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Brian Pez

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Brian Pez last won the day on May 16

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  1. Hi Alex There is really no way to manage risk overnight. Once the markets are closed it is a done deal and you are stuck in the position overnight until the open of premarket. I do not think that Stop loss orders will fill in the premarket or aftermarket. If you enter them they will wait for the open of regular trading hours. You can watch them and set alerts but orders need to be entered as limit orders after regular trading hours. Manage your risk with research and share size.
  2. Hi all I will be in the Toronto area over the coming weekend. Peter has said he may also be able to attend. If there are BBT members that would like to have a get together please let me know. Sunday late afternoon or early evening works well for me. I am not that familiar with venues in Toronto so I am open to suggestions from locals.
  3. Welcome to the community @TonyRay, @stonks88 and @Andrew Agliata.
  4. Sounds like fun....I do not think I can make it but will be there in spirit.
  5. Hey guys, Andrew and I will be in Toronto on the weekend of April 5. I can meet the 5, 6 or 7th and Andrew will be there a little longer ( i think til 9th) so he can do those other days but I will be gone. Let us know if your up for a meeting and what date works best.
  6. Interesting thoughts on PRTO. It has already run quite a bit last week. Like most small biotechs they are losing a lot of money so I am not sure that an earnings report is going to move this stock. Has a relatively small float.
  7. Personally, I do not like to trade any OTC stocks. They seem more likely to have price manipulation. If you do play in that market and happen to get a double, take half off to get your money out - at least if it falls back, you still have some profits to show.
    I would have loved to come to LA but unfortunately, I have to stay close to home due to a family issue. Have fun.
  8. Hi Everyone. We are slowly expanding on the Swing Trading platform and wanted to let you know that you can sign up for swing trading opportunity alerts. The sign up forum is at the bottom of the Swing Trading section (under the "Other Trading" tab) on the BBT website. We will not be using your email to blast you with ads and other info. It will only be used to send trade opportunity alerts. What we hope is to give you more timely information on opportunities that come up throughout the trading day. These are not recommendations to buy or sell securities but they will give you ideas for you to form your own opinions on a potential trade. More to come. One step at a time. Brian
  9. Another good day for SQ on Wed. Pot stocks back in favor and holding some long. Agree that the market is getting close to a level of resistance. Also market seems to sell of into around 10:30 then heads higher....good time to look at taking a swing trade entry.
  10. We have had a great run on a number of stocks but I am feeling the need to get a little defensive because we have had such a nice bounce in the market and getting back to some previous support on a number of stocks. SQ hit my target today so took the rest off at open. Might go higher to 65 but I am happy hear. Hopefully you exited all ROKU. That was a big drop today. AAPL could be turning here and might be worth a starter position....but it has not broken the downward sloping trend line drawn off the candle tops.
  11. Great swing trades on ROKU and SQ. I had some shares of SQ from Friday but missed the ROKU move except for a day trade scalp. SQ could run a little more but will likely see some resistance around 63 if it gets there. Another trader in the room (Angel) had a great trade on GE. Picture perfect set up on a daily double bottom.
  12. Weekly recap and week ahead posted in Education Swing trade and on Youtube.
  13. Gold has been showing some strength and has made what looks like an inverse head and shoulders. First level of resistance is 17.
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