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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/2020 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    4-2-20 AIS 0755, 6 hours, 7/10 PAT: Over-trading in Revenge. PB# 1, 3, or 7 only DIS PB#1 +1.5R MSFT PB#3 BE SDS ETF +1.4R Cons: Took too little risk and missed add opportunities. Let first MSFT trade run past my stop Pros: did keep most of my losers very small Rs: +2.9
  2. 2 points
    Thursday 04/02/2020 I had a well-being score of 7/10 this morning. I took 2 live trades with BA and LK. My watchlist: AMD, LK, DAL, WBA, CCL, and BA. Both my trades were entered in PM. BA looked good both on the 1min and 5min chart. The 5min had an engulfing and the 1min a small wedge. But I usually don’t do well taking a reversal. But SPY was strong at that moment and a reasonable size ask appeared in L2. So I went long. My target was PDC with my stop at the recent low (127.40). Trade went well. Too bad I took 1/3 share size. I reduce my shares in PM and when taking a reversal. The price popped soon after the open and went beyond my target. I finally exited when it lost the 50MA-1min LK was being investigated and dropped huge in PM. It seemed to be holding the 9/20MAs and slowly rising but I was nervous to take the trade. My finger sat on the buy button for about 20 seconds and then I heard Brian said he went long which confirmed I wasn’t crazy for thinking about it and went long as well. The volume was so high I didn’t call it a PM trade and went full shares. My stop was the bottom of the previous candle. I took lots of partials and finally got out because I didn’t want to go through another halt again. I can already call this the trade of the month. What did I do good today? Good use of SPY What I am grateful from today? LK
  3. 1 point
    Hi everybody, I've been thinking about giving the room my own personal touch as I often found my self during the last few months having difficulties with the small chat and all the messages... Short Story I aimed for this goals : Giving some more space for the main chat Reduce the tab selection section in the middle of the column so that it does not overflow in several lines Give some clean icons that clearly identify the content while keeping the tooltip Hide the Alert Panel while keeping it accesible using the mouse over it (autohide) Change the font for a readable one with a smaller size as I use to have the chat in a 40" TV The final result is this ( original colors on the right, darker theme on the left) : If interested in getting more room for the main chat, just install Stylus and Darkreader (if you like the dark theme ) plugins on your browser : Chrome: Stylus: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stylus/clngdbkpkpeebahjckkjfobafhncgmne Dark-reader: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dark-reader/eimadpbcbfnmbkopoojfekhnkhdbieeh?hl=es Firefox: Stylus: https://addons.mozilla.org/es/firefox/addon/styl-us/?src=search Dark-reader: https://addons.mozilla.org/es/firefox/addon/darkreader/ After the easy installation, just go to the top right cornor of your browser and click on the "S" then on the "create new style option" while being in the tab of the chatroom. Copy the CSS text that you can find attached to this post and then paste it in the editor area. Check the name you want to give to this style on the upper left corner and the URL that should be monitored : https://protradingroom.com Save the changes and go back to the room. If you want to activate the dark theme just go to the DarkReader plugin and manage your settings ... Hope anyone finds this usefull. Keep it green ! @Paul aka Aurbano 2021-12-13 UPDATE : update tab icons 2021-04-07 UPDATE : added few changes to fix tickers column on bezinga news, with bullet points, and a better line jump management >> ending in better reading ... this feature was suggested by @Justin and @Alastair ... hope it helps many people !! 2021-04-09 UPDATE : added color / background highlighter on ticker symbols starting with $ css.txt
  4. 1 point
    A quick Google search seems to point to many articles saying you can. Here is one for example: https://redbus2us.com/can-h1b-visa-holder-do-stock-trading-in-us-tax-day-time-trading/ If you're making that much day trading, you'll be paying someone else to do your taxes I wouldn't worry about Turbotax.
  5. 1 point
    April 2nd - Frustrating day as I had a few setups starting to setup today, but then they all broke pattern right before the entry. The toughest was on $AMD and $MU as I had limit orders already set into the market waiting to get filled and both stocks ended up making a new five minute low before my entry, so I cancelled both orders around 1445. Wouldn't you know it both reversed and took off for a nice 4R move. Some days are just not meant to be. Process was followed, executed plan well, market decided I should not be paid today.
  6. 1 point
    Here is my setup for now. Once I have moved up a couple risk levels I will be adding another 24" monitor on the top as a reward for sticking to my plan. I plan on moving into a new room hopefully within a year but I need to sell out of our online business so I have room. Oh and by the way, My phone is an old crappy LG V20 so a new Iphone is what has been on my list for some time now. LOL Thank you for the opportunity not only for the phone but for opening my eyes up to trading. I follow daily and watch all the videos offered and I know BBT has been the only reason I have succeeded thus far. As of now I watch the PM Show everyday while gathering my own list from what I have learned from Carlos and Norm. I do have a few trading buddy's that I talk to live while trading everyday (that is what the headphones are for) and we try to keep each other in line and this I feel is another reason I am continuing to grow. Trade Safe and Stay Green Glenn
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    man ! that is too easy to be a problem ... add this 3 lines to the end of the CSS style and use the width attribute to properly adjust the chat to your screen aspect ratio Enjoy ! /* move chat to the right */ #chatAlertsDiv { position:absolute; right:0px; top:0px; width:18%; } #presentationHolderDiv.l-cell { position:absolute; left:0px; width:82%; }
  9. 1 point
    This is freaking amazing @aurbano! Just installed it I already had Stylus running for other sites. Updating/beautifying things to be more efficient and look better is my jam!
  10. 1 point
    wow, interesting, thanks aurbano! I will forward this to the developer of the chat.
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