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  1. 1 point
    Wednesday 11/27/2019 I had a well-being score of 7.5/10 this morning. Trading in SIM due to breaking rules this month. I took 2 SIM trades this morning with BABA and DE. My watchlist: BABA, ROKU, DE, DELL and DIS. BABA gapped up with good PM volume. Also, the price had a slow upward movement even after the initial gap. So I was long bias before the open. I only had to wait 6 seconds after the open and I got the biggest prints I have seen with > 1M volume. So the stock was going to move. I waited for the next print which can give me a sense of direction. Three seconds later a 2.5k print hit the ask. Not big enough to enter the trade but gives me an even stronger long bias. The price bounce off the $197 level and started making a bullish hammer. Then the final signal a large L2 ask 20 cents above the L1. So I went long, got the usual bad fill. My target was the 198.41 daily level and stop was the $197. The big print (the last 6 prints were all reported simultaneously): The big ask on L2: What the 1min chart looked like when I entered the trade: I took my first partial when the price seemed to stall. The price retraced a little and I added more on a standard 1min ORB. I took 3 more partials on the daily level, $198 and the target 198.41. The price then dropped quickly. It seems I always get stopped out by a penny before the big run so I set a stop order 2 cents below B/E. It didn’t matter I was stopped out by a penny again and missed the rest of the run. But, still a profitable trade, I shouldn’t complain. After the BABA trade I was watching DE. If it dropped down and bounce from VWAP I was going to go long. As I was watching and waiting I realized, “shoot I am in the middle of a live swing trade with BABA I entered a few weeks ago and I reached my target.” I quickly opened up my Etrade platform and sold my shares. By the time I got back I missed my entry on DE. I did chase this one a bit, because now the R/R was not that good. But I went long with 9MA and bottom of the candle as my stop and the 170.84 as my target. The price did reach my target then I exited the remaining shares at B/E. What did I do good today? I didn’t break any rules. What I am grateful from today? I am grateful that BABA gave several long signals so it was easy to enter the trade. What do I need to improve on: Watch the chasing. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    That is the smart move! CMEG is great but you want to a min start with $2,500, we recommend $5K but $2,500 is ok. Anything less than that could be really difficult just to cover the cost of operations. But you can learn and practice in sim while you build the capital. That is a very smart move.
  4. 1 point
    November 27, 2019 -$UAA So I had a little mini vacation to Las Vegas, well actually it was more work than vacation, but it still prevented me from being able to trade for the last three days. I felt great coming into today, but also realized that it was the day before Thanksgiving and that I was very eager to trade. I even mentioned to myself to hold off and make sure the setup is valid and not to anticipate the market and enter early. Well I failed miserably at that and took a trade without a good setup. The pattern was there, but none of the other indicators such as level 2, moving averages, etc were there. Hints why upon the entry, I thought to myself why did take this entry. Shortly afterwards I was stopped out. I chalked it up to rust and the need to get a trade in. Overall happily with the discipline on stopping out and not rushing back into another trade. After this trade, I packed it up and started the long drive home. Overall, proper execution on bad analysis. I would rather get stopped out on a trade like this then make money and re-enforce a bad habit. Sample Set Results, G S S 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
  5. 1 point
    Good morning Average day today. ROKU Took ROKU long right at the open. Falling angel. Went long, Sold, sold and got out at BE. Did not use a hard stop as everything was moving so fast. Then I I had my finger on the long hot key after that 2nd 2 min ORB. Went long, but immediately regretted it as I was way to stretched from VWAP. Got out. Ah well, stayed calm and moved on. UAA I'm only showing the 5 min chart as it held on it for too long and to show my entry and exit. I also put a limit order in for a falling angel but it I was too low. I used the 1 and 2 min chart. Went long after the 2 min ORB. Stop loss just below VWAP. Was hoping to hit 2 R before scaling out but never did. Looking at it now, the spread is huge and it would've have taken a catalyst to have it jump that much. Ah well. Once it hit that high of the day again, I scaled out. Then was hoping it would hit 19.40 but it never did. I was eventually stopped out at the BE. BABA This trade was taken while being in the UAA trade. Saw higher highs/lows and went long above that 200 MA. It dipped a little and I added some more right above that 20 MA. Stop loss below that 20 MA. Always wanted to try averaging down but it was scary. I don't think I will be able to do it with real money. My goal was VWAP. I hit the sell 50% hot key and nothing happened. Hit it again, nothing. Noticed that orders were sent but not filled. Oops. Now I'm short shares once the 2 orders got filled. Immediately got out when I realized what happened. The noticed tons of volume coming in. Tried to go long sooner at around 197.90 with stop loss just below vwap at 197.70. As I hit my hot key the stock jumped and my order was filled. Way to stretched from VWAP. And way over my max risk. Luckily the stock kept going up and I sold and sold. Held on too some and was stopped out at the BE. I'm glad I was able to keep a calm mind. That's pretty much been my issue. Made "money", lost it and made it back. I reminded myself to move on and to take it one trade at a time. One thing I will change is how much I scale out. I've always wondered if scaling out at 50% is too much. Today Andrew answered that question. He went down to 25% and still thought it was too much. He is now at 10% and I will give that at try. Again, any feedback is greatly appreciated. Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends and I'll see you all on Friday.
