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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/2018 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    I'm having an issue since the update where if I use the shift key to create a rectangle on a chart that it then zooms in on, the rectangle will get frozen on the chart. If I click on it then it sometimes will then zoom in on the area, or sometimes it just gets frozen on there even if I change time-frames and I have to restart DAS. Although other times it works fine. Anyone else having this issue?
  2. 1 point
    Since the global line feature was enabled, removing a line is different for me. I noted this in my video, but I found that you have to first select the line and then you can remove it. So I left click the line and it will give me those little boxes on the ends. Then I right click and remove the line. If you haven’t tried that, give it a shot. I have marked the video to start directly at the spot where I reference it. You’ll see when I left click the line, the little boxes on the ends of the line appear. That shows the line has been selected. Then I right click and choose remove
  3. 1 point
    It's very much possible. Here's how you do it: In your hotkey screen, add the following hot key and it will work like a charm! https://finviz.com/quote.ashx?t=%SYMB% One other question, am I allowed to upload an image. Was trying to but got a privilege type error. Thanks, Michael
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