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Everything posted by Abiel

  1. Hi guys, Kyle’s Tech Webinars are available here.
  2. This is odd, I funded my US IB account using my Mexico bank accout, it was a smooth and fast process. Let see what IB Canada clients say.
  3. What about IB Canada? They don´t enforce PDT.
  4. Hi Juanma, I dont see that option on market wiewer configuration.
  5. Mira estos ABCDs en SKLZ hoy. Si bien el primero no empieza con una gran vela, viene de un doble fondo en premarket low con una clara consolidación en C. Incluso ofreció un 2o ABCD (en morado) con C soportado en VWAP. Revisa como el precio respeta los diferentes niveles: PM low, precio de apertura, Pivots (S#) y fibonacci (50% retracement). Marco los fibos en 60 minutos en movimientos de corto plazo, en el caso de SKLZ, desde la caida de hoy.
  6. Con gusto, la otra es que nos presentes uno o dos trades porque si son mas nos abrumas 😅
  7. Hola, excelente que empieces a hacer trading simulado. Mi recomendación es que revises tus definiciones de patrón ABCD, lo que buscas en un ABCD es: Una vela muy grande (alcsita o bajsita) Iniciando en A y alcanzando un nuevo maximo o minimo diario (B) Consolidación / pullback o retroceso que no penetre mucho en la primera vela que te dió la señal de ABCD, este es tu punto C, nivel de soporte y stop loss. Cuando llega el volumen y se da el breakout de esta consolidación es momento de entrar en la posicion y gestionarla hasta su punto maximo y considerar salir en un nuevo minimo de 5 mins. En la grafica de BEKE ilustro el ABCD. Si en tu grafica el triangulo verde es tu entrada y el rojo es tu salida, entraste en una consolidación, te perdiste la movida principal del ABCD cuya entrada ideal era en la vela de las 9.46 AM. Te sugiero repases el capitulo de las estrategias del libro de Andrew y hagas tu playbook, señalando claramente cuales son las señales que debes buscar para identificar el principio de un setup, en el caso del ABCD, es una gran vela bajista o alcista (A-B), esperar la consolidación, ver si hay algun soporte (C) esperar el volumen con rompimiento de la consolidación, definir tu stop loss, target y entrar.
  8. Hi guys as you may know Andrew is visiting California, please let us know who is available for a meetup in San Francisco tomorrow afternoon, Tuesday, March 9, 6 - 6:30 PM, Gott´s Roadside in the ferry building. RSVP...
  9. IBKR - US Tax Information for Non- US Persons https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/1437492019430005775
  10. Hi guys, Andrew is flying through Dallas on March 3rd and we are going to do a brief meetup during his layover. Meetup time will be 6pm local, at Hard Eight BBQ - Coppell location 688 Freeport Parkway. Please RSVP here so we can keep an accurate count.
  11. DAS just released version this week (feb. 10 2021) and they added a configuration for maximum number of global trend lines in Setup->Trading Settings
  12. Hi Charlie, IB Canada does not enforce the PDT rule and supports DAS Trader.
  13. Hi guys, we removed this file from our website download sections, now when you download DAS Sim (BBT subscription) you get the most common hotkeys and hot buttons to use. You can tweak them to your own needs.
  14. Excelent! FancyZones download link: https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys/releases
  15. Check this nasdaq screener, you can get a csv file and import it to DAS Trader watchlist(s), just be mindful of DAS max limit of 1K tickers. Then every morning sort by gap ($ and %) and volume to find what is in play. https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/screener
  16. No, you need $25K min to day tarde (PDT Rule) with a US based broker. https://www1.interactivebrokers.com/en/index.php?f=4969 https://www1.interactivebrokers.com/en/index.php?f=45500
  17. See here please https://dastrader.com/docs/lost-connection-to-quote-server-error-message/ If issue contione email DAS Trader Support https://dastrader.com/#Contact
  18. Found this Investopedia article: Brokers don't ask investors for their personal information to make conversation. There's a perfectly good reason behind it—they have to ask. https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/06/personalinfoandbrokers.asp
  19. Hi Gordon, you can open a forum thread to start a Houston Area BBT Meetup, just be mindful of the protection measures due to covid-19. Consider video conferencing if members don't feel comfortable with physical meetings. Also, you can follow this BBT Meetups Guide:
  20. For all Houston BBT members, Andrew will have a long layover at IAH tomorrow, so for all those interested in this meetup meeting, the appointment is tomorrow December 30 at 12:00 Hrs. Lunch and drinks on Andrew. We appreciate your commitment to come in such a short notice. Please comment below on your availability. BBT Houston Meetup, Dec. 30 2020 12:00 Hrs. CT Pappas Seafood House 20410 Hwy 59 N. Humble , TX 77339 (281) 446-7707
  21. Yes, tiered is cheaper for smaller share size. If you trade big size fixed is better with $1 USD min / ticket.
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