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  1. 2 points
    3-30-20 AIS 0755, 7.5 hours, 7/10 PAT: Over-trading outside of PB#s 3 or 7 GILD PB#3 +0.2R MU -2.02R Cons: I am still chasing and loosing focus due to other work related issues with this Virus Pros: Kept my losses small even on bad trades Rs: -2R
  2. 1 point
    Mar 31 - 2 stop outs and successfully have traded four straight trades outside of my edge. This is what I refer to as being out of the zone. Just like when I was playing baseball, there are some points in time that you are just not seeing the ball correctly. What to do when you get in a slump, revisit your journal, look for what you are doing wrong, reset and step back up. Risk Management is the key to surviving times like this. Off to run to determine a way forward.
  3. 1 point
    Tuesday 03/31/2020 I had a well-being score of 6.5/10 this morning. I took 3 live trades with ABT and AMD. My watchlist: AMD, ABT, DAL, JNJ, CCL, and BA. Not happy with my discipline today. Definitely more luck than skill that made me green today. ABT had an interesting setup in PM. So I was watching to see if an L2 signal would appear. No signal occurred. Though volume was OK for PM, it wasn’t enough without a L2 signal. So I took an undiscipline trade mostly due to SPY being strong at the time. But the market was good to me and taught me a lesson by quickly stopping me out with a big slide on stop making a -1.5R loss. SPY was strong near the open. I took a very small entrance on AMD right before the open to see if there would be a pop. The price bounced around then dropped. Then I waited to see if it would drop to LOPM where I would buy more shares with a tight stop just below the LOPM. So I bought more shares and the price moved higher and created a hammer. SPY was moving higher and I added more shares. Now I had fill share size. And now I waited. Then over the next 5 minutes I took 3 partials all to reduce risk as I would lose more faith in the trade. When The price finally started moving I had only 25% of my shares left. I took more partials and exited but then decided to enter again into my position since I felt it would break the 200MA-1min. It did, I took 1 partial but then fell back below the 200MA where I exited at B/E. I made money but messy trading. What did I do good today? Stopped trading while still green. What I am grateful from today? Stopped trading while still green.
  4. 1 point
    Day 57 - March 30, 2020 30 Tickets 5 Symbols Red Day Watchlist: CCL (1) - Short - 1min - Technical Breakdown (In front of 12 break) CCL halted - didn’t want to push up after it opened - rejected off MA and started coming back down. Huge wall of bids at 12 - took it short in front of the wall, looking to break down. Realized it was extended but still took it. Improvement: Need to be taking profits on these breakdowns, especially when they are this extended. ABT (1) - Short - 1min - Breakdown (1min didn’t look at the 5 - extended) ABT gapped dup and selling off into the open. Opened up and continued to sell hard, broke through VWAP and made its way through premarket low. Had the Idea to short the break, but hesitated and ended up shorting on the drop after that. Too extended from VWAP and MA's, realized that after the fact and got out for half - should have taken full off - not a great play here. Improvement: Over extended here, not great for R/R - not a great area to define risk off of. Need to be making decision based on 1 and the 5, didn’t look at 5 until after entry (wtf?) NCLH - Short - 1min - Technical Breakdown (Descending Triangle, sub: VWAP Bounce and Reject) NCLH short on the breakdown on descending triangle, entry was the break of consolidation after getting rejected by VWAP and the MA's - stop right above previous candle. Once again 5 min candle is losing selling power. NCLH is the weaker one of the cruise lines - look for continuation. Small move down for a breakout and then squeezed hard to HOD. Good: Happy with keeping my stop tight. Overall I am ok with this trade as I followed my game plan. Thinking to implement a mandatory break (30mins?) after taking 3 losses in a row. SPY (1) - Long - 1min - Technical Breakout SPY strong after testing previous cay close, making nice higher high higher low. Ended up taking it after it broke through previous high, and then continued up catching the top tick and got stopped out on a tight stop below previous consolidation. Improvement: Not happy with this entry, chasing this hard. Need to wait for consolidation to break of previous consolidation on 5 rather than 1. ABT (2) - Short - 1min - Technical Breakdown Watching ANT reject 81 level and cant get passed it, making a lower high. Was about to enter just waiting for break of MA, and then got a huge red candle down - missed entry was a little choked. Waited for it to consolidate for a bit in order to get a level to risk off - indecision candle. Took it as it broke down through previous candle low, with stop just above. Short into support of premarket - once again not a great way to short. Stops are a lot tighter - but this is a bull catalyst. Improvement: Have to be cognisant of levels, shorting this right into premarket support. If you miss the setup, move on - don’t chase the drop that hard - WAIT FOR ANOTHER SETUP. CCL (2) - Short - 1min - Failed Pop Took CCL short after it failed to break through MA's and broke down - took it at the new 1 min low, stop