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  1. 2 points
    Thanks, Rob! I guess I never put too much thought into the previous candle's wick. This is definitely going to be something I put some focus on to see if it helps with my ORBs and do some back testing with this new Quote mode in simulator. Definitely appreciated sir!
  2. 2 points
    Good morning. Decent day today. Took a bunch of trades: AMD, PCG, INTC, ADPT AMD 5 min ORB. The 1 min charts shows a hammer doji and then a doji above the VWAP. Went long on the 5 min ORB but it didn't work out my way. Good trade management so I'm happy. PCG LOL Andrew was cursing at this stock and I felt the frustration as well. If only I kept a cool head, there would have been a great entry right after I was stopped out with 2 hammer dojis forming. I got into the 5 min ORB a little early but when looking at the 1 min chart, there was definitely an opportunity go long when those 2 hammer dojies formed. I then saw the 9, 20 and 50 MA crossing for a long position. I definitely could have had a bigger stop loss, but I am not sure what I was thinking. Should've, would've, could've. INTC Saw an ABCD pattern and took it long and was stopped out when the stock started to turn over. I noticed the 9, 20, and 50 crossing in a downward trend. However, as per my rule, I did not take it short as it was really close to the VWAP. It would most likely bounce back from it. I went long and hit the wrong hot key and got it by accident. I went long again and after some consolidation it did jump up. I was stopped out again as it hit my stop loss. But I did immediately go long again as I saw the 9, 20 and 50 MA cross in an upward trend. Stayed with it until I got stopped out. ADPT This stock was consolidating for quite some time but the 9, 20 and 50 were about to cross. Took it short as I was far enough from VWAP for it to bounce off. I did see the 50 on the 2 min chart and the 100 on the 1 min chart coming in but also far enough to make a decent profit. One thing I regret is not taking enough profit when it did hit 3R or even 4R. Ah well. You live and you learn. Again, learned a couple things and also confirmed some of my findings when it comes to the MAs crossing. Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!
  3. 1 point
    Hey everyone, Below is the video on how to use the DAS Replay feature. Currently this feature is available on the BBT Simulation Version Which can be downloaded at https://www.dastrader.com/download/fixes/DEMO. (When the feature is ready for production it will be release to other platform versions like IB, Centerpoint and CMEG.) Thank you
  4. 1 point
    I have read some older posts stating it took 2 months. I was wondering how long it took other members to get their CMEG account up and running. Thanks BobbyN
  5. 1 point
    Hello Bobby, It took about a week to get the account approved. It took about 48 hours for the wire transfer to hit the account after I sent it. Biggest thing for the wire transfer is to ensure you follow the directions in your account portal for quick processing. Hope this helps
  6. 1 point
    Yes you do get the DAS simulator with thw CMEG account. Now that BBT DAS simulator has a replay feature, the 3 month SIM with lifetime package is not redundant. You will be able to practice trading anytime of the day. The BBT website still lists the discounted rate codes. I haven't heard anyone mention they are unavailable. I don't see Alliance mentioned anymore so I assume that broker has fallen out of favor. Since I left CMEG they have improved their rates substantially and I hear the customer service has gotten better.
