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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/17/2019 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Monday 6/17/2019 I had a well-being score of 7/10 this morning. My nerves were OK. I took two live trades with FB and AMD. I continue to have issues with market fills on Centerpoint. FB looked very strong in the premarket and had really good opening volume. It made a small hammer with 1min candle and I went long when it broke VWAP. Since I took the trade so close to the open I went light on the shares. I took my first partial due to nerves since the price action was jumpy. The second partial was at a good spot. Then Centerpoint really failed me on the third partial where I had to wait 20 full seconds for my market order to fill. That’s ridiclous one minute from the open to have to wait 20 seconds. This completely spooked me. From watching the video somehow it got mixed up and took that order as a limit order even though I clicked the exactly same button as the first two partials. Then I got out at B/E with no issue with the order fill. It was a small win, but quite stressful. I really wanted to trade a 5min ORB. I started waiting for AMD to see if it would setup. The plan was if it retraced back to VWAP-1min and bounced I would short. It did right at 9:35am when the price broke the 5min candle body. I liked the trade looked good on both the 1min and 5min chart. I took a light share size since I usually lose at 5min ORBs. The price dropped quickly so it wasn’t a stressful trade. I was able to get 3 partials in and it missed my 4th partial by a penny. Then after 3 minutes of stagnation I took another partial as I was losing faith. Then all out when it made a new 1 min high. My score card for today: Poor partialing on both. FB also had a so-so entry and not the best share size. What I did good today: I really like that I waited for my entry on AMD. How did I challenge myself today? Got spooked from the fill issue, but continued to trade. What I did bad today: As usual way to many partials. What can I do better tomorrow: Contacting Centerpoint again about the routing and fill issues. I may be trading with CMEG tomorrow. I have not closed the account yet.
  2. 2 points
    Monday June 17th, 2019 Sleep: 7.5 hours. Mood: a little nervous with the thought of live trading again but also excited about it. First trade of the day was a 10 min ORBU In $BYND. i liked that it held the VWAP and then made a hammer and then a new 5min high. got in right at the break then it broke the HOTD with volume and i thought it was going to hit my profit target but then it sold off significantly and instead of getting out on the shooting star 5min candle, i held for a full R loss. GOOD: liked the setup and the follow through on the HOTD. RFI: should have bailed way earlier instead of hoping for a turn around. MOOD: disappointed. also a little mad at myself for taking this same trade i took Friday that did pretty much the same thing. CONSISTENT: yes stuck to my original plan. The next trade was an ABCD in $AMD. got in on the 5min break and then it couldn't break the HOTD and immediately reversed on me for a stop out. GOOD: setup, R/R, entry was good. RFI: i guess i could have waited to see if it was going to break the HOTD first before jumping in. also, i'm noticed less volume on the new 2min high that i didn't see when i got in. MOOD: disappointed CONSISTENT: yes, got out at stop. Last trade of the day was no setup on $AMD. got in on a pullback to the low of premarket after breaking the VWAP. it did go lower but not close to the LOTD and then it double bottomed and came through almost all the MAs. i decided to bail a little early and got out right at the high. it then reversed exactly at my exit and hit my price target, unbelievable. Did the wrong thing three trades in a row. GOOD: waited for a pullback for a good entry. RFI: not a setup that i trade. got out at the worst possible price. MOOD: embarrassed and angry at myself. CONSISTENT: no. That was not exactly how i wanted to start my live trading, to say the least. Held two losers to my stops when i could have got out for better prices and then i let go of a 3R winning trade at the worst possible price. i want to say that i couldn't do any worse but that's not true, i could have stubbornly held my losers past my stops and lost more money so in that regard i did good. I let my fear of losing real money take over my trading and i got exactly what i feared i would get. What i did good today: got out at my stops. What i did bad today: let my fear of losing money rule all decision making. What can i do better tomorrow: trade entries today were good, and i was right at my average of 33% correct. Had i stuck to my last trade and not got shook out, i would have had a green day. I can't let my fear of losing money rule my trading or i'll never be profitable. i'm chalking today's loss up to nerves of live trading and i'll try and work on them the rest of the week.
