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Angela Kuzeva

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Angela Kuzeva last won the day on November 4 2023

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About Angela Kuzeva

  • Birthday September 17

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  1. Hi, few things, you will make same money no matter the stock is cheap or not, if you are trading with fix risk, there will be no difference, just you will buy / sell different number of shares, more shares for AI and less for Tesla. The price of the stock doesn't define the profitability. 1$ on a 30$ stock and 1$ on a pricey stock mathematically don't have the same value. But 1R profit on the same two stocks has it. Experienced traders focus on stocks in play, those liquid and in play for the day as they provide the best opportunities with clean price action and fast moves because many traders are trading the stock. Look at RVOL, shares traded for the day, ATR and how clean is the price action. My advice is to collect data and figure out which stocks you trade well. What I mean by this is that we are different, and everyone has different personality, some trade well stocks which move slower, and others prefer stocks which move faster. Some stocks are more volatile or wicky and every stock has its own personality too. That information will come from your stats over series of trades. However, it doesn't mean you have to avoid all other stocks, it just means that you have a little more edge with some group of stocks than others. I will give you an example, my stats show that I trade well stocks over 20$+, ATR 1$+ and over 2 mln shares traded today. How does this help me. If I am in discord call out chat or look at the scanners, first thing when someone calls a stock, I will look at the ATR, RVOL and shares traded. Then will look in the price action and how clean it is before ever decided to take a trade. This is subjective and I use it for stocks I never traded. I still will trade stocks under 20$ like $CCL or $NIO on certain days when they move clean. The more you trade the more you get experience and understanding of what works for you and what to avoid. There are these traders who trade only few stocks like $SPY. $QQQ or $AAPL and $TSLA. They have spent time to get to know the stocks and how they move, and this gives them a little edge. But they still trade a profitable strategy and have sound execution to make money. On a different note, learn and test a profitable strategy. This is where the focus must be and forget for the money you will make. Even when you trade live, your main focus is to execute the strategy well and not the money. The money is a by-product of the strategy, your execution and discipline not the price of the stock. Setting daily target of how much money you have to make is something which will delay your development as a trader. It is unrealistic to expect to reach a daily profit goal when you are learning. You may be green for the day but traded horribly and you will take this as a great performance when you just got lucky. Your daily goals must be performance based - discipline, patience, execution, selection etc. Did you execute according to your rules. Was your selection good? Did your trade meet the strategy criteria. Trading is just the opposite of what everyone thinks. They focus on the money (outcome), but trading is about focusing on the process of trading (performance) and money follows. You start with a strategy, when you master it, you work on your entries, then you work on holding to target and this is how money flow in your account if you consistently execute your strategy. This takes years, set the right expectations from the start, it doesn't come in a month or even an year or two.
  2. I wouldn't consider this set up for a parabolic reversal. There is a range and one 5 min candle after breaking. I am not saying it will not reverse but this is not a parabolic move. It has to be extended on 5 min, clear parabolic move, many consecutive candles in a row with no pullback. 5 min candles must be bigger than average, small 5 min candles don't count. Level on a higher TF and fake breakout on 5 min. Your entry is from 1 min, but you need at least 1- and 5-min TF alignment. Later on, a day I look at 15 min TF and play parabolic reversals on 15 min. The best way to avoid double fakes is to enter early when is still extended on 1 min and if comes back exit at BE. You need to see the momentum and must read the price action inside the 5 min candle (1 5-min candle consists of 5 1-min candles) minute by minute to be able to anticipate that the 5 min candle at the low will close as a green candle for a long for example. Win rate on Parabolic reversals is low. You will have many losing trades because you try to reverse a strong move. It comes down to be quick to exit at BE or less than 1R loss and hold the winners to target. You also need to have very tight SL to be able to cover the losses and have high R:R. Parabolic reversals are tricky because the strategy is based on excellent read of the price action minute by minute around the level of interest. My trade book on them is 12 pages so far and I continue to add different scenarios and new rules. It needs patience to wait for a perfect entry. Look at the chart I attached, you have many consecutive red candles with no pullback on 5 min, extended on 5 min, level on daily, extended on 1 min, tweezers on 1 min, hammer on 5 min and fake BO on 5 and 15 min, increasing volume at the low.
