner me. Unfortunately (for me), I was still enamored with penny stocks so I went back to bullish bears. I Joined BBT Lifetime because: I could not find a true consistent edge in trading penny stocks (aka. I lost a bunch of cash trying). Andrew's trading is inspiring. He is genuine. He expresses when he is tired and he gets mad at himself when he over trades or gets chopped up (which is not often). Seeing/Hearing a real professional trader go through some of the same emotions that I do is reassuring and comforting. The Style of trading fits my own...and it is such that I will improve it with more screen time. There are moderators talking trade for most of the day. I can literally sit there all day and practice trading different styles and learning from various people in real time. There are trade recaps live and then posted on youtube. Moderators and people in the COMMUNITY are very helpful and receptive. So many quality individuals that are looking to share and help others succeed! Cost efficient Most people are using the same Das Trader platform. We are all speaking the same language. Hope this helps guys! I look forward to getting to know you and making consistent profits with BBT!
  11. 1 point
    I LOVE my streamdeck. I've got mine configured with multiple screens for short and long positions in different sizes. I have the controls nested and color coded so I don't mistakenly short when I mean to go long, or to large when I mean to go small size. You can see pictures in the "show us your setup" thread. Here is my icon set if you want to use it.
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