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  1. 2 points
    Bunch of trades today. Not good P&L but good learning. BYND, ROKU, TGT, AAPL BYND Tried 2 min ORB, didn't work. Tried 5 min ORB, didn't work. Tried something else, didn't work. And something else, didn't work. Clearly emotional trading took over and I paid the price. This pretty much reiterates to stay away from trading at the open. But I know my mistakes. Too stretched from VWAP. The spread was too high. I got emotional. Later in the day it was much better. My favourite set ups started to show up. On the 1 min chart I saw the 9, 20 and 50 MA crossing. Took it long a little to early and was stopped out. But went long again. Made myself a rule to not go long/short until the 50 hits the 20 MA on either 1 or 2 min chart. I then saw an ABDC pattern that formed. As per Aimen, I waited for another ABCD pattern with a higher D. I took it long. I also saw the 50 MA com swooping in to cross the 9 and 20 MA and it just gave me more confirmation. Took it long and was eventually stopped out when the stock went below the VWAP. Then even later, I saw the MA's crossing again and went short this time. AAPL Saw the MA's crossing. But what I have observed here is that since I was so close to the VWAP, it was wasn't as aggresive. I also didn't move my stop loss at the time and didn't input the right amount of shares. ROKU Using Aiman's ABCD strategy. Saw another ABCD being formed with a higher C/D. Went long and was eventually stopped out. TGT Favourite set up popped up again. On the 1 min chart I saw the MA's crossing. Was going to take it short but miss it as my beautiful wife was talking to me, bless her heart. After a bit of cursing, I calmed down as I waited for the 2 min chart to do the same. I went short a little to soon and was stopped out. Again, after reviewing all these trades, I have decided to not make a move until the 50 MA crosses the 20 MA. Scaled out but unfortunately I had hit the wrong hot key at the end, taking out all my shares. This one I am posting as I am reminding myself that the stock does not always follow the rules. All MAs crossed over but not much happened. Good day learning. Will definitely study these MAs crossing a little more. I will also fight the urge to trade at the open and wait until I see A1 set ups. NO FOMO allowed. Won't trade tomorrow as I am back to work but will try out that reply mode when I get home. Thanks and have a wonderful day.
  2. 2 points
    Tuesday 01/15/2020 I had a well-being score of 7.5/10 this morning. I took 2 live trades this morning both with TGT. My watchlist: BAC, CLVS, NKTR, TGT, TSLA and PINS. Stuck with two stocks, on my watchlist, with no shares to short. But, that is OK because I really liked TGT. TGT gapped down with volume in PM. I did have a short bias. I had to wait 19 seconds after the open to wait for the big print. The price dropped below the 50MA-1min, the 117.16 PM level and engulfed the last 5min PM candle. None of them that much of a signal, but together and my bias I shorted. The price immediately reversed and I was quickly stopped out with slippage for a -1.3R loss. Soon after the price broke another PM level and the 200MA-1min. L2 looked bullish and there were some nice bullish prints. So I flipped my position and went long with a tight stop of 117 and a target of 119. It took about a minute before the price really got going. Then I took way too many partials then out on the first new low. What did I do good today? I got back in on a trade. I usually don’t like to enter a trade on the same stock twice. What I am grateful from today? My winning trade was more than twice the size of my losing trade. What I should improve on: My partials really increase frequency when my nerves increase.