  3. These are common limiting beliefs which we all have. Afraid of being wrong - usually translates in life in aiming for perfectionism, seeing mistakes as a failure instead of an opportunity to learn from them, seeking external validation that you are good enough in this case from the market and your trading. There are many others, but these are one of most common. Fear of failing and doubt in your knowledge translate in low self-confidence, lack of belief in your strategy, attaching your self-worth to your trading results. What is your automatic response in the market to these beliefs - it can range from hesitation to take a trade to impulsiveness, revenge trading, overtrading etc. One way is to write down your thoughts and feelings before and during each trade. If you didn't follow your rules or made a mistake or had a losing/missed trade before what is the action, you took in the market. For example, I felt frustrated because I took a loss on my first trade today. Next, I entered without waiting for a confirmation. I regretted and felt anxious not to take another loss. I moved my SL quickly and I was wicked from a profitable trade. Over a month or two, you will start seeing patterns and will know your triggers and how you subconsciously respond to them. This exercise brings you awareness, without awareness you can't change anything. Once you know your triggers and automatic responses you can create a plan when this happens what you are going to do. For example, you find that you jump on the next trade quickly after a losing trade. This shows you; you are not able to reset yourself quickly to neutral after a losing trade. So, you may implement a 10 min break before the next trade after a losing trade. Along with the above you must forget about the money and winning or losing trades/days. Your main focus must be following the strategy criteria and rules. The easiest way is to have a strategy with very strict rules including entries and exits. You focus on executing it flawlessly instead of winning or not and how much money you make it. When you execute a trade according to all rules and doesn't work, this doesn't make you feel as a failure because you have done all right and you know market is random and not all strategies work 100% of the time. Setting a daily goal is another tool. by that I mean not a goal of having a green day or 2R goal. These are outcome goals, and they bring only stress, and you can't control the outcome of these goals. You daily goal can be taking max 3 trades per day or taking only A+ set ups, or even as in the example above taking a 10 min break after a losing trade. You track your progress on the goal. It is better to have 1 or 2 max goals per day and work on them until you become consistent. You must be able to control the outcome of the goal. These are called process goals, they can be psychological, habit goals, trading goals. Start small and aim for a small improvement every day. by tracking your process goals, you start seeing progress and your self-confidence and self-belief start growing.
  4. @DollarBill Yes, my point is that you can subscribe to DAS SIM only through BBT without the need to pay for the live version of DAS PRO and linked it to your brokerage account. DAS provides fully functional Simulator platform, identical to the one which you will trade live.
  5. I use the default study and shows the ATR (average) for the last 14 days on daily, on 2 min chart will be the last 14 candles. On daily when the ATR is pointing up means stock is trending, expanding the range. When flat, not much activity so I am not expecting outsized days. If you want to see the ATR of the previous candle you can change it to 1 in the study and it will show you the value in $ for only this candle. If you want to include last 30 candles for example, you change it to 30 in the study. The shorter you make it, the more difficult to read it as gives lots of signals. You can also see the spikes in the ATR line on the shorter TF if you plot it on you chart (the volume section), which you will read as increased volatility and you anticipate breakout or near reversal point based on the price action, volume candles, where is the stock on the longer TF. I don't use it this way, but it is another way to look at ATR and use it in your analysis. The easiest way is to use the daily ATR and % of the daily ATR for a SL. In some stocks like $TSLA your SL could be 1$ and in not so volatile stocks could be 0.05$. It always reflects the volatility in the stock, if trending ATR will be increasing so is your SL. That's particularly useful at the open not to be stopped out all the time and later in the session to capitalize on tighter stops and better R: R. I also keep wider stops for wicky stocks like $ABNB, $COIN for example.
  6. In live account you pay extra for ARCA book if you want to have it, everything else you have in your DAS SIM, you will have in your DAS PRO. Replay doesn't work during the trading session; what I mean, you can't download data for stocks and replay it during market hours, it is only outside market hours. Replay is a great tool to replay your trades after the market closes. During the trading session you can trade in you SIM account with live data, exactly as you are going to trade in your live account. There is absolutely no difference.
