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Rajneesh Kambhatla joined the club
Grace Ge joined the club
Hello BBT Australia, I'm keen to learn, share ideas and have the possibility of a meet up here in Australia. Currently based in Perth but I travel around often, mainly to Brisbane. I looking at a change from trading forex for the last 4 years on and off with little success. I cant remember how I came across BBT but something caught my eye, probably the time in the market for trading. 1-2 hours from the open and I'm done especially at these hours which is worse for those in the East. Happy to chat. Andyd3
zain392 joined the club
Andyd3 joined the club
tiks95@yahoo.com joined the club
mirag joined the club
Masaya joined the club
Andrew74 joined the club
chrisjb joined the club
Hello BBT Aussie members!! I signed this community about 4 weeks ago and enjoying (or struggling) all the new learning stuff. I am wondering if anyone is doing ASX. If so, which broker do you use? Cheers, Youngsoo
juntax-spax joined the club
youngsoo joined the club
Pheretima joined the club
I'm with IBKR and just came across this page with regard to account types and what not - might be useful for other Aussie members looking for info about margin accounts, etc. It says they currently DO offer margin to Australian clients: https://ibkr.info/article/3352 Detailed info on margin accounts for Aussie IBKR clients: https://ibkr.info/article/4370
Currently Active Australian Based Traders
Tigre23 replied to ReviloD's topic in BBT Australia's Topics
Hi Revilo, I'm in Sydney. I never really come to the forums, I had my own question to pose today about traveling and trading 🙂 -
Tigre23 joined the club
Hi, I am a new member of BBT based in Port Macquarie NSW. I notice that there have not been any posts in the Australian Club for some time. Are there any currently active traders based in Australia?? Regards, ReviloD
ReviloD joined the club
I just found out that IG has ProRealTime which includes a stock scanner so I will just be using that
Hi all, I have just started my journey to become a day trader. Will be starting SIM in about a week. I will be using IG as my trading platform. Do you guys know of a stock scanner for australian stocks? Preferably a free one. The BBT guys use Trade-Ideas which is not available for Australia. Thanks
chua72 joined the club
Hi, I recently joined bearbulltraders and wonder if someone does have a set-up Dastrader/Interactive brokeer which allwos you to trade in ASX/Australia and Europe (LSX, Xetra, etc.). I am based here in Perth/WA. Thanks for helping me out. Cheers Manfred Here is my mail to their support team: ---------------------------------------------- From: Manfred Beiter Sent: Tuesday, 23 February 2021 10:02 To: support@dastrader.com Subject: Trading with Dastraderpro/Interactive Broker for markets in Europe and Asia/Australia Hi, I am a live time member from Bearbulltraders.com and do have a trading account with Interactive broker (in Australia). I am based in Australia and trade in Europe as well. I kindly ask the following questions: If I buy Dastrader and integrate it with Interactive broker can I still trade in markets such as Australia (ASX), Europe (e.g. Xetra) and UK (LSE)? Are there any limitations for that set-up in terms of DASTRADER functionality (e.g. simulation)? Interactive broker told me that trading via Mosaic/Webportal from them will be disabled once I ask for the Dastrader integration. Regards Manfred
mbeiter joined the club
Laanraev joined the club
synsig joined the club
Magar K joined the club
leilajake joined the club
Hey everyone, I'm based in Sydney. We should do a meetup here once the COVID restrictions ease! Mike
I called Interactive Brokers yesterday and they said it's possible to get margin up to A$25k. It requires a credit check though. Have you tried CMEG - I'm planning to give them a go.
Martin D joined the club
mikez joined the club
Thanks Justin. @Justin This clarifies everything.
Ah! There it is 🙂 Stop Orders don't work in the pre-market.
Thanks Justin. @Justin I gave a try again by manual entry and hotkey as well. But could not figure out where I am making the mistake. Can you please help me with this? I bought SPY 100 Shares @ 306.94 during pre-market and placed the Stop Market order using the hot key ROUTE=STOP;StopType=Market;StopPrice=AvgCost-0.1;Share=Pos;TIF=DAY+;SELL=Send. Which then placed the Stop Market Order at SM:306.84 (0.1 less than the avg cost). Even though the ask price went below the SM:306.8, order was not executed. I am not sure where i am making the mistake. @Gopi Mani Cheers, Gopi
Hey Gopi, Unless I haven't had enough coffee this morning... I'm thinking that something is backwards. In your photo you're LONG from 12.75, and you've placed a sell order above your price at 12.83. You don't have a stop loss set, which would have to be below your AvgCost of 12.75. Also make sure you use the @Gopi Mani function if you want to grab my attention. I sometime miss posts, but this way I'll get an alert! 🙂
Hi Justin, I still have issues with all the stop order types. Please see the screenshot below. I placed the stop market order @ 12.83. My order is accepted but not triggered even after the price went below 12.83. Cheers, Gopi
leightonwhitfield joined the club
Dear Fellow Aussie Traders, I was wondering which broker you are using. I ask because it seems I haven't had much luck with the ones I had chosen. First, I was with Interactive Brokers, which apparently don't offer margin accounts for Australian residents (see the first topic I posted a while ago). I switched to Alliance Trader, which were fine so far, however, in March or so they told me that due to the current market situation, they will switch my account to a Cash account. That means that I can't short stocks or use margins, and any trade will reduce my buying power for the day - in short, this makes it impossible to trade. I have sent them an email, which they haven't responded to (yet). I was wondering if this is an Australian regulation because it seems no one else at BBT is affected (I couldn't find any thread about this in the forum). Thank you all in advance for your help! Cheers, Markus
Jo Dern Pang joined the club
Thanks Justin.
Hey Gopi, You should have full trading capabilities. Make sure your Montage Style is correct. Right click on the montage at the bottom and click Style > Stop Order It should look like this:
Justin joined the club
Hi Justin, I am currently placing orders manually and can only place market orders using Demo account. Do you have difficulty in placing limit orders and stop orders manually using Montage in SIM? Hope the simulator should have full access to all features. It looks like the network delay to the NASDAQ server from Australia is between 200 to 350ms. In one of the DAStrader youtube video, they have mentioned that the delay should be less than 200ms. Gopi.
Hi Gopi, What are you using to place the orders? Are you using a HotKey? If so what is the script? My network delay fluctuates between 200 - 350ms which I have found to be fine so far. I'm also using a SIM account. Justin
Hi Guys, I am currently trying DAStrader Pro Demo – Free Trial and experiencing issues in placing stop orders. I am not sure that this feature is disabled in Demo account. Do you guys have any idea? Also I would like to know the best network delay for Demo account and real account? Network delay using my demo account is approx 250ms. May I know what your network delay from Australia is? My internet download speed is 95Mbps. To check this settings, please double click the symbol located at the bottom right corner of the DAS trader window and check the network delay column to the right in the pop up window. Cheers, Gopi
keith joined the club
Welcome. Gopinath!
Hello everyone, I am Gopinath, joined couple of days back and based in Brisbane. Cheers, Gopi
Gopi Mani joined the club
Hi Jay, My name is Justin and signed up yesterday, based in Melbourne.
Justin T joined the club
Hi Jay, I also signed up 3 months ago and have been trading in SIM. I am in Melbourne.