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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/2018 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Getting prepared for another week of trading. Sundays I like to take some time to review last week's journal and focus on what could be done better for the coming week. Every day we trade we take something with us. No matter if is a green or red day something was learned. What we did well we want to repeat and what we did poorly we want to improve. My job is to highlight those things and bring them front and center, with special focus what I need to improve on. Whatever your routine is to prepare for the trading week make sure you do it so you are ready to have a successful week. Let's Rock This Week BBT!
  2. 1 point
    Wow @Lee W it works the way you described! I first installed .21 in a different directory so I didn´t have the new feats, so I installed again in the same dir of .31 and it worked! Thx! EDIT: the "hand" cursor is still there, but in a minor scale than before, in .31 I couldn´t find a space in chart without "hand". I will keep testing this .21.
  3. 1 point
    I've just analyzed my first two months in simulator and here is my equity curve before reading Trading in the Zone: Winning Trade Percentage: 40% ...and after reading Trading in the Zone: Winning Trade Percentage: 55% More importantly, my average win amount vs. average loss amount has doubled. It used to be $0.80 won for every $1 lost; now the ratio is $1.5:$1. The book has really instilled the confidence required to (1) pursue good setups without hesitation, and (2) get out with small losses. I still have a long way to go before I am consistently profitable in a live account, but it's great to see that Trading in the Zone has made a measurable, quantitative impact on my paper trading results. Can't recommend this book enough!
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