  7. Actually, the ATR gives you exactly this information. It measures the current volatility of the stock. If you put the ATR study on 1 min chart will give you the average range for a 1 min candle, on 5 min TF will be the range of the 5 min candle and so on. The daily ATR gives you the information of the average daily range of the stock. For example, if the stock made 100% of its daily ATR it is not wise to go long but start looking for a reversal. ATR doesn't stay permanent, when the stock is in play and makes bigger moves, it is reflected in the ATR so your SL changes. Another way to use ATR for SL is by time of the day, for example beginning of the session is volatile your SL can be 10% of the daily ATR, later on the day when the volatility goes down you can have tighter SL. You also must consider the spread in you SL calculations. Parabolic SAR is another study which you can use as a trailing stop. You can use it for SL, but this will be a wide SL if this is your style. The problem with most indicators is that they work in certain markets and don't work in others. Parabolic SAR is great in trending markets and not in choppy markets.
  8. You can have DAS SIM when you decide to try the strategies. It is advisable to trade in SIM, get screen time and develop a strategy before you trade a live account.
  9. Yes, there is a replay in the DAS SIM. You have T&S but not L2. Replay is also available if you have live account and DAS platform, it is part of the package.
  10. I also vote for Shimmers in Mina Al Salam and One& Only Sidharta Lounge at Grosvenor house, outdoor terrace but not by the water
  11. Hello, Trading is all about process and consistency and money follows once you focus on the process. Saying that you must test these strategies and find out for yourself. Andrew is a momentum trader, you may be also a momentum trader but may be you are not. Strategies work for him because he has traded them for years with a positive outcome. He has high win rate because he has developed the skills, the price action understanding and recognizing his edge, acts without hesitation and executes his plan. They have high win rate for him and he trades them every day in the room. So the strategy is just an edge on the market, it is nothing else than an indication of a higher probability of one thing happening over the other. You must test it yourself as we have different personalities and see the market in different way. That means you must trade one strategy for a couple of months and collect data, and see which one works for you. This is where you develop your trading skills and find your edge. Your results with each strategy will show you which of them you are good at and which are not for you. From there you take those which work for you and continue to perfect them. A win rate alone doesn't mean you will make money. You must track pay off ratio ( av. winners / av. losers) too. A 50% win rate with 1 R pay off ratio = Breakeven. You will be losing money below 1R and make 20% profit if your win rate is 60%. You may have 30% win rate but your pay off ratio is 3R, you will make 30% profits in this case. Trading is a number game and strategy is one of the variables, and you must test it for an extensive period, a 100 trades will not tell you much because market goes through different conditions and sometime your edge is not presented, so you sit on your hands in these days and preserve your capital. Or you are not seeing the market properly for different reasons at this time and you must find it for yourself what is the problem and adjust it. That's why tracking all your trades, journaling them are important and part of the process. So if you are starting just now, pick up one strategy which clicks with you and trade it for 3-4 months, track your trades, take screenshots and review them later and the results will slowly start to emerge. This will be your results with the strategy.
  12. I have tried Camarilla and I still like them on SPY as they are quite precise if trading SPY. The thing is that this play is not every time when the stock hits these levels. It is a play based on the relationship of today's daily range to the previous daily range and where the stock opened today in relation with the Cams. I also think that daily matter in selecting stocks to play off Camarilla levels but I don't have advice here as I don't trade them. I found myself more successful trading off levels and patterns I see on daily and 60 min. I use a top down approach from weekly to daily to 60 min and lower TF and I am aiming for a bigger move. Identifying the exact criteria for entry and exit is the same criteria for reversals as S3/R3 is a reversal strategy. For short could be parabolic move into a level, reversal candle, volume, extended from 9 EMA on 5 min, T&S signals or a pattern formation at level - double top, tipple top H&S, drying volume at the top, T&S, cross over of 9 & 20 EMA on 1 min. Watch the reversal webinars in BBT education center - there are many - parabolic, extreme reversals, mountain pass.
  13. I agree, I am commenting on current chart entry and SL. and not on the quality of the set up. It is mentioned as a VWAP strategy and I made it clearly I have never traded.
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