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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/25/2021 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    I am asked a lot how to buy and send an automatic STOP Loss order all in one hotkey. Try this: ROUTE=SMRTL;Share=BP*0.25;TIF=DAY+;Price=ASK+0.10;BUY=Send;ROUTE=STOP;StopType=Market;StopPrice=AvgCost-0.30;Share=Pos;TIF=DAY+;SELL=Send; What it does? It buys at 25% of your buying power, and then automatically send a stop loss order at AvgCost -30 cent. You can change it anyway you want!
  2. 1 point
    Hi Folks My name is Shannon - I'm from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I'm typically a pretty shy person - but thought I'd reach out to the community and see where it leads - I'm quite excited to be a part of the BBT community. I stumbled upon Andrew's book last summer and was immediately drawn to his ability to humbly and clearly communicate information that I find is typically made quite technical and confusing. It led me to the website where I lurked around for a week. Once again I was quite impressed with the humility and helpfulness of not only the moderators - but the entire community. I watched a few trading sessions and browsed through the learning material and decided quite quickly that this was the environment that I wanted to learn to trade - I actually did not even look at any other trading communities - and I became a Lifetime Member. I've spent my entire career of 31 years in emergency services as a paramedic and firefighter. I'm eligible to retire in the next 12 months - not sure exactly when I will - and I've thought several times that Day Trading may be a perfect 2nd career. Fortunately - I have a plenty of time to patiently and systematically learn and practice the material. My dream is to become profitable as a trader so that retirement from my current career is a simple decision - and I can spend more time with my wife and family. Looking forward to this new journey!!
  3. 1 point
    Welcome Matt, I'm in Australia so in a similar situation as the market opens at 1:30am at the moment so can only trade for the first hour or so on a consistent basis during the Australian summer. I think it depends on who you are, if you listen to the moderators they will tell you to find your edge or in other words what suits you. All the moderators trade differently and have different strategies because they all have different strengths. For example Andrew trades the open but Peter says it's not his strength despite wanting to do it better, they are both consistently profitable traders, you don't need to be able to trade every situation/strategy in every minute of the day to be an excellent trader. So while ORB will be difficult for some it's childs play to Andrew and a favoured strategy for many. It might be you like the idea of the open but it might not be your trading edge so try out different things before you settle on a style to try and nail down. We all have different characteristics and abilities in life, I'm in finance by trade, if I'd decided to be an artist, author, tradie or something like that I wouldn't have been very successful, I'm not good at it and was never good at it whereas numbers came relatively easy to me. If you're suited to later in the day then it's better to spend the 3 weeks trading strategies that your good at rather than all 6 weeks on stuff you're not. If you are more suited to the open then great it's suits your availability more. Personally I'm not very good outside the first 30 minutes, I've tried and I don't have the attention span to sit for hours waiting for a setup, I get bored and start taking bad trades to cure the boredom. The fast pace of the open suits me but for others it's chaos and they can't process the information and make decisions fast enough, luckily that works with the time I have available to spend in the market at the moment or I would've had to undertake a much slower process. In terms of strategy I didn't want to limit myself to one specific strategy so I focussed on time of day, for me that's the first 30 minutes and so my trade book is ORB (1&5 minute), Fallen Angel/Rising Devil and ABCD predominately. I don't think there's one best approach for everyone but the advice I took while learning was to spend time overtrading in Sim, investigate and try out different strategies at different times of the day and find out what works for you, develop your edge and trade book, once developed treat the Sim as if it was live (while refining your trade book) and become consistently profitable in Sim before going live. As others have said the education centre is an excellent place to find resources on strategies, trade books, risk management, psychology and all other different aspects of trading, it's a great place to start your journey by working your way through that. Spend time in the chat room listening to the pre market show and during the trading day even if you're not trading, the moderators will often give out nuggets of information about what they're looking at so it's great to just sit and look at what they're looking at to help your development.
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