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  1. 1 point
    DAY – 16 & 17 (8.18.2020 & 8.19.2020) Trades: 3 (Green, 8X and 8X above daily goal) Symbols: 2; 5 (DT: WMT, TGT; Swing: IBM, WKHS, BA, APA, WDC) Psychology: Slept well both days, starting to get up a little later – meditation and shorter pre-market preparations. Goal for the day: Day Trades – Find catalyst stock. Swing Trades – Manage partials/exits and average downs according to pre-set plan. Daily Market Wrap-up: SPY broke YTD high on weak move and low volume, RVOL today was 70% and yesterday was 50%. SPY broke all time high in a range and then sold off on government news. Some expected it to break YTD high on catalyst of Stimulus Package talks finally coming to positive fruition. 8.19.2020 8.18.2020 8.19.2020 WL: 8.18.2020 8.19.2020 DAY TRADES: WMT (8.18.2020) Overall grade = B, Winner, 8R Catalyst: Strong earnings – US sales rose 9.3%, Comp sales rose 13.3%, beat on revenue by $7B from last year. Strategy: Climactic Reversal T1: Long bias but took a short first on ORB weakness and ‘pop’. short entry was extended but L2 was showing strength to downside. Reversal was at pre-market LOD, P1 at 20EMA, P2 at 50SMA, added to position on low volume PB, added more on previous-previous premarket LOD and holding 9/20 EMA and 50 SMA, partialed up to $135.50. Trade Management: Overall, good. No premature partials, good recognition of Orb to downside before taking the reversal and catalyst strength I was looking for. It was a one and done day 8X daily goal. NI – Trust your entry on confirmation of level or MA or what you are trading off of, this trade was ~12R because SL would have been so small. TGT (8.19.2020) Overall grade = B, Winner, 7R; A, Winner, 3.8R Catalyst: Strong earnings – Q2 comparable sales up 24%, gained $5B in market cap. Strategy: VWAP Break Out T1: Long bias but took an opening short. Had some HK errors but entry and add were well calculated, two premature partials on small body candles showing weakness near $153.50. All partials above $154 were bonus in my mind. T2: Took a second trade later on PB and pop, very proud of my patience since I got stopped out and I missed the wedge BO due to attending to other business. Trade Management: Overall, good. Still had a couple premature partials, could have held last bit of shares for bigger run to $154.85, my exit was $154.25. Good job of scanning similar candles and associated volume for weak PBs. NI – Trust your entry on confirmation of level or MA or what you are trading off of, this trade was ~12R because SL would have been so small. SWING TRADES: WDC No change. Entered position on this symbol after gap down due to ‘bad’ earnings, has spent that last 3 days trying to climb but being held down. Has fallen below $35, I will average down at below $34. IBM: No change. Still holding 33% of position for the break of $130. Catalyst: 2 upgrades: Argus Research (buy from hold, $155) and Zacks Investment Research ($134 from $131, remains neutral). WKHS Recent two day ‘pop’ on unusual options action to the high side. Government fiscal year ends end of September, should hear if they win some or all the USPS contract ($6B). Holding my position as institutional investors are still holding for long-term growth story. Daily volume is low but PA holding $15.15 support level. SAVE No change. Still holding with average price above $20, poor decision to buy and hold overnight on parabolic move (daily chart) back in early June. The upside is that SAVE is one of the strongest airline stocks in the current climate. Their cash burn rate is significantly lower than other airlines and their niche of catering to domestic vacation travelers should help them come out better once a COVID vaccine is announced and airlines get to flying again. I like SAVE for a hold until the end of 2020 (depending on November elections). APA No, change. Still holding for move above $20, entry below $10 (5.14.20). As a former O&G engineer I ‘know’ (speculative) that Apache is one of the best companies in their industry, with clean P/L, low debt and strong potential based on diversity of assets – onshore and offshore, domestic and international. Final Review: Goal for Day: 6/8 – FAIL, because I failed #8. 1. Only trade the opening 5-mins if consistently trading symbol and confident with its move – PASS 2. Partial/average down or exit swing positions (according to pre-plan) – PASS 3. Work on better entries – FAIL 4. Only trade the symbols on your WL – PASS 5. Trade without P/L on screen or in mind – PASS 6. On green symbol stop trading it for the day if lost any amount of green P/L – PASS 7. 3SYO – PASS 8. Enter trades with small position, upon confirmation of ‘move’ add to position on PB – FAIL #5 and #8 are game changers for my confidence and trade management Things I did well: Not move SL to BE so soon on watching L2 and PA and Mas. Things I did poorly: Need to trust your entry on confirmation of level or MA or what you are trading off of. Major observations to work on: Bottom Reversal o I want my entry below the daily level o When I thin kits time to enter, it’s still too early – wait. VPA o When anomaly is identified: o Where in the trend are you? § Bottom or Top – is a major reversal coming? § Middle of trend – is this just a minor PB?
