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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/06/2020 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Here are my suggestions: Header: Trade With The Power of Community Sub Header: Learn, Grow, and Adapt with Us Header: Trade With The Power of Community Sub Header: Are You Ready? Increase Your Edge, Perfect Your Trading With a Community for Serious Traders Header: Trade With The Power of Community Sub Header: Traders Focused on Process Over Profit And then underneath these taglines you could put key essential points in a stylistic way, of what makes BBT special: Our Dedicated moderators Meetups Internationally, Our Resource Sharing, Etc, Etc.
  2. 2 points
    Friday, I over traded a bit today, because of that I am sure my commissions will eat nearly all my profits. 3.4R day, but when R=$10, too many tickets makes it a BE day instead. I'm ok with that because I still think I traded well today. My patience is improving, and I am seeing more indicators before jumping into a trade now, Aiman's recaps have really helped me look at a few more charts for confirmation before entering. I bet there were 4-5 times today that I stopped myself from entering by looking at the overall trend of the stock, and checking 5,15,day charts for resistance levels that are not on the 1min. I was long biased on AMD pre-market, that caused me to take these three longs. I'm ok with the second trade, but the 1st and 3rd trade in this pic should not have been taken. Great 5minOrb-1minABCD Combo 2 shorts and a long, the first trade I failed to look at the 5 for confirmation, I was only looking at the 1min break below moving averages. shorted again immediately, revenge trade. Later tried BO over a daily level I had, it failed, the BO was actually several candles earlier when it broke my prior level of 109.07. I probably should not have entered below VWAP like that. Tried BO, didn't continue. Curling down, broke my pre-market level and tested it, spy direction helped for confirmation. My pre-market notes said to look for break of 24, as I was scanning my watch list looking for a trade, I noticed MRVL had just broke VWAP, test it, and start to head to 24. It went well 5MIn lightning bolt down with retest of VWAP. JPM and MU trade, I think I may be moving my stop too close to the price, they both ran down much further after my last partial. What I usually do is move my stop to just above the 20EMA on the 1-min, if I would instead move it to the 9EMA on the 5, maybe I could stay in these trend trades longer. What do you think?
  3. 2 points
    I think we need to empathize this is a community and not a 'university' like the other groups out there that sell 'classes'. Our focus should be on the psychological aspect of trading, members will come and go to learn technicals but stay for the emotional support. Don’t let your emotions make your decisions Mistakes are...Expected, Respected, Inspected, Corrected in our Community corny i know...
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points
    Day 40- Mar 4, 2020 24 Tickets 4 Symbols Red Day (Max Loss) CCL (Trade #1) - Short - 1min - VWAP Rejection (Anticipating) Weak at open and broke through previous day close, and found support at pre market level 31.4. Bounced up toward VWAP, took it short in anticipation it would reject VWAP and come back down to test 31.4. Quickly moved up and popped through VWAP taking out my stop loss - top tick. Improvement: Right idea, but terrible execution, didn’t fight for price and got in too early. Got in with 1R risk hot key instead of 1/2R, and misplaced the stop so ended up taking a 1.5R on this. CCL (Trade #2) - Short - 1 min - VWAP Trend Trade As soon as my stop loss hit and top ticked, I knew I had the ride idea so re-shorted 1R with stop just above previous candle, expecting this to come back down to test the pre market level at 31.4. Worked right away and ended up taking too many partials - didn’t want to give profits back. Ended up working as planned and took me out for profit target and left a small partial which took me out on next cover. Good: Using the Dynamic Risk Hotkey is removing the need to calculate shares, left partial on to see my trade play out. Improvement: Still taking too many partials, need to stop watching my P/L and manage the trade based on price action and taking what the market gives me vs panicking and covering as soon as I'm in the green. CCL (Trade #3)- Short - 1min - Breakdown (Chasing) Had a short position in CCL and was working in my favor, thinking to short the failed pop as is in my game plan but held off. Instead I acted emotionally and added 1/2R too my short as it broke down. SPY falling and CCL has seen major weakness, thinking we could see some nice continuation. Didn’t go my way and got stopped out. Improvement: Have said this over and over, breakdowns aren't my setup - statistically they don’t work for me - yet I still