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About JimBro

  • Rank
    Take the Trade
  • Location San Jose, CA, USA

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  1. Hey man did you delete your response to my topic? I thought it was amazing and was about to return to it? Any chance of bringing it back?

  2. Hi Britt, I see two conflicting statements Share=Pos*0.25, which would transact 25% of the position. Then at the end I see QTY:POS, which would transact the entire position. Seems you should take this statement out.
  3. I have only participated in the BBT chat room and so I don't have much external comparison to offer. However, I was very careful in selecting BBT over the many others out there. The primary decision factor for me was the educational value BBT offers for free through YouTube. I reasoned that free stuff was good then what's behind the pay-wall is equally as good if not better. Other chats provide teasers that are useless in order to get you to pay "for the real stuff." However, if the free stuff is crap, why should I expect to find higher quality after paying? I agree with all of the pros mentioned here and will not repeat. Here are some observations on possible areas for improvement. I sit in on the chat occasionally. I like to listen to the discussions, but I don't have the chat room open if I'm trading. I find it very distracting and confusing. For example, the one time I did listen at the market open Andrew had AMC on his chart. I was also watching AMC that morning. All of the sudden Bryan excitedly calls out - "I just went long." I'm looking at AMC trying to understand why he went long. Then literally 15 seconds later he repeats - "I just went long on WISH." That totally threw me off. I turned off the chat and haven't used it during my trading since. My suggestion is that only the person who is sharing their screens should be calling out trades. If others are also in the audio feed, they should discuss only what is on the screen, or share their screen before taking over the commentary. Maybe I'm the only one who notices this, but the audio quality of some of the moderators is almost unbearably poor. Nobody should be using antiquated headsets designed for use with a desk phone during the live commentary (you know who you are). Look at Thor and Andrew's setup. A decent mic is more professional and it makes a huge difference to the audience experience. I'll touch on the education section. This is the primary reason why I joined. It has been extremely valuable, however it could improve. I would summarize my observations in one word - consistency. As it trading, consistency is key. A bit more consistent in the quality and delivery of educational content would put BBT far ahead of the competition. A robust process around content creation and deployment helps. Creating effective presentation materials and presenting them clearly is a difficult job. It's a skill that must be acquired. The old saying, "I wanted to create a short and simple presentation, but I didn't have time." is so very true. Some moderators are excellent. Others could use some help. Peter is by far the best you have for creating and delivering presentation material. It would be good to leverage him for suggested improvements. A huge competitive advantage would be to offer beginner, intermediate and advanced levels of skills testing to help people measure how well they are internalizing the information. This would have the additional benefit of bringing more structure to BBT educational offerings. I suggest looking at the CME learning portal for examples. Finally, the forum could be of huge benefit and I have seen other implementations where it is far more interactive than BBT. The forum on BBT is almost useless. There is no incentive for people to go to the forum and offer help. One thing that works is a point system of some kind to give higher status to people who are contributing more. Thanks for a great experience in my educational journey.
  4. Hi Everyone, I have had two internet outages in the last week. Fortunately, I was not in a trade at the time. I am using my iPhone 11 hotspot feature to connect to my MacBook Pro to get back online. However, I have to spend several minutes to find the SSID for the phone and connect to it. 1. Do you know of a way to get the network connection to automatically switch to the hotspot when the wireless network has lost internet connection? 2. Did you experience the iPhone SSID not showing up in the available networks list (hotspot is always active on the phone) and have to search for it every time? How did you fix this? 3. Are there alternative ways to achieve an automatic and fast switch to a hotspot or other type of 5G based connection? My hardware is a MacBook Pro (2019) running Windows 10 pro on Bootcamp. My hotspot is an iPhone 11. Carrier is AT&T. Thanks for your help and advice.
  5. Can you share an update? What made you consider moving away from Ligthspeed? I also use Lightspeed and am curious to know. I'd say that the Lightspeed Trader platform is somewhere in between TWS (not great for intraday trading) and DAS (highly feature rich). But Lightspeed is probably closer to DAS than TWS. However, the main reason for me to choose Lightspeed over IBKR (I have IBKR account also) is customer service. When you call Lightspeed a person answers the phone on the second ring. Have you tried to call or chat with IBKR recently? Forget about it. They will not be able to take your call/chat request. It wasn't like this when I had an account back in 2016 and they were fairly responsive. But maybe it is because back then I had over $300k in the account. Now I only have $1000 to enable the paper trading with live data. Or it could be they simply have had a massive increase in account openings with COVID and cannot have enough staff to support. I hope it gets better.
  6. Hi Everyone, COVID has brought pros and cons. For the cons: way too many zoom calls at all hours of the day and night. There are no boundaries anymore for personal life or even eating and taking a shower in the morning. For the pros: more precious time with family (I have a 4 year old son) although there are days we long for school to reopen. I came to the conclusion that there are more important things to do with my time and life is too short. The timing and our situation was right to enable me to retire from the semiconductor industry (a little early at age 60). I am now focused on Intraday trading as a business. I live with my wife and son in San Jose CA. I started in sim in early March, which was fun because all of the NFT momentum. I made a single trade for $8200 and had six green days in a row before the honeymoon ended. But I was up $16k in March. Proceeded to draw down in April, but never went negative. I was spending too much time trading and developing bad habits. I started to only trade two or three days a week and spend the rest of the time learning about what I was trying to do. Currently I am finishing my business plan and putting together a solid Tradebook. I joined the community today and look forward to learning and helping (when I'm able). I use a MacBook Pro 15 (2019) and that has presented some unusual challenges. I've sorted them out. Let me know if you also have issues. Maybe I can help, or learn what to watch out for. I use Trade Ideas for scanners. I have an IBKR account for paper trading with TWS, but It is not ideal for live trading. I have a live trading account with Lightspeed and use Lightspeed Trader as my platform. I use OneNote and Excel for journaling/tracking. I haven't started live yet, but am targeting to do so in June. The BBT community has already been of great help and influence on my development. I look forward to getting to know more as part of the community. Thanks Jim
  7. Hi Everyone, COVID has brought pros and cons. For the cons: way too many zoom calls at all hours of the day and night. There are no boundaries anymore for personal life or even eating and taking a shower in the morning. For the pros: more precious time with family (I have a 4 year old son) although there are days we long for school to reopen. I came to the conclusion that there are more important things to do with my time and life is too short. The timing and our situation was right to enable me to retire from the semiconductor industry (retired a little early at age 60). I am now focused on Intraday trading as a business. I started in sim in early March, which was fun because all of the NFT momentum. I made a single trade for $8200 and had six green days in a row before the honeymoon ended. But I was up $16k in March. Proceeded to draw down in April, but never went negative. I was spending too much time trading and developing bad habits. I started to only trade two or three days a week and spend the rest of the time learning about what I was trying to do. Currently I am finishing my business plan and putting together a solid Tradebook. I joined the community today and look forward to learning and helping (when I'm able). I use a MacBook Pro 15 (2019) and that has presented some unusual challenges. I've sorted them out. Let me know if you also have issues. Maybe I can help, or learn what to watch out for. I use Trade Ideas for scanners. I have an IBKR account for paper trading with TWS, but It is not ideal for live trading. I have a live trading account with Lightspeed and use Lightspeed Trader as my platform. I use OneNote and Excel for journaling/tracking. I haven't started live yet, but am targeting to do so in June. The BBT community has already been of great help and influence on my development. I look forward to getting to know more as part of the community. Thanks Jim
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