  3. 1 point
    1-15-20 AIS 0800, 4 hours, 6/10, Feeling a little tired.... I need to be very careful ..... PAT: Spread .... Trade Size.... Notes: Do not stop out before planned stop unless the Tape tells me so..... PCG PB#2..... Took this on a pullback to VWAP on previous 1min candle but could not close below ended up stopped out with strong momentum to the short side ... I flipped my position .... covered some to reduce risk and then covered more..... I added to the short again with momentum from the tape and came back again to my stop..... done for the morning..... -1R CRON PB#3...... Pull back to the 9ema on the 2min with an ABCD pattern .... no new low on 5 or 15min .... Took 50% off at 2R and looking for a place to add as long as the Tape allows me.... then 25% more at 3.5R..... All out at BE ... tried two more time to get taken out both times at mt stop.... -1R TGT Overt-trading and done for the day....... no real playbook trade here ..... Took this as I was listening to Brian and as he was talking about it getting to VWAP I was thinking the same thing so I entered without any thought.... I let the Chat stress me out once again.... -1R Cons: Maybe should have just went back to sleep for a bit and came back in the afternoon .... listening to Chat...... Pros: Getting out of here before I start Revenge Playbook Trade: none.... Notes: I need to consider trading in the first 5min if I have a solid plan and it follows my plan to the T ..... Rs: -3R
  4. 1 point
    Day 7 - Jan 14, 2019 21 Tickets 2 Symbols Red Day 1. ROKU - Long - 1min - ABCD Got in on ROKU for 1R as it came back into the 135 daily level and VWAP with 1/2 size stops at each of those levels. Early on the entry for the ABCD thinking VWAP would hold. Went Right through my strops - should have seen the huge engulfing candle on the 5min - bearish. Good: Followed my risk rules - set my stop levels and let them take me out. 2. ROKU - Short - 1min - Failed Pop (Not in Game Plan - FOMO) Big reversal green to red, was watching this and planning to short as it bounced off previous day close at 134 into 135 with just over 135 as stop. Missed my entry, and then missed another entry at 9:51 as it retested previous day close level. CHASING HARD I shorted first green candle expecting a failed bounce - .60c risk at 133 daily level and MA. Covered 1/5 at 1.6 R and then another at 0.7R as it started moving away from me - held 3/5 until my stop loss which ended up making it a red trade. Improvement: Major case of FOMO, no R/R calc, just jumped in not wanting to miss the move. Realized this was an impulsive entry, should have taken profits right away - got greedy and left most of position off for a stop loss. Had this at 2.5 R (highlighted in yellow) on an impulse move - TAKE IT AND RUN……. Ideal Entry: Wasn’t a great setup here at all - not in my game plan, would be overtrading and chasing at this point. Ideal Exit highlighted in Yellow 2 - 2.5R 3. ROKU - Long - 1 and 5min - Double Bottom, Reversal Got stopped out on my short and realized this could be a double bottom and reverse into VWAP, went in with 0.4R size with 132 as stop and VWAP and over as profit target. (As I entered I had a had a bad feeling, just rejected 133 and MA and failed to make a higher high - but kept my position). Consolidated and held 132 level so I added 0.6R to make it full position size. Took 1/3 off as it bounce up to VWAP, came back down on decreasing selling volume - added the 1/3 back on with loss of 133 as stop. Covered 1/5 as we were just breaking consolidation to upside - not sure why. Then started covering as we moved up to VWAP profit target. Left 1/5 to see what would happen - took it off as I had to go to work and looked like it was breaking down. Good: Took a setup that I am comfortable with, scaled in as planned on confirmation of it working. Improvements: Could have added more size rather than selling on the consolidation at 133 - made for a perfect entry with scalp up into VWAP. 4. BYND - Short - 1min - Chasing (Not in Game Plan - FOMO) Brutal. BYND very active, watching it jump up and then drop all the way down, good job avoiding FOMO on first one. Came back up and rejected VWAP and I had in my notes: "7:10 - looking like VWAP Short, too strong of a stock tho no clue what this thing could do" I should have just left it at that. Ended up FOMO shorting on failed pop but neglected the daily level of 120.8 which held. Covered 1/2 right away as I knew I was wrong, let the rest play out until daily target hoping this would come back and bring me to breakeven. Improvements: Stop FOMO'ing, there are plenty of plays out there - wait for the A+ setups. No R/R calc her, luckily panic covered to keep my loss at 1R. Today's Review Overall few good things and am very happy I am being consistent with my journal entries. Have learned a lot and am excited to monitor the process in order to continue to grow and develop. Having said that, going through my plays I am very unimpressed with my trading. Back to my hobby trading habits. What I did poorly: Didnt follow my Game Plan Setups, FOMO What I did well: Stuck to my stop loss What I need to do: Incorporate a time slot in the day to work on 1 specific task for the day. Next on list - DAS HotKeys/Configuration
  5. 1 point
    Tuesday 01/14/2020 I had a well-being score of 6.5/10 this morning. I took 2 live trades this morning both with WFC. My watchlist: BAC, DAL, NFLX, SDC, TSLA and WFC. My watchlist weighted strongly with stocks that have short shares available. I like to limit to one stock that is void of short shares for my watchlist. Too many short free stocks and I get a long bias. WFC was a rising devil candidate which I have never tried before. WFC opened with no volume. So I waited for the opening big print. It arrived exactly at 1min after the open (>500k). Is that a coincidence? The price bounced off of the 50MA-1min twice and was heading lower. L2 and T/S were neutral but I liked the order flow and the bearish 5min chart, so I shorted. My target was 49.78 daily level with a tight stop of the 50.54 daily level which is a R/R~2. The charts when I took the first trade: It sounds from my recording I entered the trade about 10sec before Brian, which is good since I am worried about mirroring trades. I did get two partials in before getting out at B/E. The price bounced off of VWAP and headed lower again. I shorted again. I got in one partial then out at B/E again. What did I do good today? I got back in on a trade. I usually don’t like to enter a trade on the same stock twice. What I am grateful from today? I was able to find a workable watchlist. What I should improve on: I need to create different hotkeys to handle the really expensive price stocks (TSLA and NFLX). They have gotten so high in price my current hotkeys don’t allow the correct share size.