  2. 1 point
    This is just a cheat sheet really to help structure the trade better and beat the demons like overly aggressive / early entries. I have added in pictures from matthew's sheets and the mod's success webinars and the indicators / confirmation signals. You just select the setup from a drop down and click the button and it reveals an example picture and the indicator / signal checklist to use as a guide. Most useful for newbies like myself. My analytical journal is waaaaay more complicated and I totally agree it's a right pain doing it with a string of red trades.
  3. 1 point
    Tuesday 6/9 +1.38R 2:1? 3/6 4:1? 2/6 BA.1 1MinOrbDown +0.13R 2:1? NO 4:1? NO BA.2 1MinOrbDown again +0.46R 2:1? NO 4:1? NO BA.3 BODown@Level +0.95R 2:1? YES 4:1? YES SE 5MinOrbUp -0.85R ROKU BOUp@Level +0.97R 2:1? YES 4:1? NO GRWG.1 5MinOrbDown +0.67R 2:1? NO 4:1? NO GRWG.2 Aiman Reversal (kind of) -0.07R 2:1 YES 4:1 YES Got cold feet on the 2nd trade, it was time to leave for work, so I exited near B/E SQ BODown@Level -1.0R It looks like I chased this trade, but it broke wicked up twice on the 1Min candle, then broke LOD, didn't have volume and momentum to break down though.
  4. 1 point
    Good to be Green ! Four for Four ! Nice !
  5. 1 point
    Matthew thanks for the info it's super useful! I have been playing with an idea to combine the setup info and a trade planner in excel so I can pull out examples of the setup in picture form with a table of key indicators / rules / confirmation signals as well as a R:R calculator. Would be interested to get feedback on suggestions on it. Link to google drive with the file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PoAgvlTZ5AwVDkcu3ciEhTafGCprnGip/view?usp=sharing The idea is that you define the setup in text in a "Strategy_definition" sheet and add in picture examples in setup columns. You select the setup from the drop-down in a cell and click the button (need to have macros enabled) and it shows an example of the setup and lists the key info a table below. You can use it to check the validity of the setup and plan the trade. Insert the intended trade direction, intended entry price, STOP etc. The table of R:R helps to identify if the setup has a realistic chance of achieving 2R+ and during a trade helps to plan profit taking when combined with technical levels and orders on the L2. I also tend to use it in my journal as a resource to help define the robustness of the setup at the point of entry.
  6. 1 point
    Hi everyone! My name is Ville and I live in Helsinki, Finland. I am 27 years old and have a Master´s degree in Structural Engineering (2018, area of expertise multi-storey timber buildings) First time I realized that such a career as day trader exists was on Christmas holiday 2018 that I saw a youtube video about it made by Nordnet Finland. Few weeks later I bought Andrew's book to be read during flight to Thailand. Then during the next year (yes it took the whole year to get courage ) I read Andrew's book a couple of times making notes and planning. At the end of year 2019 I bought a monthly subscription to Bear Bull Traders and started trading with DAS SIM. I think I am in such a wonderful situation that NY market opens 16.30 pm local time thus I have plenty of time to go work before that (we have flexible working hours too) Since I still have full-time job I can only trade few hours in a day, 2-3 days in a week to keep my social life, so it has now taken almost 8 months of SIM trading. At least I think I haven´t tried to get rich fast? I am planning to go live soon and have gathered some savings for that during the years. However I´m having a baby boy (my first child) in 4 weeks so I am not sure if my live trading will reschedule to later due those sleepless nights and extra expense Also my wife in going to continue her studies so I feel a bit of pressure to keep our family income steady. Sorry my post is a quite long one! See you in Chatroom and on other Forum topics! Sorry also that I waited so long, but we Finns are slowly warming people Br, Ville
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