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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/30/2020 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Came off a night shift yesterday and tried trading but I wasn't my self. I wasn't patient and didn't really care for any of the moves. Probably won't trade after a night shift. Anyway, today was good. Traded 2 stocks: AMD, FB AMD 5 min ORB, took it long and was stopped out at the BE. Tried to take it long again as I thought it was a pull back but I was stopped out. I did make a mistake and didn't change my original stop loss order and ended going short a couple shares. Got out once a realized....3 min later FB 5 min ORB. Took it long. I didn't like what I was seeing on the 1 min chart so I got out before the BE. Glad I did. Then I took it long again after I noticed that the 9, 20 and 50 MAs all crossed over a little earlier. Noticed the stock was consolidating and once I saw it pop up I went long until I got stopped out at my moving stop loss just below the 9 MA on the 2 min chart. Have a good day everyone and thanks for looking!
  2. 2 points
    Thank you, Rob. I can tell why these 3 months in simulation are important. I went back and looked at the complete chart for the day and saw it literally just traded in a tight range all day (and the following). So I will keep that in my mind, stay away from stocks trading on buyouts.
  3. 1 point
    The Day Trading Plan discussed in this YouTube video is now available for download here. Supplementary resources: Sample Playbook Template.
  4. 1 point
    1-30-20 AIS 0805, 3 hours, 5/10 Pat: Jumping the gun CCL PB#1.1 2 min ORB, strength on tape and break of .91 level, in a last 15min pre-market uptrend.... took too small share size .... three partials with one missed op on an add at 0939... added on the return to the 9ema on the 2min added a second time and all out on the break of a new 15min low + 2R took two more trades later and both were stopped out - 2R Cons: Over trading on a stock the had already made my day very early..... A missed op on add in Pros: confidence in CCL through the first trade Rs: BE
  5. 1 point
    Thursday 01/30/2020 Power outage at 4:25am. Thanks PG&E (stock PCG). Power restored at 7am PST (10am EST), so I missed the open today. Managed swing trades by smart phone. I hope everyone is having a solid day of trading. See you tomorrow.
  6. 1 point
    1-29-20 AIS 0845, 4 hours, 6/10 PAT: jumping the gun on PB#3 ... Missing out on adds and partials when I know I should LB PB#1.1 / 1 Jumped the gun on the 1min ABCD on the first entry but did go my way tried to add on what I was seeing as an ABCD and now I see it is the D and stopped out. -1R AMD PB#3 First entry I jumped the gun again on the first entry as this was not an ABCD yet, I stopped out above VWAP, My mistake here also was that I was only looking at the ABCD when this was a trend play and I should not have stopped out as it diod not break the 9ema on the 5min ..... Second entry was an Actual ABCD which was confirmation of the 5min trend, partials were 50% and first add was for full size, the next two adds brought it back to about 1/2 size and then stopped.... the last trade at 1024 was stopped on what looked like a reversal to VWAP...... and the last one was taken on accident as I thought I was in SIM but in LIVE instead so I got out quickly (a reversal to VWAP which is a PB setup I have not worked on much) +2R GE PB#3 .... Trending the 9 on the 5 with an ABCD on the 2 and above all moving avg. along with no new low on the 5 or 15min.... took way too small share size on the first one and the partial was only 0.2R, I added in twice for a full size, took 50% off and out at BE +1R Cons: Jumped the gun ...... misread two ABCD setups.... Pros: correcting mistakes calmly while in the trade ..... Playbook Trade: AMD Rs:
  7. 1 point
    Hi Huntermac, you really held to your stops today, which was great. Sadly, DLPH was a buyout so they tend not to move much and chop around in a range. So it was a difficult trade to take.
  8. 1 point
    Well, I am currently out of state and working on a job prospect in Washington state, so I have not been able to devote much of the last few days to trading or logging my trades. I was able to hop on the simulator yesterday for about an hour. I think I learned the meaning of getting "chopped up" when I traded DLPH. 1-28-2020. DLPH . I took two trades on the 5m chart. I saw a pretty tight body on the 5m chart and saw a good ORB trade opportunity. Wicks weren't too extended, no crazy jumps on the 1 minute. It originally broke below the bottom of the body, I took it short and got stopped at the stop loss (just above VWAP). It then broke the top of the body and I took it long. For whatever reason it did not have a route set on the trade so I jumped in a few seconds later than I wanted. It was hitting heavy resistance at around the $16. I didn't see any technical levels for this area, only that it was a whole dollar figure. I saw the buying momentum die out, took a partial at around $16 and stopped out at breakeven. I then waited for the 15 minute. Saw it was a tight body on the 15 minute. Got chopped up again. I took it short on the 15 minute, set my stop loss at VWAP. My first partial target was at the 9EMA on the 15 minute, it got close but didn't brake. It turned around on me and I got stopped out. It then broke the top of the 15 minute body. I took it long again with a target of the pre-market high.. It once again came to that $16 level and the momentum flat lined... Took a partial at that level again in hopes it would brake. It again started to turn and stopped me out just above the brake even. I was able to trade this morning as well, but not enough time to upload or write on it, so I will do that tomorrow. Little frustrated that I got chopped up on the trade, but it happens. I know whole dollar amounts can really be a good support/resistance level and I think today really proved that to me..
