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  1. 1 point
  2. 1 point
    As Pit-Man says, you have to configure the stream deck - all that really means is you enter your scripts in DAS as usual with the hotkey associated, then insert the same hotkey into the stream deck button you want to use for that action. It is super simple. You can make your own button pictures and everything - Pit-Man's got a picture of himself I see. There's a handy thread already on the forum - a few people have already done great work designing and building buttons (Kyle29 etc): Check it out through the link below. I use the medium stream deck and have configured 4 menus. Top menu to launch software and websites, a Long menu, a Short menu and a chart menu.
  3. 1 point
    You need to set up the desired hotkeys but it is not difficult at all! Below is a link to Aiman's most used scripts for hotkeys, have a look! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zLMOpPymZfydidPuu_e0HXjvMjHCUbUoaWgVWab5DO8/edit
  4. 1 point
    Hi BBT, Some of you were curious about my workout routine during the SF meetup a month ago, so I thought I would share. How healthy your life outside trading will inventively affect life in the trading room. At the very least, discipline, structure, pain, and patience can transfer back and forth. I work out for 2 hours every other day, unless my day job grinds me to take an extra day off. I did not list abdominals, as I simply do a variety of hanging sit-ups, windshield wipers, and leg raises a few times a week. Also listed are my supplements (I buy raw supplements off Amazon and mix, it's cheaper and healthier to make your own).
  5. 1 point
    This is a great question. I had the same experience of doing well early and then having more problems later. I am a very curious person and I am a trier. Once I know something can be done I will never give up. This sounds great for trading right? It is, but also it means that I just keep trying things when I should give up and focus on one thing! So I tried opening range brakes, I tried reversals, I tried momentum trading, I tried trend trading, I tried scalping, I tried it all! I tried going live after 6 months in the simulator and it was a total disaster. I reacted emotionally after a big loss and tried to make all my money back on the next trade and lost twice as much. So I went back into the simulator and then I tried going live again a few months later and it was better but still not good. Then I mostly traded in the sim and sometimes when things were going well I did some live trades but I knew that I wasn't there yet. I finally got to the point where I had come full circle. I had tried all the different things I was going to try and I was starting to look back at what had worked best for me and came up with what I really wanted to stick to. For me it was a matter of keeping things very simple and doing very few trades. I decided to do one five-minute ORB. No trading in the first 5 minutes! Had to wait for that first 5-minute candle that close and then look for an entry. Then I would do one VWAP break, usually after 9:45 or so, and only enter on volume. I would not do any trading after 10 am. Working this plan really helped me in a few ways. First, if I had a down day it would be a small down day. Things can only go so badly when you just do two trades. Also, this kept the fees down. So once I could do that consistently and I was getting decent results and, most importantly, it just felt like a normal thing everyday, I went live again and have been live since then. That point of going live was after a year and a half of trading the open before my job of running my small business every day so it took a while! I track my 10 and 20 day averages, focusing on R multiples not money, increasing my risk when my 20 day average is above .5R and now sometimes do another one or two trades and sometimes trade a bit after 10am. So anyway, finally deciding on two simple trades to focus on was what did it for me. And doing just one ORB and then waiting for a volume entry on the 2 min. chart for a VWAP break kept me from making entries based on reactions instead of rules.
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