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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/2019 in Posts

  1. 6 points
    I read "How to Day Trade for a Living" over a year and a half ago, I join the chatroom while I was still reading the book. The chatroom has been an invaluable resource for learning not only good trading habits, but the psychology of trading as well. After a year of trading my husband joined me and now we trade together everyday. Thanks to the BBT community!! Michelle and Nathan
  2. 4 points
    My elaborate setup with my new favorite movie .. based on a true story. No that's not my real setup, I use three watches. But seriously, I can't share my setup (currently building a new desk), so I thought I'd have some fun with this. I'll show myself out.
  3. 3 points
    We are excited to announce that we are looking at having a National BBT Meetup and Trading Forum event in October, 2019. For now, we are simply looking to see what kind of interest there is from the BBT community for an event like this. We do not have exact details; but the event will consist of the following: Location: Las Vegas, Nevada Date: Mid-Late October, 2019 Duration: 2 days Content: Below is a rough outline of the event and will be subject to change: Live Trade Day 1 Trade review for members 1-1 mentorship education and classes psychology workshops guest speaker swing trading class dinner party Live Trade Day 2 Trade review for members 1-1 mentorship education and classes part 2 psychology workshops guest speaker 2 Wrap-up Cost: TBD Since we are trying to gauge the interest of the community, we do not have an idea of cost or more specific details. If you would be interested in attending an event like this, please answer the poll question above. This will help us gauge the overall interest and determine what the next steps are. Once we see what the interest level is, we will then create additional polls about pricing and a time frame (as well as possible speakers).
  4. 3 points
    If you're using the DOLLAR RISK version, the initial BP calculation is calculating the Maximum Affordable Shares -- the shares your buying power can afford to buy. In this scenario, if you selected 50% BP, your risk would still be at $50, but the Maximum Affordable Shares calculation would now be cut in half. This only comes into play if you're doing position sizes that bump up against your actual leveraged buying power. I'll be including it when I release the video along with a bunch of other things. Yes, you can type whatever you want. The new version will have the SMRTM in it. Yes, I'll be releasing them by the end of this month. Been a hectic year so far as I had many projects come due at the same time. I've got a lot of stuff brewing that I can't wait to share. V1.5 will be out this week with the following changes: - Bug Fixes - Price Target Hotkey - Range Order Hotkey - Zoom Y Axis Hotkeys I just have to nuke my Excel as it keeps locking up with the latest version of Windows. Along with the video and the new version (I want to launch both together)
  5. 2 points
    Traders from Venus: Loses are fact with no escape. One said " When you know what not to do in order to not to lose money then you will begin what to do in order to win" so trade smart with no fear! Money will follow you Above is my laptop work desk converted into trade station. Had it setup this week! Went with basics what was recommended in the BBT community site which is good enough to get the job done:)
  6. 2 points
  7. 2 points
    Converted a typical closet into a trade station. I added a 'peel n stick' wood wall paneling and installed a 3 pot-light lamp above with dimmer switch.
  8. 2 points
  9. 1 point
    And then link that to your platform, got it thanks Kasper
  10. 1 point
    Wow I need this. I'm going to order one right now!
  11. 1 point
    I'd be in, since I live here and can assist with any logistics (if you need discounts or a place to pre-ship things, let me know). Also, DAS has an office here in Vegas, so we could probably invite some of the people we interact with from there.
  12. 1 point
    I don't do facebook, but can you count me in please. Thank you.
  13. 1 point
    I will be at the summit and will try to be there on Friday night if possible. Cheers!
  14. 1 point
    This is an amazing setup!!! Love it! Nice touch with the clocks up top, I also have that same Classic Chart Patterns! Now, who is the better trader?? Just kidding Best of luck to you both!
  15. 1 point
    I've been a member of Bearbulltraders since October 2018. I read Andrews first and second books in September along with a few other ones and I am really glad I did, his books are well written and well thought out and really gives you the tools and basics and most importantly rules and setups. I then wanted to join the community and see what real trading was like, I didn't even have a platform or setup yet, it took me about a week to realize this was not fake or a money making scheme. I then knew it was going to be something for the long haul and so it made sense to get the lifetime membership and so I did and I have not regretted it since. This is definitely not a get rich quick type of deal, it takes hard work day in and day out, but the people in this community are there to help and make it easier and they have! There is so many people I want to thank from Norm, William H, Robert H, Carlos, Brian, Abiel, I'm sure I'm forgetting people and of course Andrew who of course without him, none of this would be possible. Thank you guys so much! -Seth Aldrich
  16. 1 point
    Joined BBT community in September 2017 after day trading 9 months on my own. Wish I had found Andrew’s book and the community earlier, but since then the knowledge gained and support of BBT has been amazing!
