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  1. Hi Silviu I currently have an account with tradezero since they were the only other semi-reputable offshore broker I could find. I must admit their platform isn’t up to much, so I use DAS for my charting platform and just enter the trades in tradezero’s montage. I did briefly have an account with cmeg before tradezero, but I found the lack of available shorts was super frustrating, not a problem I have come across with tradezero (although sometimes the locates can be a bit expensive, so I just choose to not trade that stock on that day…but if I wanted to, at least I have the option!). Hope this helps 🙂
  2. I am excited to investigate this because I am living in Norway at the moment (originally from the uk) and if it applies to where I am, that would mean 1) I can finally move away from my offshore broker to a more established broker with better functionality and 2) I will have access to the IB API which will allow me to finally automate my trading strategies thus eliminating my biggest weaknesses in trading (the psychological side of trading) by taking me out of the equation Thanks John 👍
  3. Hi john When you say the new PDT rule, do you mean that a variant of the PDT rule still exists for the migrated clients or completely ceases to exist? Also do you think the same would apply to European residents opening new accounts with IBLUX, as in no PDT rule?
  4. Out of curiosity, what is the idea of this free roll key?
  5. To be honest i just tried to replicate it and couldn't, sweated a bit thinking maybe it was no longer an issue/a one off thing but then pulled up ZM and got this... EDIT: I had changed back to the white chart background with white candle bodies recently and on re-configuring the exact same window below, i could not replicate the problem. So it seems that maybe its more affected by using the color scheme below. With the white chart and candle bodies, the resizing of the window still changes the tiny red doji candles to black doji candles, so without scrolling over to see the open/close prices you wouldn't know that it was a slightly bearish doji BUT this is no way as misleading as green dojis turning red and vice versa 😆 window resize.mp4
  6. Hmm, I think that “pixel range” glitch would also explain why when resizing your chart window, red doji candles turn into green doji candles?
  7. Thank you Robert, I didn’t realise it was that simple 👍
  8. Since you can only have a maximum of 10 montages, is there any way to watch more charts without linking them to a montage? I’d like to be able to watch not only the stocks in play for the day, but also have 5 minute charts up for the stocks in play from the previous few days as well.
  9. I’m not really up on scripts but the way I’m interpreting this particular one is (Price=Ask-Price+0.01) translates to doing a quick sum to work out your stoploss size from where you double clicked on the chart compared to what the Ask price is at that particular time. Say the (ASK) is 50.00 and you double click on the chart at 40.80 (PRICE) because you want a 20 cent stoploss. It will take the 50.00, minus the 48.80 and leave you with your .20 stoploss size (Ask-price). The +0.01 part is because for some reason when you double click the price on the chart, DAS decides to take away 1cent before it puts that price into the montage (so if that wasn’t in the script your stoploss would be 19 cents, not 20 cents). I think it would read easier if it were (ask-price=stoploss size). So now the script has determined your stoploss size (Price=Ask-price) it will continue on to working out you share size from that initial sum, and then finally on to price=ask+0.10 part which works the same as our normal scripts, buy those shares at 50.00 but if that price is no longer available, pay anything up to 50.10 but no higher. I hope this helps, sorry about the wall of text (well it is like a wall on my phone anyways lol)
  10. I’ve been using this script a bit as well and I like it apart from when it doesn’t let me have a 10 cent stoploss because it’s trying to buy more shares than I have BP for 😆 (depending on the stock price of course) To answer the question about the +0.1, I’ve noticed that when you double click on the chart (say at 50.05) the price in the montage is set at 50.04, thus adding the 0.1 gives you the original price for your stoploss.
  11. Hey I was wondering how the "Above Ask" and "Below Bid" in the time and sales window relates to affecting the direction/speed of the price action. Would i correct in assuming the "Above Ask" would increase the speed of the stock rising in price more than just buying on the Ask? And vice versa for the "Below Bid" for the stock moving down?
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