  7. 1 point
    1-21 to 1-24-20 What I did bad this week: I jumped the gun not waiting on proper confirmation After talking about the 9 crossing below the 20 I still took a trade long I failed to get in on a couple trades with too much hesitation Missed a good add opportunity What I did good this week: My pre-market plans (IF/Thens) panned out Used L2 and T&S for adding along with patterns and MAs Left the desk to prevent revenge trading Feel like I found a good small group of 3 traders (including me) that I can relate to and stay calm with while trading throughout the day Changes to be made this upcoming week: Only PB#3 for Live trading Allow all time frame trading in SIM but only with A setups Starting this past week I have lowered my R value to $5 Rules to stick by this upcoming Week: After I call it a day by either MAX Loss, Profit Target or what I am comfortable with, only use the rest of the day for Chat, Journal, Playbook ect. In-Trade and Daily Stops Do Not chase or revenge trade Take only PB#3 Live Only one loosing trade before 1100 Challenges for myself this upcoming Week: Only A or better setups at time of trade No BBT Voice Chat before 1000 Take a planned break at 1100 for other Bus. @ 0905 do some exercise and then meditate to calm myself Stay unbiased Notes: Rules are not to be broken, these will cost money every time My Challenges are almost as important as my Rules, Pay attention to them If I feel overtired I will try going back to bed and coming back to Trend Trades later.... Goals and Rewards: +20Rs or more at end of the month to consider trading with more size in the future two months +21R for the week
  8. 1 point
    1/24/2020 Well, today did not go too well, but that's part of the learning curve. Some of my bigger goals right now are to develop my rules and be consistent with them no matter what. I'm trying to work more on accepting losses and making sure that I stick to those rules so they remain small losses compared to my wins. One positive from today is I sold off where I set my stop losses on my losing trades. It's easy to Monday night quarterback your trades and say "if I just held on it would've eventually gone down for that short!" Ultimately, it kept my losses down and my one win from today was a great return and almost made my day neutral versus red. I found myself not focusing on one or two particular stocks during the open. Because I'm so new to all of this, I find the need to find every trade setup possible for my strategies, which ultimately works against me because I'm missing out on stocks I had been previously watching because I'm too busy watching 4-5 other stocks. Anyways, today I want to go over four trades that I took. Only one of the trades was a winning trade. First two trades: BYND. I tried to take a 5m ORB. I was shooting to take my first partial at or near the high of day and judge from there if I was going to go all out or ride it out. It did not work out, the price (very quickly) shot back at me and jumped below my stop very quickly, I got out with a greater loss than I wanted. The second BYND trade. I saw the stock pulled back to VWAP and struck resistance at it. I took the trade short however, I stopped myself when it began to peak over VWAP, where I set my stop loss. I didn't have another level to really judge the stop loss on. It sucked because the trade eventually did plummet about 45 minutes later. I did not continue to monitor the trade because I felt like I would be getting myself stuck in a range + I already had two losses on it, so I moved on to other tickers. Third trade was AXP. I tried to trade this as a 15m ORB. It broke the body of the previous 15m candle, I went long. The stock immediately turned around on me. I saw the stock go below VWAP on the 5m and stopped myself out. Fourth trade, and the only winner for the day was INTC. I saw a good ABCD pattern in the beginning of the day on both the 5m and 15m charts. I saw it found support at the VWAP. I set my stop loss just above the 20EMA which was close below VWAP. I took partials all the way up to about 68.85. Not real sure what my logic was when I took that first partial at 68.25. I probably should have held longer and started easing out later than I did.
  9. 1 point
    Friday 01/24/2020 I had a well-being score of 7/10 this morning. I took 2 live trades this morning with INTC. My watchlist: INTC, SYF, AXP, TSLA, SNAP and AMD. I liked INTC and thought it had room to run. I was planning to take a 1min ORB or when the price breaks $67, which ever comes first. Then my DAS platform crashes at the open. I quickly restart it. I then hear Andrew complaining about the same issue. But the way I have my platform set up you can’t quickly restart. When DAS was back up I see I missed my entry on INTC. But not by much so I went long. The price immediately stopped moving as soon as I enetered and I was feeling uneasy about the trade. Then I heard Brian say he took INTC. The price then popped up a little and I took a partial and set my auto stop at B/E. My stop was triggered in a few seconds. Then looking at the setup it looked good for a long again, so I got back in. This is usually difficult for me to do. Then I heard Andrew say he went long INTC. My target was $68 with 67 as my stop. I took a quick partial out of nerves than a second one at the 1min high. Then as the 5min mark approached it looked like a great 5min ORB or ABCD. But it’s usually a disaster when I add into a trade. But I could feel it was the right thing to do. Then luckily a L2 bullish signal hit and I added in. The L2 signal when I added: Then I took a partial quickly due to nerves of adding. But then my partialing got better after that. Then all out when the price broke through the 9MA and created a reverse hammer. What did I do good today? Got back into a trade and added into a trade. I usually have issues with both of those. What I am grateful from today? Recovered quickly from IT issues. What I should improve on: I am happy with my trade today.
  10. 1 point
    Thanks Mike. Sorry about the multiple questions. And congrats on becoming a moderator. I just noticed you are on the right side of the chat now.
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