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JohnC last won the day on August 31 2021

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  1. A work around for a horizontal line is to use the "HorizontalLine" command at the end of Hotkeys script above and a line will be drawn. Holding down the left mouse you can then move the line around to pick best fit for the alert. Let go of the left mouse button the arrow next to the "A" comes up to set the alert price. It won't let you click on top of the horizontal line you've drawn on the chart but go to price axis and click where the horizontal line has the box with a cross in it. This is a clunky method but at least you can see where your alert is. Right click the horizontal line and you can config colour/line as you want it.
  2. @Cole_T make sure you right click next to your account number, if you right click the body of the account window it doesn't work.
  3. I'm not sure how it works with Norway since they aren't in the EU. Good luck with this, keep us posted how you get on.
  4. Hi DC Completely ceases to exist is my understanding. So I think it all depends on where you are a resident as to where you can open IB account. If resident in the UK it will be IBUK so PDT rule applies. If you are in Europe then it will be IBIE or IBLUX so PDT rule will not apply. Hope that makes it clearer.
  5. So after my initial excitement it turns out that the migration from IBUK is only for Europe clients, clients based in the UK will still be IBUK clients. IBUK only stops being able to provide service to residents of EEA. PDT rule still holds for UK residents but good news for Europe clients migrated to the new IB offices will benefit from the new PDT rule.
  6. IB look set to move their London office, eliminating the PDT rule for UK and EU clients. See link for full details but from FAQ, Q: Will I be subject to the U.S. Pattern Day Trading Rule once my account is migrated? A: Accounts maintained with IBUK are subject to the U.S. Pattern Day Trading (PDT) rule as the accounts are introduced to and carried by IBL, a U.S. broker. The PDT rule restricts accounts with equity below USD 25,000 to no more than 3 Day Trades within any 5-business day period. As accounts migrated to IBLUX, IBIE or IBCE will not be introduced to IBL, they will not be subject to the PDT rule. But FAQ also say.. Q: What happens if IBKR does not receive the regulatory approval necessary to migrate accounts by December 31, 2020? A: IBLUX, while approved, it is subject to constraints on the permitted scale of its business and licensing for either IBIE or IBCE is therefore necessary to complete the migration prior to December 31, 2020. If a determination is made that neither will receive licensing in time, clients will be contacted with an explanation as to how their account will be treated at the end of the Brexit transition period. See here for full details. https://ibkr.info/en/article/3515?
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