take them. CCL (Trade #4) - Short - 1min - VWAP Trend Trade Short biased on CCL - saw It reject VWAP and took it once it had confirmed rejection. R/R was much better here as risk is clearly defined just above VWAP and previosu candle, and target down at LOD +. Overall trend was in my favor. Good: This is a setup I am comfortable with, took planned partial profits and let the rest ride for profit target + some. This is an A+ setup for me - will be play booking this and duplicating in my game plan. Improvement: Need to be going over 1R risk on this. JWN (Trade #1) - Long - 1min - ABCD (Too Early) JWN down on earnings, but came out strong off the open - was looking for a potential double top of 33.1 daily level. Rejected right off that level but didn’t seem to want to go down, recovering nicely on the 5 min. Realized we could be seeing an ABCD to the upside. Took 1/2 R long thinking we could break through B and continue up. Ended up taking this too early and getting stopped out on breakdown of VWAP. Improvement: Negative catalyst and a poor entry on a non-developed setup. Multiple things wrong here - entry at VWAP for a Long on ABCD would have been appropriate - otherwise STAY OUT. JWN (Trade #2)- Short - 1min - VWAP Rejection Revenge trading. Saw a big red candle on increasing selling on the 5 min, and shorted as we approached VWAP thinking we might reject here with tight stop above VWAP. Ended up playing right into my previous thought of ABCD. Improvement: Had an idea, and didn’t follow it. Long biased (too early) then switched to short biased in a matter 10 minutes. Need to look to market signals rather than hoping it continued down - not a great entry here - overall terrible trades on this name. CPB - Long - 1min - Breakout Pullback CPB strong earnings and beat estimates. Was braking through Pre market level at 50.76 and then consolidated for a good 15 min holding that level. Went long as looked like it was going to break out with stop just below consolidation. Right idea but got shaken out with my stop loss being bottom tick. Target was next daily level at 52.5 - potential for 8R. Good: Had the right idea Improvement: Looking back at it exact same thing happened on the previous spike at 9:50 - algo triggered stop losses and then shot up. Having a mental stop would have prevented this. Mental stop loss would have stopped this (but also would cause lots of slippage and losses on other exits) JD (Trade #1) - Long - 1min - Breakout (Scalp) JD has been in play lately…was watching it in AM as it had nice breakouts making an Elliot wave. Missed the pullback entry and saw this break through major level of 44.07 (high of both previous 2 days). Ended up with a quick scalp as it was holding and breaking out on increasing volume. Good: Took partials quickly Improvement: Not in my game plan, so need to be careful. JD -(Trade #2) Long - 1min - Breakout Pullback Bought more JD on the pullback into previous resistance expecting it to hold, and retest HOD. Spy was strong so thought we could see continuation. Ended up going against me and got stopped out. Todays Review Last couple of days have really made me realize that I have too many vague "Setups" and leaving it up to discretion for which one it looks like that day - this is causing me to trouble in many areas; sizing entries, reviewing the plays end of day, journaling and categorizing, also messing with my stats Failed Pop / VWAP Trend Trade / VWAP Reversal / ABCD are all distinct setups but I seem to have mixed them together subconsciously. Taking the rest of the week off in order to go back to my game plan and review, refresh and restart. (Notice this has been in my "need to do" section a few times, but just not getting to it…guess it takes a max loss day to figure that out) DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW I CAN POST PICTURES ON THE NEW WEBSITE FORUM? Previously I signed into BBT through chrome and not a problem with copying and pasting right into the post - now, I cant even get to forums on chrome, can only use dashboard and main site every time I try to get to forums it takes me back to the sign in page....in meantime using explorer to post notes. Would love if it someone could help me with this. Either option of how to paste them in here, or how I can sign in and use forums on chrome. Will post screenshots as soon as this is figured out.
  6. 1 point
    Hello Everyone, very excited for our meetup tomorrow and I cannot wait to meet those of you that are coming. I will be wearing a Bear Bull Traders shirt with a small banner by where we can organize at 7:00 PM. I encourage anyone last minute interested to come! We can play some pool, bowl, and get drinks. Once again, this is at Clubhouse in East Hampton, New York on Long Island 174 Daniels Hole Road. Thanks and see you all soon! -Jordan
  7. 1 point
    Yes absolutely thanks for reminding me!
  8. 1 point
    Please take lots of pics and send to [email protected] !
