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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Starting this thread to post my Day trading journal. Starting this week I am experimenting with taking just 3 trades. (this is to overcome my overtrading habits). Goal for each trade will be 3R. So I make 3R or lose 1R. Here is 12 point check list I have for entering a trade. RULES for entering a trade LONG SHORT 1 Catalyst Catalyst 2 Daily chart is favorable Daily chart is favorable 3 SPY in your favor SPY in your favor 4 Harmonious charts Harmonious charts 5 RVOL > = 2 RVOL > = 2 6 Above VWAP Below VWAP 7 2 confirmations after breakout 2 confirmations after breakout 8 Volume coming in Volume coming in 9 Above moving averages Below moving averages 10 Big Ask at a distance Big Bid at a distance 11 Bids stacking up Asks stacking up 12 3 R IS FEASIBLE 3 R IS FEASIBLE
  2. 1 point
    Monday 03/30/2020 I had a well-being score of 6.5/10 this morning. I took 2 live trades with ABT and CCL. My watchlist: AMD, ABT, DAL, JNJ, CCL, and BA. ABT had an interesting PM. It had a catalyst and a level at 83.25 it touched (or nearly touched) 3 times near the open. Then at 9:26 the volume really increased with a bullish candle and then a hammer. The L2 looked weighted to the ask side. Then 2 min before the open T/S lit up green and I went long with small share size. The price popped and retraced. What the chart/L2 looked like when I took the trade: The price popped, but not high enough to take a partial. Then the price dropped to my stop (82.50) and bounced and made a hammer where I added. My target was the daily level at 84.73. The open had lots of volume but little movement at first. Then the priced moved higher and I got two partials. Then the price sat for almost 2 minutes while SPY was moving higher. Finally the price moved a little higher where I partailed again since I was losing faith. Then I tried to exit at the break of the 83.25 level, but wow what a slide that was. Right after the ABT trade I noticed CCL had a weak 1st minute then was bouncing between VWAP and the LOPM. If I could get a really good entry near VWAP I would short. I didn’t have to wait to long and actually got filled immediately. I had to only wait a minute for the drop to start. I took way to many partials. I got caught in the halt. Then I accidentally made a hot key mistake near the end when I was exiting, and added a few shares. What did I do good today? Good use of T/S. What I am grateful from today? It’s great starting the month (my trading months always start on a Monday) on a positive day.
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    March 23-29 Weekly Report Top Three Good Trends I absolutely choose to fight the fight each and every day and face the unknown. My risk management is on point again which is what saved my week from be a total disaster and my execution of trades was not on. I was present in the moment for each of my trades and was hyper focused on executing my plan after Tuesday when I was all over the place. My trading the last three days was right where it needed to be. I accepted the fact that I am not in the zone and that I need to take a real look at what I was doing wrong and how to adjust for the upcoming week. Bottom Three Bad Trends Entries and managing the trade once I was in was a huge issue this week. I think upon the increase in risk, I once again started to doubt my setups which is crazy because they still work even in this market. I could tell that I am focusing on the outcome/future instead of focusing in on what I need to focus on which is the present moment. My exits were the second big issue I had this week I was always worrying again about being wrong. My focus was not on executing it soundly because my mind was focused on future events or outcomes and a monthly goal that is not important. I put an arbitrary goal at the end of the month which this week put undue pressure on my performance. Emotions got in the way of trading because I was looking at the past. I was unable to forgive myself for the mistakes I made and dwelled on them preventing me from taking other good setups when they presented themselves. Focus for Next Week I stop my current sample set and reset. No point in going down the rest of path when the beginning was so out of the norm that it would not be a good representation of the data that I was looking for. I have re-calibrated my trade plan and will go into exit week was a solid plan to execute regardless of the individual trades Do not focus on individual trades, instead focus on completing 20 trades that meet your setup along with following your process. I have already paid for them so the only thing that I can do is make money by taking a trade that meets my plan. Focus is on the big picture not the individual little movements as they do not matter. Plan your trade, trade your plan.
