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  1. 1 point
    This is a very common question, so hopefully this post can be a good reference. There is a new hotkey command called DuplicateWindow which lets you 'clone' an existing Montage, Time/Sales, or Chart window. All settings like hotkey buttons, colors, fonts, etc. will be copied over. How to: -Go to menu Setup > Hot key -Add New Item -Enter a Name and Hot Key. In the Script Field, enter DuplicateWindow -Press Commit Now you can simply select the window you wish to duplicate, then press the hotkey (CTRL+D in the above example). And voila, attack of the clones!
  2. 1 point
    3/14/2019 Still having issues with scaling out and letting winners run. The day would've been different although I feel like I traded well. Revenge traded $FB Considering adding two scale out hotkeys. 50% and 75% $ROKU - The market got me with this one.. Went short 75 shares at VWAP 5-minute looking for the push down. Set my stop above my entry candle,but probably should've been around the previous candle high. Stopped out before the price action faded down to the 50MA 5-minute (green line). Disappointing trade performance. $ROKU - Other opportunities showed up. I fired on the hot key at the arrow looking for the 9MA 5-minute reject. I almost pulled it earlier, but waited for consolidation. Once the previous 5-minute candle closed below both the 50/9MA 5-minute, I figured it was the perfect set up. Unfortunately, my $ROKU montage was not in focus so my order didn't go through. $FB - At the same time as $ROKU, took a trade on $FB. Went short 75 shares looking for the move down. Got the close below the 9MA/VWAP 5-minute, but I figured the move would happen. Should've waited 1 more minute and would've gotten the perfect entry the first time. Stopped out at the 20MA 1-minute. Got back in short 100 shares the second time thinking that would happen. Got the move down and covered half then all in two steps. Took another trade on $FB. Even though the price action closed below VWAP, I thought it might reject the 9MA 5-minute and reject. Went short 100 shares on the small pullback to the 9MA 1-minute and got squeezed up the next minute. Stopped out. Glad I got out because the squeeze was brutal. Got back in for another short looking for the move back down after previous bearish candles. My signal was on the 1-minute and got an entry under the 9MA 1-minute. Shroted 75 shares, but stopped out. After getting the close below the 9MA 5-minute but above VWAP, I shorted again 75 shares and stopped out. I left $FB alone after that. Definitely revenge traded although I thought that move down through VWAP would happen. It did, but later in the trading day. y $CLDR - Another trade I feel that I didn't handle well. I went short 100 shares with a stop at high of day. I felt the previous 5-minute candle stick showed that bulls were losing momentum. On my entry, the price action dropped. I felt like the price action would bounce off the support under VWAP. I didn't give the price action enough room to close under VWAP. Once the close happened, the price action made the move. Disappointed in this one too. $DG - My last disappointment of the day, lol. $DG made a heck of a move in the first 15 minutes. I waited for a pullback to the 9MA 5-minute. Got that move and I went short 100 shares with a stop above 111. Entry was 110.82. Price action held the 20MA 1-minute and fell. Then, $DG started consolidating on the 1-minute. I covered after a few minutes thinking a squeeze would happen around low of day. Price action fell off a cliff. This one trade probably would have made 5% of my account. BIggest disappointment of the day. Result:
  3. 1 point
    March 14, 2019 - $FTI (Stopped Out) Today is an example of why you need to make sure the stock you are trading is in play. Looking back I should have dropped this in the pre-market screening and never put it on my watch list. With that said I traded the stock correctly, except I was unhappy with myself for hanging onto a loser to long. The proper exit should have been when the stock failed to make a new 5 minute low. Although this was before my planned stop, all the indicators were saying "it's a loser get out." Sample Set Results P G S G S 6 7 8 S S P G G S G S S 18 19 20
  4. 1 point