  6. 1 point
    1-14-20 AIS 0915, 5 hours, 7/10 ..... Long night and very tired... PAT: ............ Notes: ................. BYND Shame me now as I am not supposed to be trading this time frame .... I only took this trade on some info from Jim, a long time trader that plays at the track .... He told me last night to buy it if it lost 125 and that it would get to 130 without a problem and maybe up to 140 - 150 but then could go back down to 110 once it makes a reverse..... So I did and only used the Tape for this momentum trade.... I was a bit scared of this fastr moving stock and took tiny share size more to see if the info was correct.... +3R SDC PB#2... First entry was a good entry but I did not trust myself and exited for no reason.... second was break above VWAP, an engulfing crack on the 15min and a strong Tape and L2 ..... very tight stop below VWAP... partial at levels of resistance and added once that resistance became support / a pivot ....... all out on a new 15min low .... +3R Cons: Woke up late and did not do my own pre-market research...... let my first SDC trade get the best of me on the chart and did not read the tape on this entry/exit .... Pros: BYND was taken with small size and I did trade this with only the Tape.... SDC both entries were good .... Playbook Trade: SDC Notes: I felt much better waking up later as I was tired.... I need to listen to my body more often Rs: +3.3
  7. 1 point
    Monday 01/13/2020 I had a well-being score of 6/10 this morning. I took 2 live trades this morning with FIVE and JD. My watchlist: AMRN, FIVE, LK, JD, TSLA and NVDA. I didn’t like the stocks that were moving today. Very few had shares to short. When the majority of my watchlist is void of shares to short I get an unavoidable bias to go long. So scrounging around I replaced a couple to get the watchlist above. But not to excited about it. FIVE was on my main screen since it was the only stock of any real interest. FIVE gapped down big and I had a short bias. The opening big print occurred in a few second (80K) and there were a couple moderately sized bearish prints afterwards. Volume was OK, but not great. But I then decided to go short if it breaks down under 96.50. It did and I shorted with a terrible fill. But I was light on the share size in case that happen so my risk was still OK. I had no final target, but would definitely take a partial at the first daily level at 95.67. The price dropped quickly and I took my first partial. Then reversed quickly so I set a limit order to cover at B/E. Which a few seconds later it did. This time I got a good fill so I made a small profit. JD had just enough PM volume to make the watchlist. I like it was making an all time high. JD opened with a bullish 1min candle and OK volume. But L2 is what got me to take the trade. Since JD is at an all time high so I didn’t actually have a target. Charts and L2 when I entered the trade: I did take a first partial profit too early from nerves. But then tried to take a partial at the high of the 1min candles. By the end I had so few shares left I tried to hold for a bigger move. When I saw it wasn’t going to happen I exited. What did I do good today? Used L2 well. I bailed out of FIVE quickly when momentum reversed quickly. What I am grateful from today? I was able to find a workable watchlist. What I should improve on: I am starting to get back to my old ways of taking that first partial profit too quickly.
  8. 1 point
    This strategy looks like the typical ABCD pattern to me.
  9. 1 point
    Have you had consistent success with this same setup?
  10. 1 point
    Here is the latest beta version, This is for IB users: http://www.dastrader.com/download/fixes/DASInstallIBCO. This is for CMEG users: http://www.dastrader.com/download/fixes/ETFA. This version includes the new Moving Average Pair (crossover) indicator as well as a Moving Average Slope indicator. For information on how to enable these features, watch this video:
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