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  1. 1 point
    What does this do: This 2 part script will allow you to set a stop loss, set a future price on your chart where you want to enter, and dynamically calculate the shares you can afford based on a fixed dollar amount. What do you mean by “2 part”?: With the current limitations of DAS, it's required to use two scripts (hotkeys) for this to work. 1. The first hotkey will set where you want your Stop Loss to be 2. The second hotkey will set where you want your Entry to be Example: The High of Day is $49.99 The current price is $49.50 and trending back up towards HOD The L2 has lots of strong ASKS at various price levels above $50.00 You want to enter if it breaks $50.00 Double click on the chart where you want to set your Stop Loss - $49.90 You hit Hotkey 1 Double click on the chart where you want to set your Entry - $50.01 You hit Hotkey 2 If and when the price hits $50.01 it will automatically enter you into the trade with your fixed $Risk and place your Stop Loss. ------------------------------------------ I used this on NVDA today at 9:51 ($415.63) for a HOD break. Luckily my preset stop was also set right below $415 at $414.97, so I didn't get wicked out I actually set it up around 9:40 and wasn’t even looking at the chart when it entered for me! By the time I noticed I was in the trade I was already in the money! Scripts: Long $20 Risk: Part 1: StopPrice=Price Part 2: DefShare=BP*0.97;Price=Price-StopPrice;SShare=20/Price;Share=DefShare-SShare;DefShare=DefShare+SShare;SShare=Share;Sshare=DefShare-SShare;Share=0.5*SShare; SShare=Share;Share=Price*100; Price=StopPrice; DefShare=Price*100; Price=Share/100; Price=Price+StopPrice; StopPrice=Price; Share=SShare; TogSShare; Price=Price+.05;TIF=DAY+;Route=Stop;StopType=Limit; Buy=Send; Share=DefShare;Price=Share/100; StopPrice=Price; DefShare=400;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:MARKET PX:StopPrice-0 ACT:SELL STOPPRICE:StopPrice QTY:Pos TIF:DAY+; Short $20 Risk: Part 1: StopPrice=Price Part 2: DefShare=BP*0.97;Price=StopPrice-Price;SShare=20/Price;Share=DefShare-SShare;DefShare=DefShare+SShare;SShare=Share;Sshare=DefShare-SShare;Share=0.5*SShare; SShare=Share;Share=Price*100; Price=StopPrice; DefShare=Price*100; Price=Share/100; Price=StopPrice-Price; StopPrice=Price; Share=SShare; TogSShare; Price=Price-.05;TIF=DAY+;Route=Stop;StopType=Limit; Sell=Send; Share=DefShare;Price=Share/100; StopPrice=Price; DefShare=400;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:MARKET PX:StopPrice-0 ACT:BUY STOPPRICE:StopPrice QTY:Pos TIF:DAY+; Known Issues: I have seen the script fail and only enter me with a small number of shares. Uncertain what caused this, but I’ll be looking for it again. Final Thoughts: I’ve been testing this in SIM for a week and wouldn’t advise using it live without doing the same. I know a lot of people have been asking for something like this - I would love to hear what other scenarios people would use this for!
  2. 1 point
    Use IBCO as Firm ID.
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