    Thursday 3/14/2019 My nerves were especially bad this morning, but I don’t want to use it as an excuse for today. I just traded sloppy and need to make adjustments. I carelessly missed a veto rule and made a hot key mistake. I had a wellbeing score of 5/10. Revised my no trades before 9:31:45 rule to increasing the stop out point if trades are taken before then. I won’t change the tech level I choose to stop out on just accept a few more ticks beyond it before I exit and thus reduce my share size to compensate and still have the same $30 risk. My one allowable trade today was with AAPL. My APPL checklist: But I actually made a hot key mistake and doubled my short. I didn’t notice until 2 minutes later when I tried to take MU long and couldn’t. I only have one Montage to prevent myself from trading more than one stock at the time. So that is when I noticed I still had lots of AAPL shares open. I hit the panic key. Nothing happen. I even opened the hot key setup to double check and tried again. Nothing happen. Looking back I assume I forgot to highlight the montage. Then surprisingly I calmed down and started reading my trade log to see what is going on. I saw a cover all should work and it did. AAPL was in play with good volume and I was short biased before the open. It created a nice step setup and had a good first and second target, so I took the trade as it broke the 50MA. Now it is quite embarrassing that I need to journal this on the BBT site, but again my tunnel vision did not see an obvious level just below my entry point. You can see on the chart its incredibly obvious. But, even when I verbally recorded my checklist before I took the trade I didn’t list it as a TL. Just after the I took the trade, my tunnel vision broadened a bit and I saw it. I should have exited the trade immediately or when it hit the TL, but instead I took a partial at the TL and tried to fully exit as it passed the 50MA. So with taking the bad trade, the hot key mistake and missing out on MU, which could have been my trade of the week, I had to shut my platform down and walk away. It took about 2 hours for I finally being calm and was rational about it. Luckily, I do remember quite clearly what happen. I will make adjustments to my layout to reduce the hot key issue, and find a better color/line for me to see these tech levels even when I have tunnel vision. But with the bad trade and hot key error I feel lucky I only had a loss of -0.5R today. It could have been a lot worse. What I did good today: I did finally recover from hot key mistake. How did I challenge myself today? New 9:31:45 time rule What I did bad today: Inadvertently broke veto rule. Hot key mistake What can I do better next tomorrow: I need to update my layout before open tomorrow.
  5. 1 point
    Tuesday 3/12/2019 My nerves were better today, but still not great. I had a wellbeing score of 5/10. My allowable two trades were with AAPL and MOMO. My AAPL checklist: I broke my 9:31:45 EST time rule again by a full 30 sec. But I again I didn’t feel this was a 1min ORB. I really felt like it was an early 2min ORB setup. I may want to rethink that rule. AAPL had a very bullish 2min candle being created. This is what it looked like when I took the trade: The tech level used for the setup and the power was unusual. The price bounced strongly at a level at $179.93 three times, though I do not see anything on the chart to signify its presents. But somewhere there was a big seller(s) at that price. So I call this a weak “curtsy” Once it broke that level I took the trade. I was better with the partials than yesterday, but still not great. My second trade was with MOMO. I really liked the bearish 5min candle and and went short the moment it broke VWAP. But I got a really bad fill (instantly lost 0.5%) and risk/reward was now below 2 to 1. I have been bad about staying in trades after this happen, so I tried to be better about it and I immediately exited the trade at B/E. What I did good today: I liked my AAPL trade. I improved on my partials. Kept to my 1 + 1 trade/day rule. How did I challenge myself today? Was able to exit a trade as soon as I saw the bad fill. This has been difficult for me and emotionally it felt worse than a stop out. What I did bad today: Taking trades too early. I need to analyze the recent trades and see if the time limit rule needs to be more enforced What can I do better next tomorrow: Need more patience.
  6. 1 point
    Found another way! This makes it easy to do if you would like to open the same montage in a different tab. Right click on the header of the Montage and click SAVE AS DEFAULT. Open a montage in a new tab, right click the header again and click LOAD DEFAULT. You will have loaded the montage from your original tab then you can duplicate as much as you want. This also works with charts!!!
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