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  1. 2 points
    Monday 6/24/2019 I had a well-being score of 7/10 this morning. My nerves were not as good as recently, so I decided to trade at $25 risk today not the planned $30. Also, I changed my DAS setup to help with partialling, so maybe it’s not wise to change two things on my DAS setup on the same day. I took two live trades with FB. FB premarket action and volume was good. It sold off immediately at the open and I was waiting for the rebound and bullish hammer. One did form about 2.5min after the open and I went long. The candle was still slightly red when I took the trade but still quite bullish looking. My target was the high of premarket at 193.39 with a stop out level at 192. It tried a couple of times to break the 192.50, but couldn’t and retraced to my stop out where I exited. Now why did I not use the 200MA-1min I am not sure. I probably thought the 192 level, which coincides to the 200-5min, was strong enough. Any way I was wrong and the price instantly reversed as I exited the trade. What it looked like when I took the trade: FB bounced at the 200MA-1min and I went long again at the VWAP. Same target but the 200MA-1min as my S/O. It took quite a bit of self-control to hold until the new 1min high before I take my first partial. I also reduced the size of my first partial. I took my next partial at the 50MA, then I lost my nerve and took two bad partials. At that point I told myself the next partial is at my target (high of premarket) or S/O level. It took 3 minutes but it reached that level. I decided just to partial not exit since it may run once it breaks that level. It didn’t and I exited when it made a 1min low. My score card for today: What I did good today: Recovered quickly from the S/O and quickly took another trade without feeling the need for revenge. How did I challenge myself today? Used a smaller first partial. My first and last partial I waited patiently. What I did bad today: Partials 3 and 4 were still bad. What can I do better tomorrow: Over all partialling was better than usual. Still need more time to improve on it.
  2. 1 point
    The Day Trading Reality Checklist discussed in this YouTube video. Download link: Checklist.pdf
  3. 1 point
    Thanks, it was a rough week. I am going to have another one in the middle of July where I won't be able to trade for the week.
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    Week of June 17 - 21, 2019 - $AMD x 3 (Partial, Early Stop, Partial) This was an extremely busy week at work for me, which prevented me from trading Monday through Wednesday. Then when I got back into trading, work took over in the after and prevented me from really being able to focus on trading and journaling. I made the decision on Thursday that I would just post a weekly recap this week until I got back into my normal routine. The only day I took trades was Thursday, and I my analysis at the end of the day was simple. I was trying to force my indicators and confirmations to appear so that I took a trade after being out Monday through Wednesday. As you can guess this did not work out well, but I was happy that I was able to manage my losses. Friday was a much better day, although I did not take a trade. Nothing appeared that meet my trading plan, so I called it a day and headed home for the weekend to reset and get ready for Monday. I am definitely ready to get back to my normal weekly routine on Monday. Sample Set Results, P P P S P S P P P P S G P S P 16 17 18 19 20
  6. 1 point
    happy to hear it! what's your youtube channel if you dont mind
  7. 1 point
    Hi Tommy, just checking to see how things are going. Are you still trading? After your post I looked up Mount Yotei. I can definitely see why you like it. It also reminds me a bit of Mount Lassen here in California, though Mount Yotei is much more majestic. I have been waiting for my kids to be old enough so we can hike up Mount Lassen into the crater. As for bears I had one close contact in all my years of hiking and trail running. One day I broke one of my running rules (trading rules are not the only rules I break) and I did not slow down to walk around a blind corner on the path. So I ran around the corner to see a bear growling and running at me. Luckily this was on the east coast of United States so it was a black bear which are not very aggressive. Hope things are well and will see you again in the forums.
  8. 1 point
    I really like this idea, maybe if Andrew can replay some of his live trades and provide commentary on what he is looking at in the price action, level 2 and T&S while looking for the setup.
  9. 1 point
    Should be this week, had what Norm had last week (no voice) and finished testing the last of the changes today, so I'm ready to record it now. I added a new set to be able to add to (scale-In) an existing position by a set $Risk amount. So if you're long with $100 risk and want to add to it on a pullback, you can setup a Hotkey of +$20 (or whatever) and it'll calculate the shares to keep your current position + new position at the new combined $120risk. Yeah, it's been a very long time coming. This next update will likely be the last for the Excel versions, as I'm moving development to a standalone (it'll be open-source) application. It'll bring added features such as allowing users to put the Hotkey config directly into DAS (so no copy/pasting), and updating/tweaking. So as traders grow and want to update their parameters, they don't have to fiddle around ... just open the app and enter the new value, hit save.
  10. 1 point
    I always considered the Risk Controls more like a safety belt in a car. Although, you know how to drive, you never know what the other drivers are going to do, so the safety belt is there to keep you safe.
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