Greetings BBT's,
My name is Steven Burke (AKA StevieB), as of today, I'm a new lifetime member. I am 55 years old and "semi-retired" entrepreneur living in Santa Fe, NM. I have a 15 year old boy and 19 year old daughter, and coming up on my 30th anniversary with my wife I met in college.
Yesterday, I completed my simulator acct setup with Speedtrader. I will be in the simulator starting this Monday for 3 months or so and will be going through all of what Andrew's education programs have to offer, full time.
Since this October I have been doing real money equity trades on Ally's crappy platform. I got ridiculously lucky and within two weeks was up about $7,500. I thought, oh man, this is GREAT! We'll, as Howard Cossell said back in the day, "Down goes Fraser!, Down goes Fraser!" I averaged down pretty heavy with an SQ trade that plummeted like $9 bucks, caught falling knives along the way. I quickly did all the classic emotional trading mistakes, you name it, I've done them all in the last 7 weeks, revenge trading, FOMO trades, not committing to a trade plan, sloppy stop loss setups, not closing out positions overnight....and I did it ALL with real money! Needless to say, the $7,500 of what I beginner's luck made vanished in 2 trading days, and I then proceeded to lose $6,500. In the process, I did have a couple disciplined, well executed trading days after re-grouping, so I do have a sense of what that feels like. On those days I was patient and letting the trade come to me instead of the reverse, I was mostly ahead of the action with a well thought out technical trading plan, and good trade management ( scaling in/out, adjusting stops, etc.)
I love the challenge of what day trading represents, and the surprise to me is that it presents an opportunity far more then money making: The technical aspects I think any reasonable intelligent person can learn with some good 'ole hard work, but I did not know that perhaps 90 percent of what this will require is "me learning about me", and changing neural pathways that not only give me a fighting chance to be a long term successful day trader, but can also improve my mind, body and spirit. Andrew did speak to this in his book, but it is one thing for me to read it and another to look it square in the eye with hard earned money on the line. I look forward to this challenge on a daily basis and I feel that BBT will be a safe and enjoyable community to evolve in and resonate with.
This past September 2018 I sold a home environmental services company in Santa Fe, NM to a couple of my existing employees and now I am a part-time environmental consultant with ample time freed up. This change process is what made me look to the stock market over the last couple months, as I originally was looking at stock investment opportunities. Then the market began it's ongoing correction and volatility that started in October. That led me to seek guidance, and rather quickly led me to Andrew's book. Andrew's excellent, well written and honest book, along with the current market environment, changed my original thought of investment education to now complete devotion to day trading education. I researched several chat rooms and educators prior to taking a test drive this last week with BBT. I am impressed with the "quality over quantity" of the membership, Andrew's team members, and the sharing of talents from various members. From my research of many groups, this group stands out and is the one I look forward to resonating with as I now head into the simulator for 3 months.
Warmest Regards,