May 2019
Overall my plan for May''19 is pretty much the same as April except for increased share size.
Share size: Although the share size depends on the Stoploss and volataility of the Stock, I will not go above 300 shares for our buddies $AMD, $MU and $ROKU & not more than 100 shares on High priced stocks $AAPL, $FB and $NVDA.
Loss $: I have 3 trades this week. Allowable loss, 50$ for the first trade and 25$ each for the 2nd and 3rd Trades. Total 100$/week.
Improvement: I had observed my profit taking needs improvement. I was contemplating taking 2:1 or 3:1 RR with no partials, but I need to try this in SIM first. So my partials will remain the same like last month.
What to remember: What happens today/this month is independent of what happened last week/month. Every event is unrelated. Trading is dealing with probabilities. My edge gives me higher probabily. Anything can happen, like flipping a coin.
Rules: (Repeat)
Only one trade at a time. This was my main issue in SIM. I get into multiple trades in SIM and end up in huge losses. Even if the action goes my way, I am unable to exploit it to my advantage as I am unable to follow my profit plan.
Stick to my StopLoss: Many days in SIM, I had ignored my Stoploss and ended up in huge losses. Then I make some good trades and reduce my losses. End of the day, It gives me a feeling ‘If only I had respected my StopLoss I would have been green’
Don’t trade within 3 mins: My rule is not to trade within first 3 mins. But if the setup doesn’t exist, then I must wait till 5, 10 or even 15 mins from the open.