  3. 2 points
    Live trading summary for week ending 6/14/19. I took 11 trades this week with an OK score card average of 84%. Win% was only 34% but only had a weekly loss of -0.8R. The stocks I traded this week traded well, the poor performance was definitely me. Getting some concerns on the fills I have been getting with Centerpoint. I did get poor fills with CMEG that would impact the trade, maybe once or twice a week. But the last 6 days (since I started with Centerpoint), every day I get a bad fill that compromises my trade. I use Smart-Route for both brokers. CMEG always routed through NSDQ and Centerpiont always routes through CPGO which I hadn’t heard of before. I sent them an email asking info on it. I don’t like the look of it and worried that the “CP” in CPGO stands for CenterPoint and I will not get the fills I need. I asked in my email what route that is and if I can use NSDQ or ARCA without additional costs. Currently, I am not happy with the CPGO routing. Three trades this week I was really disappointed with myself. I had one trade that on the fly decided to change my methodology and add to my position though I have no rules set for this. Then I decided to change my first partial price and did not change my stop loss point. Essentially, I made a small winner into a -2R loser. The second trade was a 1min ORB with MU which looked like a really good setup, except my plan this week stated no 1min/2min ORBs on MU. Back test data shows they are low probability plays. I took the trade any way and was stopped out. The third trade was a FOMO (chasing) trade which I am usually better about not taking those. Most of my other 8 trades were OK which made my score card average OK. Here is my plan for this week: Concentrate on process and score card, not on W% and P/L Do not trade AAPL until better data is seen. Make FB your primary focus. Stock still very much in play for 1min/2min ORBs. AMD is still in play again for the 2min ORB, though the 1min ORB becoming more common now. MU is not in play for 2min ORB, but it has been looking good for the 3min ORB. So keep MU in mind if you are looking for a trade in that time frame A third trade per day is allowable if you stopped out of another trade early that didn’t feel right any more.
  4. 1 point
    Hey everyone, As you already might be aware we kicked off our first live "Workshop Wednesday" this week with the Topic Trading a Small account. We have plenty of more scheduled for the following weeks. These will be held every Wednesday at noon EST in our Classroom chatroom. Check your Dashboard calendar to see what topic is next. If you missed it no worries, we do have it recorded and available for you in the Education Center under Workshop Wednesday! We have a few exciting topics like Hotkeys, Journaling your Trades and Trading Rules scheduled but we want to hear from you what you are interested in having a live discussion. Feel free to post it here or also email it to [email protected]. Thanks!
  5. 1 point
    well, if ORBs work well for you, I guess you don't need any other strategy! Just keep up working on them and ajdusting them, good job there!
  6. 1 point
    Hi guys ! I've already signed in in Facebook, but just in case, I'll be there Friday night ! See you very soon !! Thanks for the organisation ! Jérôme
  7. 1 point
    June 14, 2019 - $AMD (Goal, Stop) Did not get much sleep last night, so I decided to be a little cautious today with my trading and only trade if I got a good setup. $MU did provide a good risk to reward on a 15 ORBO, but the choppiness at the open turned me off so I stayed away. I instead focused on $AMD, I was looking for an entry on a 5 minute orb, but if failed hold the VWAP and broke down. I figured I would get another opportunity for a 15 minute ORBD, if it pulled back to VWAP. I got an opportunity around 0650 and took an entry after it rejected the 20 EMA and broke below the 9 EMA. After my entry it pulled back again and started to chop around, so I got out around my entry because the 5 and 15 minute charts were both indicating that it was reversing direction and it was not selling off as quickly as I wanted. I still had the intention that if it rejected the 20 EMA again and lost the 9 EMA, I would enter again. shortly after it did and re-entered took some partials and I eventually got all out as I had to go work. Poor planning on my part as I should have entered a range order for my last little bit instead of just taking it all out. The stock eventually went to my profit target. Sample Set Results, P P P S P S P P P P S G 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
  8. 1 point
    Thanks for this! I really love those points, I'd actually emphasize on recording the first 30 mins of Andrew trading live, I do hear Andrew and listen to his thoughts while trading but I don;t pay any attention to him sharing his screen as I'm busy with my own charts, watching how he traded after we're done with trading will be much useful. The recap is really helpful and summarize it, but on recaps we only see candles, we don't see the price action itself, the exact entry, was it while the candle was going up? or on a red candle at the pullback, I'd love to watch his trading recorded somewhere in the education center Mentorships will also be amazing! Would love to see another one coming Thanks
  9. 1 point
    I would love to see Trade Reviews everyday instead of just 2 days a week. They are soooo helpful.
  10. 1 point
    Thank you! Please go here for team highlights.