  5. 1 point
    3-23 to 3-27-20 What I did bad this week: Technical Errors: Wrong hotkey once Trade management: Jumped the gun in the early market Over-trading: Tried several scalps at end of day that were not part of my playbook and or trades that were not in playbook on 4 of the days What I did good this week: Respected my in trade and daily stops. Took most trades on all of the days that I was calling out Only took PB#3 or PB#7 live Feeling more confidant in my PB#s 3 and 7 Reading the tape well on focused days Adjusted in-trade trading plan for the current choppy market taking more partials and scalping more. Staying in control of my emotions for most of my trades Changes to be made this upcoming week: Work on playbook trades that I may need to scalp when Tape is slow or not doing what I anticipate Rules to stick by this upcoming Week: 1. After I call it a day by either MAX Loss, Profit Target or what I am comfortable with, only use the rest of the day in SIM unless it is an A+ setup then only give back what is in my plan 2. In-Trade and Daily Stops 3. Do Not chase or revenge trade 4. PB#s 3 and 7 are only to be taken Live unless Rule#1 5. Only A or better setups at time of Live trade Challenges for myself this upcoming Week: On mic trades only with my small group if available Take a planned break at 1100 or 1200 for other Bus. @ 0905 do some exercise and then meditate to calm myself Stay unbiased Notes: Rules are not to be broken, these will cost money every time My Challenges are almost as important as my Rules, Pay attention to them Goals and Rewards: +20Rs or more at end of the month to consider trading with more size in the future two months +11.6R for the week
  6. 1 point
    Hello, my name is Tasos , I am 20 years old and I originally come from Greece. I have been a member of Bear Bull Traders technically for four years, since 2016. However, I had to create a new account last year where I got a Lifetime membership. I began my journey of trading since I was 16, I dropped out of high school and was trading while working. I did DAS simulator for many years and had many conversations with Andrew. I failed. A lot. It would be incredible to calculate the amount of hours I spend these last four years looking at screens with candlesticks. I had to take drastic measures because of life events that caused me to leave trading to the side for a while, but it was always on mind and what I aspired to do for the rest of my life. I finished online high school and I am currently pursuing a BSc in Banking and Finance with a Minor in Financial Markets Trading, and yes there is such a thing (long way trading has come). I mainly participate and trade the FX market and have interests in commodities and basically all Macroeconomic subjects. I have come a long way from a kid knowing nothing about how this whole thing works and I am excited to see where I can reach. My goal eventually is to become a hedge fund trader or an IB. Nevertheless, whatever happens, trading is the reason I have goals in life. It has changed my life, it has taught me things about my life and made me the best version of myself. I decided to be more active in the Forums as of late since I do not have school obligations because of COVID-19 and plan to participate even more. Since I do not particularly trade stocks anymore I will be posting on FX market forum where I hope I can exchange ideas with people. Lastly, I know Andrew is a great guy and hope he remembers me and it feels good to be back and see how much the community has grown. It honestly is the best non-toxic community there is with actually smart individuals in this space. Safe trading!
  7. 1 point
    Oh, I didn't know Hailchaser was a profession, I thought it was just a cool name.
  8. 1 point
    I'll throw a couple more out there: -Placing an alert at 1R and 2R (with R being your entry price minus your stop price). -Partials as a percentage of original position, not remaining position.
  9. 1 point
    David, it takes a lot of practice to plan a trade in real-time (especially in the first 30 minutes of the market open). At least a month and hundreds of attempts until you develop a process that works for you. Once you get good at planning and managing the trade, you will be able to do it faster and faster each time. Like muscle memory of sorts. Here is what works for me: Prerequisites 1. Stock is in play 2. Support and resistance identified in pre-market 3. Pre-market volume and price action is tradable 4. Know the float category (low, mid, high) and how many sharesI plan to take While watching the stock 1. Spread is manageable 2. ATR/price swings accounted for (i.e, see how much the stock ticks. Is it going up/down in 0.01 to 0.05 increments, or 0.50 to $1) 3. Price action is clean and not choppy; related to above 4. Volume is good and not dying 5. Who is in control: buyers or sellers? 6. What is the strategy/pattern that is setting up here? 7. Is the price getting extended? Finding an entry 1. Is the entry favourable (new 1-min or 5-min high), or will it be a chase 2. Did the stock pullback yet? If not, to which level could it test and will I survive that? 3. What's the target? Is it realistic? 4. Finding a reasonable stop at a technical level 5. Calculating the risk-to-reward 6. Executing the order with conviction--no hesitation Managing the Trade 1. Is the live price action still clean? 2. Are we making higher-highs and higher-lows, or vice versa? 3. Are there are levels or tops/bottoms that I missed before entering that have now become a factor (i.e, a moving average on the 1-minute chart) 4. Is the market providing new information that validates or invalidates my original criteria? 5. Is the Level 2 bullish, bearish or neutral? 6. Is it a good time to add more (if I scaled in initially), or should I take some profit off the table? 7. If scaling out, how much and at what levels? 8. Is the price action conducive to my original stop/target? 9. Is control between buyers and selling shifting? 10. Given the above, does it make sense to stay in the trade or exit at break-even, before stop, or before target? I know that is a lot to process in a short amount of time, but those thoughts go through my head before and during a trade. For others, it may be much simpler or even more complex. Best of luck.
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