above previous candle. Was hesitant taking this one as I took it while it was coming up rather then already breaking down (Much better R/R this way). Good: Entry was nice right at first candle confirmation of rejection of MA and break of 1 min low. Harder to get in up here Improvement: No need to panic and exit on 3rd and 4th exit - exact same setup as my entry - coming into the MA. Learning Note: Saw LVL 2 seller stepping down every few cents with large size, driving price lower - need to do more work and studying on LVL2 as it looks very bullish after reviewing video. CCL (3) - Short - 1 and 5 min - VWAP Break and Go CCL working how I thought - after I got stopped out. Came through previous low, and VWAP hovering just around there. Looking at RCl and NCLH - looks like they have made a bottom - not good. And these things have potential to squeeze… Improvement: Buying to close to the breakdown - notice how the one that I did earlier worked out because I bought the top of the failed pop SPY (2) - Short - 1 and 5 min - Double Top Noticed I was overtrading before this trade, but kept trading….SPY looks like it kept rejecting 260 on the dot and initially was thinking to buy the breakout but couldn’t break through. Took it at a 3rd rejection with the thought that this could be the top and we could see it come down and test previous low at that support. Was wrong pretty quickly as it held the MA and bounced right through, and I filliped positions. Improvement: Should not be trading this when I feel like I am over trading. Careful going short in such a strong market - SPY going up on bad news after bad news…… SPY (3) - Long - 1min and 5min - Technical Breakout (-2 = No Risk Calc, No stop placed) Flipped my position on the breakout as my initial idea seemed right - breakout and rally on this strength and volume. With stop at the same level below that 260 breakout level. Ended up adding to this position and adjusting my stop as I manually exited. Improvement: I would be fine with trading the breakout, but not flipping from one to the other - just seems like I'm chasing the action. Also broke rule with No risk calc, and no stop placed (-2) ZM - Short - 1min - Failed pop ZM was on secondary watchlist - just scrolling through watchlist looking for some action - this is BAD. Noticed huge sell of on ZM, and saw it drop green to red and retest - ended up shorting on the failed pop with a tight stop above previous wick high and into 20MA. Improvement: Shouldn’t be shorting this right after the drop - need to wait for it to come up a bit, retrace back to MA's and reject. Clear sign as soon as MA crossed around 2:35. DON’T BE SO TRIGGER HAPPY - wait and ask, where are we trading now and where did we come from - how did we get there? SPY (4) - Short - 1min - Double Top Tried catching SPU on a double top earlier but no luck, was still thinking we would sell off into the close like we have last couple of days. Saw the double top forming, and a lower high. Took it on the break of previous candle close confirming the double top. Worked out in my favour instantly - taking covers into. Levels where price previously held into target at 260 which is a daily level. Left partial on was thinking to leave for rest of day but move felt extended so I covered the rest. Good: Way to stick with my idea of sell into close but waiting for the right opportunity. Good entry with a tight and defined risk. Trade Review: Notice I am taking trades based off MA and VWAP - but not looking at 5 min or LVL2 enough - need to incorporate this into my trades. Also not being selective with my entries - jumping all over the place..and chasing breakouts - I have never been a good breakout trader, why am I doing this? (first 5 trades were all breakout/breakdown) -Noticed that on both of my wins, I was somewhat uncomfortable as they were taken close to the level of breakout vs after the breakout. Pushing up into MA's but made a lower high and rejected nicely. -Losses I was shorting when it was over extended (missed the breakout) I need to be taking the play when MA's are tight together and consolidating, tight stop and easy to get a big R/R Couple of the trades looked identical (NCLH and ABT2 - took out consolidation and came back up.) Questions to ask before jumping in: -Where is the price now vs levels of support and resistance? -Where did the price come from? -How did the price get here? Is it extended and turning parabolic or controlled and consolidating? -Is the risk defined? Daily Report Card 1. Only Take trades using risk calculated hotkey = 10/11 2. Placing trades with defined risk, and profit targets (No adjusting) = 10/11
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    Mar 30 $MSFT - Today it took a little longer to find a trade and to be honest I should not have taken either of these trades as they did not meet my setup. As the day went along I let myself slip. On both trades $MSFT made new 15 minute highs which should have prevented me from taking it short. This seemed to be my problem with all the trades throughout the day. As a trade would set up it would make a new 15 minute high/low before hitting my entry. I think I just got worn down and decided to take it. I got stopped on the first one, but my second trade I got a 1R partial that ended up being a full out, so today was a wash. I had a 1R loss and a 1R win. Looking forward to tomorrow as I am executing much better the pre-entry routine.