  17. 1 point
    Family that trade together stays together. First day trade for the pups. Whatever it takes start 'em young.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    I am attending the Summit, so will be in town on Friday evening. Looking forward to meeting you all. Will probably have my wife in tow because she is coming up to Montreal with me. Thanks for arranging a meetup.
  20. 1 point
    Is it the job of an owl TRADER to scan for opp ortunities with patience and an open mind?
  21. 1 point
    Two computers with eight monitors. My primary unit has six monitors and the laptop has two screens. I usually watch 8 stocks that are in play and six secondary possible continuation stocks on the overhead 2K 37" screen. I have three montages. One screen for watching the $SPY, market clock, and network connectivity to DAS. The outermost right Dell monitor is for the chat room. The laptop is my hot backup with CNBC and other news feeds. I have a Bluetooth headset and a wireless mouse. I custom built this workstation. It is basically a gaming machine. Here are the hardware spec: Intel i-7 6700K @ 4.00Ghz 64 GB of DDR4 3200 RAM 500 GB SSD NVIDIA GTX 970 with two additional USB to VGA ASUS Maximus VIII Hero ATX motherboard Intel 10/100 NIC TV stand:: Amazon ASIN: B07581Z9SM Two monitor stand:: Amazon ASIN: B07MC9YX63 I believe Andrew Aziz is a very rare person because at his core he is a teacher first, daytrader second. He is passionate about changing people's lives for those who would apply his knowledge and instructions. He is the second person I have met in person that operates his business at an incredible level of integrity. The other person with strong integrity is Dave Ramsey. Every morning, when Andrew is not summiting a mountain, he shares transparently over 15 years of knowledge only gained from an unforgiving market that does not hesitate to trap money from an unsuspecting new trader. I have watched for over two years, an excess of 500 videos of Andrew and his team's trade recaps. Andrew and his team's success is that they trade the same set of strategies that are described clearly in his book. You can be suspicious of a strategy if only one person is successful at it. You could still be suspicious of his team that trades the same strategy. If you want, you still can be suspicious when members are successful using Andrew's strategy. However, when you combine the number of trades taken by all the traders over time, the evidence is demonstrating counter to your belief. Bruce Lee said, "I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times."
  22. 1 point
    I've been part of the BBT community since the end of 2017. I did the trial membership at first because I was skeptical of day trading but after watching Andrew's classes and Youtube videos I saw how transparent and honest he is about day trading and the risks involved. I signed up for the yearly membership and then the lifetime membership when it became available. The chatroom and resources available in the education center have been really valuable, there's so much that I learn everyday from all the great resources that the community has available.
  23. 1 point
    I have been following Andrews daily recaps for a long time, read his books and finally ended up joining his community ... I am a the newbie around here and feel that this is where I belong. Trading is much much more than the P&L at the end of the day !
  24. 1 point
    Hi all, Having a journal is a must. I feel like I have learned so much about my trading in just the 2 weeks trading live because of this journal. For anyone starting out like me, if you are serious about this business, take the time to have a detailed journal. How else can we improve something we are not tracking? I focus more on the details of the trade and what I was thinking at the time, IB has tons of report performance reports that I can pull later if I want to see the numbers crunched. Here is a screenshot and detail of my journal, I have 3 main sections on my recap: Screenshot Link: Click Here Section 1: In this section I record how I feel Physically and Mentally in the morning before I start my trading day. Comment if I was able to get my morning routine done as planned. (My mourning routine is gym, sauna, get to my station and write my Journal Intro, review previous day recap, then build watchlist) Section 2: Here I add a screenshot of my Das Trader Account Report, with the me a summary of what I traded for the day. At the bottom of the page I also have additional screenshots of the detail transactions. Section 3: In this section I track some information of the stock like float size and how I found the stock. I also note down details of the trade like the strategy, position size and details of the price action shown on the screenshot. The best part about this section is the “Well Done" and "Improvement Notes”. I read on “The Daily Trading Coach: 101 Lessons for Becoming Your Own Trading Psychologist” how important it is to track what you did well on a trade. This way your recap is not all negative but also highlighting the good things that you should continue to do. Software: Just some information on the software I use, I track my Journal on Microsoft OneNote. As you can see on the pages tab I track all my Trading stuff like highlights of the book I am reading and any training course notes. If you have not try this software please give it a shot. It has a lot of great features, syncs with all devices and is completely free. Thanks. Carlos M.
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