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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/23/2020 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Hey everyone joined BBT a couple of weeks ago after reading Andrew's book. Been really digging into the information and practicing in sim (and replay mode). Felt like I was picking things up quick and now not so much based on my trades lol. Enjoying the chat room and the premarket show with Norm and Carlos. Looking forward to keep learning and getting familiar with the community!
  2. 1 point
    Hi there/ I don't have much experience using TC2000 . From time to time i use them for paper trading. You can check Worden Brothers- they have a lot information. Happy trading
  3. 1 point
    Is there still time for this? Would by the end of the week be ok? Edit: End of the weekend***? Cleaning room taking longer than I thought haha
  4. 1 point
    Day 72 - April 21, 2020 4 Tickets 1 Symbol Green Day Watchlist: Trades: BYND - Long - 1min - ABCD BYND gapping up on strong catalyst, sold off held premarket level and pushed higher. Took it on the pullback into VWAP as it held pushed back above VWAP. Puked a 1/3 partial and sold before my stop loss as I didn’t want to take a full size loss….emotional fear showing no confidence in my thesis…play ended up working and I partialed into previous pop. And more into HOD as it seemed indecisive. Good: Happy with entry, waited for the pullback and confirmation hold of VWAP. Like my 2nd and 3rd partials into levels. Improvement: Still battling my psychological side….cutting my trades early for no reason, idea was still in tact. No reason to lighten up and sell partial into a loss. Trade Review Super selective on my trades once again. Finding it very difficult, as I am usually a "go, go, go" type of person (ADD?) and like the action. However, with my new weekly challenge of taking A+ setups I have been working on being very strict and only taking A+ setups. Another thing I notice is I am taking down trades I would have made, and they seem like they are becoming better and better. Daily Coach 101: Positive Self Coaching "Heres what I am good at, here's what I did best yesterday, and here's how im going to make use of this strength today" Starting to see the market better with better thesis for each play. Planning the trade and being patient and letting the market come to me. I am going to use my trading plan, and trading checklist to confirm entries before getting in. From there I will let the winners ride once they go my way. Daily Report Card 1. Only Take trades using risk calculated hotkey = 1/1 2. Placing trades with defined risk, and profit targets (No adjusting) = 0/1
  5. 1 point
    Hi everyone! After plenty of research and reading Andrew's books, I have signed up as a lifetime member. I'm from the UK, Liverpool, and known by my surname 'Drew'. Andrew, his books, and this community feel like the perfect fit for how I want to trade. There's a long road of education and practise ahead of me but I am committed and it looks like I'll get the right support here. Look forward to getting to know a lot of you here. Drew
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