  9. 1 point
    March 6 Great way to end the week. I had a awesome setup on $JD in the morning. Met all my criteria for a long, got the entry, but then it just stalled out and stopped me out. Didn't bother me a bit, it was a trade I have to take and let the probabilities win out over time. The second was a short on $CCL. Another great setup and I executed it well. I was a little worried I would not get the fill as it was on SSR, but it filled slightly below where I wanted my entry. No big deal. I got partials at 1R and 2R before getting stopped out at break-even. Good way to go into the weekend.
  10. 1 point
    1. Why trade alone? Collectively we can learn so much more. 2. Come find out what you may not know. Join our community to grow, collaborate, share, and trade consistently.
  11. 1 point
    Join now & get a bikini calendar of all our moderators...Let's give them a sample, Andrew, Brian, Peter, Norm!
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    Friday 03/06/2020 I had a well-being score of 7/10 this morning. I took 1 live trade this morning with AMD. My watchlist: AMD, AAPL, MRVL, TSLA, CCL, and VIPS. AMD was one of the very few stocks that was green in PM. The price was holding between $50MA-1min and $49.15 for a few minutes in PM. Every candle was bullish looking. I was waiting for the break of 49.15 to go long. Then a really strong hammer was formed with good volume. Then a L2 signal appeared. Not big but enough to enter the trade since it would get me past VWAP. My target was 49.73 with a stop below the 50MA-1min. When I went long: The price broke the 49.15 and kept moving up and reached my target. I held onto a few shares just before the open to see if it would move higher. Then hangman formation was forming, so I did not want to hold into the open and exited a few seconds before. What did I do good today? Good use of L2. What I am grateful from today? Green every day this week!!! I can’t remember the last time that happen.
  14. 1 point
    Save them to your computer and then click the "click to choose files" link in a new post to load them and then click the little plus sign on each to add them. I hope that makes sense
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    I stayed live today even though I was considering switching back to sim. I traded well, a few entries could have been a bit earlier, but overall I'm happy. I had a couple trades that I only partialed once or twice and got stopped at BE. I would normally revenge trade if that happened to me in the past. Maybe I made a small breakthrough today. I stayed calm and took my small win and looked for the next good setup. During the trade review Aiman pointed out that I probably take my first partial too soon, I shouldn't do it before 1:1. I think I got into the habit of a quick partial because in "Trading for a Living" by Elder he talks about how one year he started taking 1/3 partial when a trade went in his favor, 1/3 at his first target, and 1/3 when trade reversed against him. Now I am going to work on taking my 1st partial at 1:1R. VIPS, this is one that if I would have not partialed so soon I would have made much better R, my stop was loss of 1st candle, so my 1st partial should not have been until the daily level I marked at 15.34. MRVL, another one that I partialed quick, the price action scared me so I took a partial and moved stop to BE. Had I used my original stop and not made a quick partial, It would have been another good R trade. CCL, this one AIman said I could have used a tighter stop around the resistance a few candles before. I got some good partials, and then I was stopped out 0.25 above my BE auto stop because the price jumped so fast. It even made Brian P gasp it shot up so fast, it was a flash, not a fast move. This was me best trade today, ABCD. The only thing I should have done differently is my last partials. I had a level at 45.23, when I saw it break that, then fail back below it, I could have partialed there, but I was almost out of shares at that point, so it didn't make a big difference. The L2 on this trade was amazing, numerous very large ASKs almost every .25 increment. That was how I kept so patient throughout the trade, I was confident in the L2 structure. Looks like my first partial was too early on this one as well. +3R day is much better than a max loss day, I need to keep the same discipline moving forward. Main takeaway from today is stay calm and don't partial too soon.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    March 5, 2020 Took $JD to the long side and $AMD to the short side today. Both trades were good setups and I got partials on each one of them. I didn't have the best trade management with $JD to long side as I saw some large Bids come in after I entered, so my partial was a little quick. I was happy with all my entries today, smooth, quick, and with confidence. The only thing I did not like was later right after power hour, I should have taken $JD and $CCL to the short side. I just didn't have the right feeling with them so I didn't. Regardless of what the stock did I should have taken the trade as it met my setup and had level 2 buildup in the direction I wanted to go.