  6. 1 point
    11-27-19 AIS 0810, 3.5 hrs, 6/10 PAT: If the trade is right take full size... A setups only.... Do not overtrade or chase..... Notes: Careful later in the day on boredom...... If I am up and feel a bit overtraded, Quit....... No voice chat till 1000...... Max 2 trades before my planned 1100..... Read before trade sticky.... Took 2 trades on BBY One new play from SMB for 2nd day perfect setup and like a fool I took it live and for full share size as this is the first attempt on this new strategy.... 2nd one was a VWAP play that I got stopped out on ...... not sure what I am thinking today so I will just get out for the day.... The first one was an A+ by SMB standards and the 2nd one was an A setup.... I dont feel bad about the setups only that I took the first one Live.... Cons: Probably should have sat on my hands till something slapped me in the face.... Pros: none Favorite Trade: none Notes: Rs: -2
  7. 1 point
    Yes, the really big print I wait for is never seen on L2, so I assume it is a transaction from the previous day or from the infamous dark pools that is finally hitting the books. Again no direction from these prints but if really large it is a good indicator the price will move. Just not sure which direction. I have to wait for other prints or signals to determine. that. Thanks for the link. I have watched quite a few videos on reading the tape and haven't found any useful, even SMBs. I will have a look at Udemys.
  8. 1 point
    11-26-19 AIS 0805, 4.5 hrs, 6/10 PAT: If the trade is right take full size... A setups only.... Do not overtrade or chase..... Notes: If I am up and feel a bit overtraded, Quit....... No voice chat till 1000...... Max 2 trades before my planned 1100..... Read before trade sticky.... DKS First PB#1..... A setup... 1/2 size (ORBs elude me).... abov VWAP and on a slight Pullback on the 5min and a nice ABCD on the 1min.... stopped me out to the penny (I even moved my stop down a few cents) I wanted to get right back in but felt like it would be a bit of a revenge trade..... -.5R Second PB#2/PB#3.... A+..... full size..... on the 1min making a nice ABCD with two touches to the 9ema with volume rushing in.... the 15min was holding VWAP as support.... Entry was 44.95 Stop 44.72 Target 45.96...... Think I took the first 50% partial too early..... Took partials up to a 2 point move.... +2R took one more trade on BBY.... It was very extended but gave me an entry for a trend and it was just too slow, with a partial and all out at stop it was BE..... Cons: Took BBY on Boredom and ended up wasting time and money (commissions) on a BE trade Pros: Felt in control in the DKS trades and happy with the second entry even though it could have been earlier.... Favorite Trade: 2nd DKS Note: Even though I didnt get right back in on DKS I feel like it may have been revenge so I waited for a better opportunity..... Rs: +1.5R
  9. 1 point
    Good morning One thing I learned, is that I am very inconsistent. LOL. Oh man. Ah well. I have a real problem with FOMO. I know exactly where everything went wrong. Before the open I looked at DLTR for a potential rising devil. For no logical reason, besides a feeling, I said no. Of course, once the market opened, it was a rising devil. Instead of saying, "It's OK, you didn't feel comfortable taking that trade and move on", I said, "F**K, WHY DIDNT I TAKE IT?!?!" There were some nice 2 min ORB set ups but missed those since I was not calm. Now I am not calm, my judgement is flawed and it reflected in the morning trading. BBY I went long as the new candle broke above the previous one minute candle. Still not bad. However, my stop loss was way above the VWAP as I calculated my risk wrong. If I did this properly, my max stop loss would have been 77.60 and I would not have been stopped out. The problem was that I thought I saw an opening