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JenniferL last won the day on October 5 2019

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27 Excellent


About JenniferL

  • Rank
    Hanging in there
  • Birthday December 2

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  1. Not sure if you were on the e-mail distribution. We are meeting at 4PM at Andrew's hotel. ALDEN Suite Hotel Splügenschloss Zurich Spluegenstrasse 2, Zürich, ZH, 8002 Switzerland
  2. Count us in for 2! Looking forward to meeting some BBT folks face to face. Just let us know the when and where. JenniferL
  3. Thanks so much for posting this -- I have been having some issues. One question -- how do you remove the column title that says "Time" ?
  4. Here is the link to the new BB Women Slack Group. https://join.slack.com/t/bearbullwomen/shared_invite/zt-hdlklf0m-gsExb7aAr1Zx8fUrfQjDgg
  5. Could you consider doing a webinar on scanners in the BBT chat and examples of how traders are using them?
  6. Loved the webinar. Thanks so much. Is there a file with the spreadsheet template to collect the data? Thanks!
  7. This is the one Thor shared in the chatroom. I tested today in sim and it worked well for me. They are made for DAS with IB account. ------------------------------------- STOP B/E (Includes CXL ALLSYM; to remove any other orders with that ticker) ------------------------------------------ CXL ALLSYMB;ROUTE=STOP;Price=AvgCost;StopType=MARKET;STOPPRICE=AvgCost;StopPrice=Round2;Share=Pos;TIF=DAY+;Send=Reverse;ROUTE=SMRTM;
  8. Thanks for posting this. I have had the same question myself. I look forward to hearing if there is a solution.
  9. good to hear from you -- if you send me a private message with your phone number, I can add you to the Whatsapp group!
  10. Thanks for posting! So excited to get our group going.
  11. I second the vote for a swing trading webinar -- or perhaps even longer term trend trading. If Brian could cover the scans he is using, and also the setups, that would be really helpful. Thanks.
  12. Hi Paul -- I recently suggested something similar, but didn't get much traction. I would find it really helpful, mostly because I do not have complete confidence in my ability to identify the levels. Sometimes I nail it, but sometimes, I see the price action reacting to a level that I cannot seem to identify. I think it would be helpful to sort by ticker in some way so that if I am looking at a stock, all the input gathered would be in one place. Thanks for posting! Here is my post:
  13. There was a helpful webinar a few months ago, now posted on BBT youtube channel here -- It only covers US tax, but still will get you half-way there. Your local tax advisor can help with the rest.
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