  19. 1 point
    3-5-20 AIS 1145, 7 hours, 7/10 PAT: only PB#3 Live and all PB#3 Live .... Over-trading AAL Reson2Trade: Virus has been bad news for travel, On Scanners, RVOL was 247% at time of trade and 402% yesterday PB#3, Trending the 9ema on the 5min, a pullback and confirmation of ABCD on the 2min with small entry and increasing upon further confirmation. In at 16.75 Risk was 16.82 and target was 16.50 (3/1). Took 25% at 1R to reduce risk as SPY is getting close to a possible double bottom. Took 25% more at 2R and am very happy that this is not following SPY but it is only Helping it out. 25% more at 3R as this 16.50 was a struggle and there was someone holding the BID. Once it broke out with serious volume I took another 25% at almost 4R. I put a SSR order in for 16.55 to add on with no luck on the fill. I brought the order down to 16.47 to get filled (chased a bit here) and should have left it at .55 . This brought my average down too much so I just got all out with a mostly good trade till the add. This was an expected retrace and consolidation but I let my emotions get the best of me. +2R This trade was mainly based on it not following SPY like most other stocks and L2 2nd trade, new ABCD on 2min, set an order at 16.42 for 1/2 size with a stop at 16.50 and a target based on L2 at 16.00 (5/1). After two more 5min candles and a new 15min I moved my stop to 16.46 which would be a new 15min high buy .02 and also this will cross the 9 and 20 on the 1min. All out for a -0.2R trade 3rd trade PB#7. at 1324 and 1336, I jumped the gun here on the first one but the second one followed most of the rules of the trade. The MAs on the 2min were not pointing up yet as they did at 1346 which is the same or better entry but all align with the trade rules. I think I will add that L2 must also be turning around for more confirmation of the reversal. This trade stayed very Bearish on the L2. This did end up as a reversal. I will now need to look for better stops in the future This is pure speculation and trial and error on a new setup and was obviously in SIM Cons: a little mismanagement at the end of the first AAL trade Pros: stuck with my plan and read the tape well PB Trade: AAL Rs: +1.8
  20. 1 point
    Thursday 03/05/2020 I had a well-being score of 7/10 this morning. I took 1 live trade this morning with MRVL. My watchlist: AMD, AAPL, MRVL, TSLA, CCL, and VIPS. MRVL was one of the very few stocks that gapped higher this morning. There was a level at 24.23 that was causing some resistance. I was waiting for the break of this level but L2 looked too good and there was a nice hammer on the 5min. So I took half my shares at 24.20. When I went long: When the price broke through resistance I went long with the rest of my shares. Horrible fill, but expected for premarket. My target was $25 with 24.16 as my stop. As usual I took way too many partials. Price reached my target so I can’t ask for more. Out when it broke VWAP. What did I do good today? Good use of L2. What I am grateful from today? We had something gapping up today.
  21. 1 point
    Do you have a normal rule for stops on this particular setup you trade? Or is each one different? ie: do you usually use break of prior 5 min candle high? Do you look to the left of the high point for a level? looking at the MU trade I would have had the stop just above prior 5min, which it came very close to later. On CCL I think I would have had it just above the MAs that are above the prior 1 min candle. Is my stop analysis close to what you had planned? thanks Mike!
  22. 1 point
    4-24-20 AIS 0800, 4 hours, 6/10 PAT: Over-trading ..... Live PB#3 only ....... A or better setups ....... Feeling a bit jittery..... on Thors advice I will trade 1/2 size today..... TEVA FDA Approval PB#3 ... trending the 9ema on the 2min with ABCD on the 2 and 5min ...... first partial at a resistance level and slow of T&S and L2 ....... Second partial I accidentally hit the button twice leaving me with almost nothing... all out at the return to the 9ema on the 2min.... 2nd entry the 5min was holding the 9ema and the new, the bad was a new 15min low on previous candle but I was able to keep a tight stop at .77 for a new 15min low .... chopped in a range forever and got bored so I am all out at first target of .90 PTON PB#3 .... stopped out when it broke the trend shooting for the 20ema on the 2min .... maybe could have held through it but with the spy being so choppy I felt better just getting out and happy with a green day.... it did end up in a chop for next 15min before I turned off DAS for the day Cons: Didn't need to trade PTON so I will call this Over-trading Pros: Very patient on the morning waiting on my PB#3 setup PB Trade: TEVA Rs: +1.2
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