  11. 1 point
    This topic gives an opportunity to share our experiences or may be even expectations for any new additions to be considered for trade room. Waiting to read more on this! As I have not been with any other trading communities before, so I can't compare. Can share my experience with BBT Trade Room, though it’s been only 2 months with BBT-Lifetime in my 3 months of day trading experience which started by reading Andrew's both the books(these are not just words in the air as we hear it a lot) I started trading LIVE directly by just reading those books alone, applying the strategies explained and observing the patterns. Not going for any other day trading books till I expertise in those strategies and techniques explained in those books. Consistency is very important for me as I am planning to extend day trading for living. Andrew always say- you don’t need to know each and every strategy, where there are hundreds or thousands of those (which may take full life time to experiment and gain expertise in all those, so no more time left for living lol). Once you find the strategies you understand well (as it differs from person to person, depending on their analytical background) and feel comfortable applying those successfully on a smaller share size and later increase as you build your psychology. Later you may try new strategies or trading approaches etc… Trade Room- I feel it is in a very structured manner based on how the day trading flows in a day and meet everyone’s trading related needs and support. I personally felt overwhelming the first month after joining BBT with all the information, different trading styles etc….Just finding your spot is all needed. Below is how I look at the structure which starts with: Carlo's Pre-Market Show- Finding range of stocks that are gaped up/down and are in play for that day and setting up support/resistance levels and quick news highlights. With the range of stocks starting from low, mid to higher price range to support all different levels of groups in the community. Andrew’s Golden Hour Show- With all his positive energy and his quick trades sharing live and being open to share his P/L(result of the process he goes thru), wakes up everyone in the AM.( Caffeine free lol..) Norm's Golf Trading Show- With his high price stock trading style, supporting those groups is amazing. Peter's Mid-Day Show- As he balances between mid to higher price range with mid-day reversal strategies till closing of the market, which supports those groups is fascinating. Brian's Swing Trades Discussion on Mondays- With his great knowledge and experience on trading, It not only supports ST group, also gives others a perspective of general understanding on stocks from different sectors play with variations and etc… William's Trade reviews (everyone’s favorite) and Robert’s outstanding support with his type of trends/wedges strategies and his support on DAS platform thru the forums is amazing. Besides all those the member’s sharing trade reviews on YouTube are great learning. Outside of the day trading there could be more to explore/expand on Swing, Options puts/calls etc…which is beyond the scope of my knowledge.
  12. 1 point
    For me, it's not so much the chatroom and all the services they offer, but moreso, the people within it. I believe one of the most important parts of a chatroom is to have people participating who are willing to share their experiences and offer mentorship to those who are just starting/struggling. You can call out stocks to trade all day long, but unless traders understand WHY it's being called out, it doesn't really do anyone any long term favors. Sure, you can take the same trades as a more experienced trader, and you might make some money -- but making money following another does not make you a successful trader. That's one of the reasons I prefer BBT over a few other chatrooms I've been in. Andrew and Co. are not only willing, but INSIST on teaching strategies, psychology, etc. to the new/struggling traders and they almost force you to become educated. Oh, and did I mention he doesn't charge me an arm and a leg to learn from him?
  13. 1 point
    Should be this week, had what Norm had last week (no voice) and finished testing the last of the changes today, so I'm ready to record it now. I added a new set to be able to add to (scale-In) an existing position by a set $Risk amount. So if you're long with $100 risk and want to add to it on a pullback, you can setup a Hotkey of +$20 (or whatever) and it'll calculate the shares to keep your current position + new position at the new combined $120risk. Yeah, it's been a very long time coming. This next update will likely be the last for the Excel versions, as I'm moving development to a standalone (it'll be open-source) application. It'll bring added features such as allowing users to put the Hotkey config directly into DAS (so no copy/pasting), and updating/tweaking. So as traders grow and want to update their parameters, they don't have to fiddle around ... just open the app and enter the new value, hit save.
  14. 1 point
    If you are consistently red, it makes no sense to be live. Don't think of it like you are missing out on good trades; you are saving yourself from further losses. My tips based on your journal: 1. Don't focus so much on the 1-min chart. It takes many years of experience to play price action. Beginners should stick to patterns and setups off the 5-minute chart. 2. Try using the 2-min as your smaller timeframe. Here's an example of where the ABCD was much more clear. 3. Overtrading and impulse trades. Read "The Daily Trading Coach" by Dr. Brett Steenbarger to kick bad habits. 4. Trading pre-market involves low liquidity, bad spreads, and unexpected moves. Stay away unless you have a working strategy. 5. Setups and patterns: define them in your playbook. Know what you are looking for everyday. This will help with the impulse trades. If it doesn't meet your setup: don't take the trade. 6. Prove you can trade consistently in simulator before going back live. Good luck.
  15. 1 point
    Good day everyone. Just want to mention that I did reach out to DAS and they did add the above additional data as stated. Robert. I do have a question for your, do you know where/how to gain the information of added Float and other stock fundamental data Thank you!
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