  7. 1 point
    Monday 03/30/2020 I had a well-being score of 6.5/10 this morning. I took 2 live trades with ABT and CCL. My watchlist: AMD, ABT, DAL, JNJ, CCL, and BA. ABT had an interesting PM. It had a catalyst and a level at 83.25 it touched (or nearly touched) 3 times near the open. Then at 9:26 the volume really increased with a bullish candle and then a hammer. The L2 looked weighted to the ask side. Then 2 min before the open T/S lit up green and I went long with small share size. The price popped and retraced. What the chart/L2 looked like when I took the trade: The price popped, but not high enough to take a partial. Then the price dropped to my stop (82.50) and bounced and made a hammer where I added. My target was the daily level at 84.73. The open had lots of volume but little movement at first. Then the priced moved higher and I got two partials. Then the price sat for almost 2 minutes while SPY was moving higher. Finally the price moved a little higher where I partailed again since I was losing faith. Then I tried to exit at the break of the 83.25 level, but wow what a slide that was. Right after the ABT trade I noticed CCL had a weak 1st minute then was bouncing between VWAP and the LOPM. If I could get a really good entry near VWAP I would short. I didn’t have to wait to long and actually got filled immediately. I had to only wait a minute for the drop to start. I took way to many partials. I got caught in the halt. Then I accidentally made a hot key mistake near the end when I was exiting, and added a few shares. What did I do good today? Good use of T/S. What I am grateful from today? It’s great starting the month (my trading months always start on a Monday) on a positive day.
  8. 1 point
    March 23-29 Weekly Report Top Three Good Trends I absolutely choose to fight the fight each and every day and face the unknown. My risk management is on point again which is what saved my week from be a total disaster and my execution of trades was not on. I was present in the moment for each of my trades and was hyper focused on executing my plan after Tuesday when I was all over the place. My trading the last three days was right where it needed to be. I accepted the fact that I am not in the zone and that I need to take a real look at what I was doing wrong and how to adjust for the upcoming week. Bottom Three Bad Trends Entries and managing the trade once I was in was a huge issue this week. I think upon the increase in risk, I once again started to doubt my setups which is crazy because they still work even in this market. I could tell that I am focusing on the outcome/future instead of focusing in on what I need to focus on which is the present moment. My exits were the second big issue I had this week I was always worrying again about being wrong. My focus was not on executing it soundly because my mind was focused on future events or outcomes and a monthly goal that is not important. I put an arbitrary goal at the end of the month which this week put undue pressure on my performance. Emotions got in the way of trading because I was looking at the past. I was unable to forgive myself for the mistakes I made and dwelled on them preventing me from taking other good setups when they presented themselves. Focus for Next Week I stop my current sample set and reset. No point in going down the rest of path when the beginning was so out of the norm that it would not be a good representation of the data that I was looking for. I have re-calibrated my trade plan and will go into exit week was a solid plan to execute regardless of the individual trades Do not focus on individual trades, instead focus on completing 20 trades that meet your setup along with following your process. I have already paid for them so the only thing that I can do is make money by taking a trade that meets my plan. Focus is on the big picture not the individual little movements as they do not matter. Plan your trade, trade your plan.
  9. 1 point
    3-23 to 3-27-20 What I did bad this week: Technical Errors: Wrong hotkey once Trade management: Jumped the gun in the early market Over-trading: Tried several scalps at end of day that were not part of my playbook and or trades that were not in playbook on 4 of the days What I did good this week: Respected my in trade and daily stops. Took most trades on all of the days that I was calling out Only took PB#3 or PB#7 live Feeling more confidant in my PB#s 3 and 7 Reading the tape well on focused days Adjusted in-trade trading plan for the current choppy market taking more partials and scalping more. Staying in control of my emotions for most of my trades Changes to be made this upcoming week: Work on playbook trades that I may need to scalp when Tape is slow or not doing what I anticipate Rules to stick by this upcoming Week: 1. After I call it a day by either MAX Loss, Profit Target or what I am comfortable with, only use the rest of the day in SIM unless it is an A+ setup then only give back what is in my plan 2. In-Trade and Daily Stops 3. Do Not chase or revenge trade 4. PB#s 3 and 7 are only to be taken Live unless Rule#1 5. Only A or better setups at time of Live trade Challenges for myself this upcoming Week: On mic trades only with my small group if available Take a planned break at 1100 or 1200 for other Bus. @ 0905 do some exercise and then meditate to calm myself Stay unbiased Notes: Rules are not to be broken, these will cost money every time My Challenges are almost as important as my Rules, Pay attention to them Goals and Rewards: +20Rs or more at end of the month to consider trading with more size in the future two months +11.6R for the week
  10. 1 point
    Friday 03/27/2020 I had a well-being score of 7/10 this morning. I took 2 live trades with AMD My watchlist: AMD, TSLA, DAL, UBER, CCL, and BA. My main goal for today is simply to stay within my max loss. I succeeded but my discipline was definitely weaker today, being the last day of the month. AMD opened weak and pulled back and bounced from the 50MA-1min. On the 2nd minute candle we got another bounce from the 50MA-1min. I can’t get my video recording to work but I thought I saw a bearish L2 and SPY dropping. So I shorted when it rebroke the LOPM. The price reversed almost immediately and I was stopped out. I should have waited for a break higher above the 50MA-1min for verification (break of resistance and break of the wedge). But I didn’t and just flipped my position. The trade worked out but not good discipline. My target was the HOPM (47.10) with the LOPM (46.15) as my stop. The price did reach my target. What did I do good today? Didn’t lose all my profits for the month which I am known to do on the last day of the month (I end the months on Fridays). What I am grateful from today? I finished the month up >+20R. Second month in a row >+20R and fourth month in row positive.
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