  9. 1 point
    Wednesday 01/29/2020 I had a well-being score of 7/10 this morning. I took 1 live trade this morning with AAPL. My watchlist: AAPL, AMD, XLNX, BA, LB and GE. Good watchlist but AAPL was the only stock I liked the PM. AAPL was creating a pendant as it went into the open. I had 4 PM levels which was unusual for me. 30 seconds before the open the price broke one of those levels and had a bullish L2 signal. I went long with very small share size. Two seconds after the open we already had huge volume and price moving up. There was also another bullish L2 signal, so I added to my shares, but still not at full size yet. So we had three big asks. One at 325, second at 325.50 and the third at 326.The price dropped and tested my stop (VWAP/200MA-1min/50MA-1min and the $324) and bounced so I added one last time to my shares. I was now at full share size. The price moved up reasonably fast and I took partials to 327 then all out when it broke back through VWAP. L2 when I took my PM entry: L2 when I took my second entry: The trade: What did I do good today? Good use of L2 and I really like my 3rd entry. What I am grateful from today? Trading AAPL. It has been awhile.
  10. 1 point
    1-28-20 AIS 0810, 4 hours PAT: Over trading in the afternoon.... Respecting my stops.... LK PB#1.1 The First entry had a .30 slip and stopped out for more than I wanted, gave it another try just before the 5min ORB and stopped out again... -3R Per my trading plan if I am up 1R I am supposed to stop at -1R Took two more LK trades in the afternoon, both went to stop for -2R MRNA PB#3 ..... Trend trade with 15min ORB... All partials were 50%... the first two adds were back to full size then after that the next two adds were up to 50% of full size.... missed a partial at 1002 and an add at 1048 ... both I was I was watching but failed to pull the trigger +4R Cons: Felt like I jumped the gun a bit on both the LK entries, SIM needs to be treated just as LIVE.... Missed a partial and an add..... Pros: Respected my stops.... Playbook Trade: MRNA Rs: -1R
  11. 1 point
    1-27-20 AIS 0800, 4 hours PAT: Focus.... SIM vs LIVE ...... Notes: Keep my eye on SPY Going to keep it a little more simpple here as I have spending way more of my limited time in my playbook INTC PB#1.1 2min ORB...... 1min setting up for an ABCD but never got there... I jumped the gun on this one...... the second entry was a mistake and covered right away -2R LK PB#1, PB#3 5min ORB with a pullback to the 9ema on the 1 and 5min, broke above VWAP with trend adds after the first partial.... alll partials were 50% and all adds back to original entry..... last entry exit was a second trade that I just took a BE on, this is where I should have called it a day..... +9R TCOM PB#3 .... Trending the 9 on the 5min ... stop was below PMH... three partials, add, partial, add, 4 partials leaving me with tiny share size... added back on twice for a grand total of about 25% of original size (these adds were pure speculation and I was only risking what profit was left which was nil) ... Also took some trades later in the day for a chop fest that ended up decreasing my Rs by 3 and I also let one of my stops run past.... -1R MRNA PB#3 Trending the 9 on the 5min with ABCD on the 2min, stopped out ..... second entry was still a trend that I should not have exited the first time, took two partials , add and all out...... First entry was apx 1/2 size and second entry was full size.... -3R CONS: Jumped the Gun.... Early exit... Over Trading in the afternoon... Let one run past my stop Pros: Had a nice calm morning and felt in control Playbook Trade: TCOM Rs: +3.5
  12. 1 point
    Good morning Good day today. Took 2 trades: INTC and LK INTC 5 min ORB but I should have known that it was not a good idea as it was really wicki. Ah well LK 5 min ORB. Took it long and rode it all the way up until I was stopped out at my moving stop loss. Good day and I did see a lot of 9,20 and 50 MA crossing. I just watched it happen as I had already hit my 1% target for the day. Again, more confirmation of findings, which also feels pretty good. Thanks and have a good day!
  13. 1 point
    I like your trading on Friday. It shows planned trading and executing on the plan. Shows lots of discipline. Your first trade was a classic 5min ORB going long at the break of the candle body. You were close enough to VWAP that R/R was good (to the high of the day). I usually don't like taking those ORBs with large wicks like that. I do see other traders take them but I am usually not very successful unless the 5min candle has small wicks. The second trade was a nice false break out. It looks like you might have reached 2R so most traders would have taken a partial. But I am not sure where your stop was. Third trade was a classic 15min ORB. Yes it could be said the 15min candle was also wicky, but it had a really nice R/R. Again it was a good day. Impressive for someone just starting out.
  14. 1 point
    Hi David -> The commission structure is 0.004 per share + 0.0025 ECN per share with minimum $0.50 per ticket. I haven't had any issues with CMEG. -> I have noticed that short list is getting better and is some instances it's better than IB as well. IB is better most of the times but CMEG is not that bad for an overseas broker. I think it's the best option for small beginner traders. -> Customer service is a hit or miss. They are good in looking after requests like change in daily stop loss limit or any general questions are usually answered pretty quickly. BUT, if you face any issues that they are not aware of or know how to fix then the technical support is a hit or miss. I had a technical issue and spoke with 3 representative with vague stupid answers. It was clear the the first 3 representatives didn't have a clue of the issue I am facing even after a week since my original email was sent. The last person I spoke with was a gem and provided me with a proper answer and fixed the issue. -> It usually takes 1-2 business days for my transfer to reflect is my CMEG account. That is from Australia to Trinidad and Tobago. I am happy with CMEG as you won't face the above issue that often. It's very very rare. The fills are excellent, margin is good, commission structure is excellent, client services is excellent, technical support is average.
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