range breakdown on DIS at the same time and took it short. Usually, as I take a trade, I immediately put in a hard stop loss but I was busy with DIS and panicked when calculating my stop loss on BBY. A calm mind and taking it one trade at a time would have avoided this conundrum. DIS Took this trade while in the middle of the BBY trade. Went short, did not have a hard stop but was frustrated and just stopped out myself. I Then I went short right after with stop loss just above the VWAP. Was going scale out at 2R but I hit the wrong hot key and went short again. Panicked, and pulled all my shares. DKS Went long after the 5 min ORB. I think I had a pretty food entry. If I had a clear mind, I would have put my stop loss below the VWAP 44.00. But I again miscalculated. In this case, it worked in my favour as I would have been stopped anyways, even If I set it up properly. More frustration and did not see to go long. Some people went long at 9:41 ish. I still do not see the signal. However, I should have gone long at around 9:45. I see the bullflag on the 1 min chart and the 5 min chart did indicate higher highs/lows. NTNX Went long, as I noticed the bull flag but it went the other way and I was stopped out. Then I said whatever and went short and it went the other way and I got stopped out...LOL. damn, I clearly didn't care at this point. Which definitely was not the right attitude. I had to stop as I started to over trade. I need to be a calmer trader. This has been an ongoing issue. I was upset over a trade that I didn't even take. I should have just moved on as the day literally just started. Just looking at my trades now, I could have done amazing today but I let my frustration get the better of me. - One day at a day also translates to one trade at a time - be calm, NO FOMO (my worst enemy) I can't watch everything. - do not over trade (my 2nd worst enemy, as a result of my worst enemy) As always, feedback is greatly appreciated and I will see you all tomorrow!
  10. 1 point
    @JD and @Steph , good job on figuring out all the particulars for this event. We had a great time meeting some of the faces behind the screen names. And of course I would like to Thank @Andrew Aziz for the great spread of food and drinks and most of all your time to come to this meetup. It was also a pleasure to meet @Thor , and Ed and the many others I got to speak with. This was a great event...
  11. 1 point
    Hello Everyone, Just found this link in the Forum and thought I would share my build. I apologize in advance for the low contrast pics., my camera did not do well with the low light. Specs: - Running an Intel i7-8700 liquid-cooled with a Deep Cool Captain 240EX and running on an ASUS Prime Z370-A Mobo with: 16GB G-Skill Trident RAM; EVGA Superclocked 1070Ti Black Edition; Samsung 960 EVO NVMe M.2 512GB SSD; SP 256GB SSD; Corsair Carbon ATX Tower; Elgato Stream Deckeck; CyberPower 750W APU (not pictured); Rottay Mechanical Keyboard (MX-Brown switches); Logitech G-Pro mouse; and Windows 10 Home. - Main Monitor: 43.5" LG 4K ISP Monitor wall-mounted w/ Luminoodle Bias-LED lighting (I have 5 full Montages [1-min, 5-min & L2], Top List and MarketViewer on this one) - Right Monitor: 24" HP 24ea (One additional full Montage, three addt'l charts [SPY, QQQ & VIXY], plus all relevant account information) - Left Monitor: 27" BenQ 4k ISP Monitor (Trade Ideas & BBT Chatroom on this one) - Small Monitor: 5" LCD HDMI, meant for a Raspberry Pi that I mounted inside the case to monitor internal temps (running CAM software) Special thanks to Andrew for the DAS Layout file and Robert H. for the StremDeck Hot Keys List, plus all the other countless folks for their meaningful input and comments throughout the Forum. Thanks for checking-out my post. Happy Trading to All! Cheers!!
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